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Are You Ready for

The Face-to-Face seminar

Instructional Design Document (IDD)

Kiyoung Sohn

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Table of Contents
Introduction/Executive Summary.......................................................................................4
Problem/Need Background............................................................................................4
Goals and Objectives.....................................................................................................4
Ethics/Diversity Issues...................................................................................................4
Time line and Costs (RID)..............................................................................................5
Needs Analysis..................................................................................................................6
Learner/Target Audience Analysis.....................................................................................8
Learner Profile................................................................................................................8
Work Analysis..................................................................................................................12
Identified content for this instruction:........................................................................12
Identified tasks and sub-tasks:.................................................................................12
Prior Knowledge and Skills.......................................................................................13
Goals & Objectives..........................................................................................................14

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Design, Development & Implementation.........................................................................16
Lesson Plan..............................................................................................................16
Anticipated constraints and challenges....................................................................16
Treatment/ delivery mode.........................................................................................16
Learning theories/ Instructional strategies...............................................................17
The PowerPoint Script:.............................................................................................19
Project Timeline/Budget...........................................................................................24
Summative Assessment:..............................................................................................25
Formative Evaluation:...................................................................................................25
Appendix A.......................................................................................................................26
Needs Assessment Survey for Getting ready for the F2F MIST Session....................26
Appendix B.......................................................................................................................28
Learner Analysis Survey for Getting ready for the F2F MIST Session........................28
Appendix C...................................................................................................................29
Sample Summative Assessment Tool..........................................................................29
Appendix D......................................................................................................................31
Sample of Formative Evaluation Tool ..........................................................................31

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Introduction/Executive Summary
Problem/Need Background
As the MIST program is an accelerated program, predominantly done online, it is
important for students to be ready for the first face-to-face (F2F) seminar. There has
been an identified need for students to be better prepared for the first F2F MIST
session, in order to be prepared for this fast paced program. Through the student
survey on the F2F seminar, some students expressed that they were not satisfied with
the seminar. This was due to unclear guidance regarding necessary technologies
students should bring to the seminar and incomplete MIST organizational procedures
for student access to programs. In addition, the students varied levels of knowledge
and skills about such technologies, reduced the efficiency of the seminar instruction,
due to time spent bringing everyone up to the same level.

Goals and Objectives

The purpose of this instruction is to better prepare students for the F2F session, so that
the learners will make the most out of the F2F session.

The learners who would be affected most by this instruction are new incoming students
in the MIST program at CSUMB. The access to this targeted audience to gather
information might be limited during learner analysis, since the prospective student group
for the new program may have not formed yet. Alternatively, learner analysis can be
conducted on current students enrolled in the first semester at MIST program in attempt
to design instruction that would fit the targeted audience.

Available resources include current MIST V students, MIST instructors, and possibly
previous MIST students. Previous survey results on the F2F seminar are available for
reference on iLearn. Also, software and computer tools are available, including
Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet, and online communication tools, such
as Skype, iLearn, and email.

Ethics/Diversity Issues
An important cross-cultural issue to consider is that the MIST students come
from diverse cultural backgrounds. The different learning environments that
students are familiar with is another cultural issue. This cultural aspect may
affect the learners role and expectations when coming to the F2F meeting
where they will be required to work in a group setting.

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Time line and Costs

The delivery date of the final instructional design document is July 28, 2009.
The beta-testing of the instruction will be delivered on August 29, 2009.
Cost for this project will be $4920

Power Point Slides

$30 x 14


Instructional Designer

$100/hour x 40



$100/minute x 5


Total =


Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Needs Analysis
Problem or Need:
From the needs analysis survey, personal experience, and communication with MIST
faculty and students, there was identified need for instruction before the F2Fseminar to
make the session more productive for the students. The survey results suggested that
students were not satisfied with the F2F seminar and expressed frustration with
technical difficulty of the session. It was found that identified problems with the F2F
seminar exist in a few areas; administrative and technical issues, and the information of
the seminar content.
Current Performance Levels:
The survey result indicated that, although a lot of information regarding prerequisites for
the F2F seminar was provided via email, learners did not seem to have acquired
necessary information before coming to the seminar. Not having enough background
knowledge about topics and technology covered during the seminar, some students
found it hard to follow the seminar session. Also, students were not satisfied with the
amount of technical support provided during the session.
Desired Performance Outcomes:
Students should be able to come prepared to the F2F seminar with basic knowledge on
the topics to be covered, so that they would not be overwhelmed with new information.
Also, students should be able to focus on the seminar sessions without technical
Possible Causes of the Problem or Need
Incomplete course registration and account set-up and not enough understanding of the
topics covered during seminar are attributed to be the causes of the unsatisfying
outcomes. Lack of knowledge on course registration requirement may be caused by not
effective communication media. More structured and detailed information about the F2F
seminar session will improve this problem. For the technical aspect, having to deal with
the account set-up and access to iLearn created some frustration during the seminar
program. However, the MIST program is responsible for technical support and thus, this
instruction will not address the issue other than learners part, which is brining a
wireless functional personal computer.
Proposed Appropriate Interventions & Why intervention addresses the need:

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Students should feel prepared for the seminar knowing what to expect in terms of
program contents and coverage. The performance gap would be closed by advance
information about the seminar topics and technical support. With the completed course
registration and account set-up on iLearn, students should be able to focus on the
activities during the seminar program. Also, there was expressed need for more detailed
introduction about what will be covered during the seminar. More detailed information
about the topics covered during the seminar would help prepare students to come with
necessary skills and attitude for the seminar. Therefore, a proposed solution is to
provide a more structured guide of information, such as registration requirements and
more detailed information of topics covered during the seminar sessions, in order to
ensure the learners success of the F2F seminar.
Methods/Protocols of Data Collection:
The primary target audience for this instruction is incoming MIST students. For this
need analysis, having in mind the limited access to the prospective student population,
current MIST students and MIST faculty were the participants. For the online survey
conducted with the help of the course instructor, MIST faculty and focus group were
given the survey. Due to short timeframe, only one faculty and two MIST V students out
of selected group of five responded. Additionally, personal observation and
communication with the faculty and peers were taken into consideration.
The primary data collection method was the online survey questionnaires. The sampling
method was convenience/judgmental procedure due to the limited access to the target
population. Descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the findings of the survey
since the results were open-ended responses.

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Learner/Target Audience Analysis

The optimum learners of this instruction would be incoming students to the MIST
program at CSUMB. Current MIST V students, who experienced the first F2F session
and felt the need for pre-F2F instruction, are alternative target audience for this
instruction. Descriptive profile type was used. In an attempt to make the assessment
free of bias and stereotyping, and to address any ethical and cross-cultural concerns,
the questionnaires were carefully developed so that the questions are strictly related to
relevant learner characteristics. Also, the survey was answered anonymously.

Learner Profile
MIST students are all adults whose ages range from twenties to fifties. The learners
have undergraduate degrees or equivalent and are admitted to the accelerated masters
program, which is predominantly done online. The learners all have experience using
technology and are comfortable using computer tools and software to varied degrees.
The target audience is a group of multicultural individuals, some of whom are from
different countries other than the United States, and have different first languages. Most
of the learners are local to the Monterey County and are full time workers. Some are
part-time workers and a stay-home moms. Many of them are teachers in different
settings including K-12, and higher education including a military language institution.
Some learners work for the city and companies. Most of them have previous experience
of attending a face-to-face seminar.

Learner Characteristics
Prerequisite knowledge for this instruction is learners basic knowledge of computer
tools and software including Microsoft PowerPoint and Word, Web-based instruction.
Learners should have an audio functioning computer with Microsoft PowerPoint and
Word programs installed with Internet access. Learners should have means to visit the
CSUMB campus to register. Learners also should have English comprehension skills to
follow the instruction and transfer their learning. Learners are motivated to start the
intensive program and spend some time to get better prepared for the first face-to-face

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Work Setting (Environmental) Analysis

Relevant Work Setting Characteristics
MIST programs mission, goals, plans, philosophy, and perceived values of the program
need to be considered for the instruction to be successful. The success of learners in
the F2F seminar appears to be in line with the organizations vision of providing high
quality education. It appears to be important to make the first F2F seminar successful to
start the fast-paced online MIST program. A specific characteristic to this instruction is
that this instruction will be the first one the incoming students will experience in the
MIST program. This nature of the instruction may impact the learners involvement and

Important characteristics of the development environment that may affect how the
designer would proceed with the instructional design include the result of the needs
assessment. The findings from the needs analysis confirmed the need of more
structured, clear guidance before the F2F seminar. To achieve the organizational
mission to provide high quality education, getting ready for the seminar properly will
make the F2F seminar successful for the students and ultimately can pave the way to
provide high quality education to the students.
Since the program environment is online for the most part and the communication is
done online, there may be some time delay in acquiring feedback as opposed to on-thespot, face-to-face contact. Such delay in gathering feedback information may impact the
development stage of instruction. Also, the limited amount of data collected from the
needs analysis may be a critical issue in representing the need for the entire target
population. Time and knowledge of software and hardware available for developing
instruction of the designer may limit the maximum effect of the project.
MIST V students, and instructors are resources that the designer can refer to for their
expertise in developing web-based instruction. Information and knowledge about the
tools and software are available on iLearn and other online resources.

Kiyoung Sohn:

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


One of the characteristics of the delivery environment that the designer would want to
assess in determining the best method of access is learner involvement. Since the
method of the instruction is web-based PowerPoint instruction, the instruction should
mainly rely on online methods. Thus, how willingly the participants involve themselves in
online activities would impact how the designer would deliver the computer-based
instruction. Another characteristic which needs to be considered is instructor support.
How much the instructors will support the learners during instruction of the pre-F2F
session needs to be determined. Instructor support outside the main instruction will also
be provided with regards to additional questions and problems which may occur during
the transfer of the learning. For example, additional help may be available in completing
the course registration. How much time the learners are willing to spend would be
another issue to consider in the delivery of instruction since the instruction will be
delivered prior to the official start of the MIST program. Also, innovation is another
concern because some learners may not be familiar with online instruction and feel
It was decided that the instruction length will be three to five minutes and this time
constraint may impact the efficiency of the delivery environment. Learners familiarity
with delivery media, narrated Microsoft PowerPoint, may limit the maximum effect of the
delivery of this instruction.
MIST V students, and instructors are resources that the designer can refer to for their
expertise regarding the delivery of the instruction. The organization support in delivering
the instruction is available through web-based community, MySpace account.

The characteristics of the application environment that may impact the use of this
instruction by learners include learners involvement and motivation. The degree that
learners willing to participate and commit to the F2F session and make the most out of
the seminar would affect the application of the instruction. Other characteristics to
consider include personal problems that may hinder the application of learning. Work

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


problems may come into play when the physical and psychological fatigue resulting
from heavy work load and issues to deal with at their respective work sites.
Another question to ask would be whether instructors and the program managers
support exist for the continuous F2F seminar. This supervisor support will impact on the
learners transfer of the instruction. If so, the need for making the F2F session more
successful will be recognized by the target audience, MIST program students.
There is no set time to view the instruction and transfer learning into practice because
the learners can participate in the instruction at their convenient time. Overwork of
learners personal life and work life may be carried into the application stage of the
instruction. Resources available for carrying out the learning may be in the way of the
application. For learners who may not live in the vicinity of the campus, San Jose, for
example, arranging time and a vehicle to visit the campus may be more challenging
than others. Also, the reduced summer business hour of the campus offices may be an
obstacle for full time workers who would find it hard to come to the campus for
As for course registration task, the campus registration office is available for additional
help in the application stage.

A cultural issue that may affect this instruction includes individual learning style.
Interactive online instruction may not be common practice among some cultures other
than the United States and some learners may have more difficulty than others.
Methods of Gathering Data
For the purpose of investigating the characteristics of the work setting, the designer
communicated with MIST student and made an observation on the learner population
and the organizations culture.

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Work Analysis
The purpose of the work analysis is to describe identified tasks or content that need to
be taught in the instruction. For this purpose, content analysis was used to determine
the content and the tasks and listed in the order of importance.
Identified content for this instruction:
The administrative requirements for course registration prior to the F2F seminar

Detailed information about topics and activities that will be covered during the
F2F seminar

Identified tasks and sub-tasks:

1. The course registration procedure:

List the steps of the course registration procedure in the correct order.

Identify the required information and materials needed for each step of the

Follow the provided link in the instruction to locate the course registration forms
and save them for a later use.

Identify required information to fill out the registration form

Fill out the registration forms with appropriate information such as personal and
course information

2. Information of the F2F seminar schedule and topics

Follow the provided link in the instruction to locate the F2F seminar information
such as the schedule and the description of sessions and save the contents for a
later use.

Identify the information of what will be covered during the F2F seminar sessions

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Get the personal computer ready for the F2F seminar:

Prior Knowledge and Skills

Relevant learner knowledge and skills that will influence the depth and the level of the
tasks identified include basic knowledge and skills using computer tools and software.
The results of technology survey of current MIST students showed that their skills in
using MS word is either advanced or intermediate level. Many students were
knowledgeable in adding sounds using PowerPoint according to the survey. It is
assumed that typical MIST learners are able to follow a web-based instruction with
narration and to open up linked objects and to email the instructor as well as utilizing
Microsoft Software such as MS-Word and PowerPoint.

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Goals & Objectives

The goal of this instruction is to provide instruction to better prepare students for the
F2F MIST session, so that the learners will make the most out of the F2F session to
start with the MIST program.

The course

Given randomly listed steps to
take for the course registration,
the learner will be able to
rearrange the steps in the correct
order to proceed.

Cognitive/ comprehension or

Given a list of materials that are

related to the course, the learner
will be able to select the required
information and materials needed
for the course registration

Cognitive/ application

Given a link to the registration

forms, the learner will be able to
locate and save the forms on their
computer for later use with 100%

Cognitive or psychomotor/

Given a list of information related

to MIST, the learner will be able to
identify required information to fill
out the registration form
Given a blank registration form,
the learner will be able to fill out
the form with appropriate
information with 100% accuracy.
Kiyoung Sohn:

Learning domain/level

Given a link to the schedule and

Cognitive/ comprehension

Psychomotor/ application

Cognitive, or

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?

information of the
F2F seminar
schedule and

the description of the F2F seminar

agenda, the learners will be able
to locate and save the contents on
their computer for later use with
100% success..
Given a list of topics related to
MIST, the learners will be able to
select topics that will be covered
during the F2F seminar

Kiyoung Sohn:


or application?

Cognitive/ comprehension, or
knowledge, application?


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Design, Development & Implementation

Lesson Plan
The MIST program managers/faculty have identified that the face-to-face MIST seminar
has not met the participants expectations and they decided that there is a need for
instructional guidance for the participants to be better prepared for the face-to-face
session. This is an online instruction which will be delivered to incoming students prior
to the face-to-face seminar so the students are ready to start the MIST program.
After watching the narrated PowerPoint instruction, the learners should be able to
acquire detailed information in regards to administrative and technical issues such as
course registration procedure, Otter ID for iLearn login, and should be able to complete
necessary steps to obtain them prior to the face-to-face session.
The target audience for this narrated PowerPoint instruction is incoming students who
are admitted to MIST program at CSUMB. The MIST program is an accelerated
graduate program that offers online courses to the students so that they are
professionally equipped with emerging technologies and knowledge in education and
training fields.
Anticipated constraints and challenges
Time constraints between the delivery of the instruction and the actual face-to-face
seminar may have an influence on learners success. Having this time limit in mind, it
would be important for the program manager/faculty to make sure that the instruction
can be delivered at the earliest possible time after deciding the admission of incoming
students. The required time limit for delivery of instruction (three to five minutes) can be
a challenge on the designer side in designing comprehensive instruction to deliver the
identified needs. The learners may have to spend extra time in completing the tasks,
such as downloading learning objects and filling out forms, other than the actual delivery
time. Lastly, although it is assumed that all the learners are familiar with PowerPoint
presentations, they may encounter a technical difficulty following the narrated instruction
with unknown reasons.
Treatment/ delivery mode
The treatment of the instruction will be based on PowerPoint slides with narration, which
will include text, visual graphics and links directed to learning objects. Since the
instruction will be provided prior to the first official meeting, which is the face-to-face
Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


MIST seminar, the instruction will be delivered online to reach dispersed learners
The narrated PowerPoint instruction will last 3 to 5 minutes in length.
It is expected that the learners are comfortable using the PowerPoint software. Also, the
learners are capable of using web-based instruction, of getting to the linked objects.
Learning theories/ Instructional strategies
In designing the instruction both cognitive and behavioral learning theories were
considered. Schemata theory was considered in designing the instruction by activating
learners previous experience of any face-to-face seminars, so that they can relate their
personal experience to the instruction and be contextualized with the topic. In an
attempt to bring about the desired behavioral changes in their readiness for the seminar,
some tasks required behavioral responses. For example, to make sure the learning
occurred, the learner will be asked to complete the form with appropriate information. To
address the advantage of behavioral aspect of learning and promote learner
involvement the materials will be provided in a way that encourages the learners to
actively engage in the instruction as they move along the slides, rather than viewing the
instruction passively. The learners will be asked to respond to the questions posed
during the instruction by pointing or clicking action buttons with the mouse and follow
the links to locate necessary materials to complete the tasks. Background music with no
words will be linked with the slides and narration in an attempt to provide a pleasant
setting for the learning environment. Also, in an attempt to tap into different learning
styles, visual images and graphics will be embedded for visual learners.
The title of this instruction is: Are You Ready for the F2F MIST Seminar?
Prerequisites for this instruction include knowledge and skills using and having access
to software and computer tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and a
computer equipped with recording capacity including a microphone. Visual aids that are
related to MIST program, registration, different software and tools that MIST requires
will be used to enhance the presentation. Internet access is necessary in producing this
instruction. The course registration form and the face-to-face seminar schedules and its
short description will be required to provide the links in the instruction. There will be no
additional personnel needed for the instruction other than the designer.

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


A simple quiz section will be embedded after the first part of the instruction to check the
learners comprehension. Also, the learners will be asked to download objects and fill
out the obtained registration form that they will need in applying the learning, which is
visiting the campus to register. After the second part of the instruction, another quiz will
be added to check the viewers descriptive knowledge on the content of this instruction.
Depending on the learners progress or success, instructor support can be provided

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


The PowerPoint Script:

Note: The font size for titles is 36 and, for non-titles, 20. The background color and the
text color, light green and blue, will be consistent throughout the presentation.


1. Opening graphics Title: Are

You Ready (a short pause) for the
F2F MIST seminar?

Background music

Length: 5 seconds
2. Text Congratulations!

Sound applaud (claps cheers)

your admission to MIST!
Length: 6 seconds
3. Graphics of seminar meetings
Text title - The Face-to-Face (F2F)
MIST Seminar
A big question mark
Length: 15 seconds

MIST program will kick off with the Face-toFace MIST Seminar next weekend to welcome
new MIST cohort.
Here are some questions that I want you to
think about..
Have you attended any face-to-face seminars
If so, what was the face-to-face seminar like?
Based on your experience, what do you think
you will need to bring to the F2F seminar?

4. Text Now do you think you

are ready for the F2F Seminar?

Click the action button either yes or no.

Two action buttons: Yes, No

Length: 8 seconds
5. Text Yes! Almost but not
quite yet!

Sound applaud (claps cheers)

There are a few things to take

care of before coming to campus

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


for the F2F session.

Length: 6 seconds
6. Text No Almost but not
quite yet!

Sound ding

There are a few things to take

care of before coming to campus
for the F2F session.
Length: 6 seconds
7. Text - Ok now, how can you be

There are three administrative requirements

before you will be able to do anything at MIST.

Graphics and bullet points of

registration, Otter ID, iLearn

Let me walk you through the necessary steps

to complete these requirements.

Length: 15 seconds
8. Text Part I. Registration.
What will you need?

The first thing that needs to be done. Click the

form to download the registration forms. Once

1) Registration forms filled out

with your information and Dr.
Sus signature

you download the forms, read the direction on

Graphics of forms, enlarged top

part of the form where the
directions are written, with linked
to the files,

need your student ID number that you have

the top of the page and fill out the form. You will

received upon admission from MIST either by

email or mail. For the two additional Summer

2) Cash or Check for fee

courses, you will need to get Dr. Sus signature

Graphics of cash and check

on the second form.

Next, you will need to pay. The registration office
accepts only cash and check.

Length: 25 seconds
9. Graphics of the registration
office, CSUMB gate

Kiyoung Sohn:

Now if you filled out all the information and have

either check or cash ready for your tuition and

IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


campus fee, you need to bring them to the

registration office at CSUMB. Click the
registration office to get the map and the

Text - Campus Service Center at

582-5100, option 3.

For further assistance with registration, you can

contact the Campus Service Center.

Length: 12 seconds
10. Graphics of CSUMB Otter
Logo, iLearn
Text FYI, 24 hours Otter ID

It will take at least 24 hours for the registration

process to be completed in order for your
account to be activated in the system. Then the
IT team will issue your Otter ID. With your Otter

Length: 10 seconds

ID, you will be able to access iLearn, the online

module where all MIST courses are
administered, including the F2F seminar.

11. Graphic of STOP sign

Text Progress Check!
A Pop Quiz!
1. Below are the steps that you
need to take to register for
MIST. Please rearrange the
order in a correct way and put
the numbers in the white blank

Now stop here and lets check if you were

paying attention.

Answer to the questions to best of your

knowledge based on what you just learned from
this instruction Part 1. you will have about 20
seconds to complete the quiz. Ready? Go!

1) Visit the registration office with

the forms before 5pm from
Monday to Friday.
2) Fill out the registration forms
with your personal information
Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


and the course information.

3) Download the registration
4) Bring the filled forms to get Dr.
Sus signature.

2. Choose and put your mouse

over one item that is not
required for the course
registration procedure.
1) cash 2) registration forms 3)
credit card

3. Choose and put your mouse

over one item that is not
required to fill out the
registration forms.
1) Student ID number 2) Course
number 3) Drivers license number

Thank you!
You have completed Part I of
the pre-F2F session instruction!

Length: 28 seconds
12. Text Part II. The F2F
What will be happening there?
Link: schedule

Ok, now assuming that you have all the gear to

bring to the F2F seminar, now what do you
expect to happen in the F2F meeting?
Shall we have a peak what is going to happen

Length: 20 seconds

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Click the schedule to download and find out

what kind of topics will be discussed activities
you will be doing during the seminar.
13. Text check!
Another Pop Quiz!
1. Below are the topics related to
MIST, please select one topic
that will be covered during the
F2F seminar.

What have you noticed from the schedule? What

kind of topics you are expected to do?
Please choose one answer for the question and
place the mouse over on your answer.

1) Introduction of the MIST faculty

2) Presentation of previous MIST
3) All of above.

Length: 10 seconds
16. Text Answer?
Graphics of team activities

Did your answer include a word, groupwork?

Then youre right on topic. If not, its okay. You
just need to come ready to get to know people,

Length: 15 seconds
14. Text now, are you ready
for the F2F seminar?

your team members.

Ending music

Hope you are!

Thank you for viewing this
Length: 5 seconds

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


The sources for content was obtained from needs analysis and the MIST program
faculty and administrative staff as well as the registration office. The sources for graphic
images are from the Internet.
Project Timeline/Budget
The delivery date of the final instructional design document is July 28, 2009.
The beta-testing of the instruction will be delivered on August 29, 2009.
Cost for this project will be $ 4920

Power Point Slides

$30 x 14


Instructional Designer

$100/hour x 40



$100/minute x 5


Total =


Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Summative Assessment:
An embedded quiz at the end of the Part 1 of the instruction will be provided for the
learners to take because quizzes are easy and a quick way to assess the learners
descriptive knowledge on the content. The learners will also be asked to complete the
task by registering and report the status to the instructor. This is to make sure the
learning has occurred and transferred to the actual real-world setting. For Part II of the
instruction, a short quiz to check the comprehension will be provided at the end of the
instruction. To consider any ethical issues, the questions will be directed solely to the
content of the instruction. The results of both quizzes and the progress report will be
analyzed to evaluate the desired learning outcomes.

Formative Evaluation:
In order to evaluate the developed instruction, the beta-run of the instruction will be
conducted to MIST faculty and students on August 29, 2009 during the face-to-face
meeting before implementing the instruction. The delivery of the pilot testing will be
done on MySpace, where all the participants for the beta-run would have access to. The
feedback and comments will be collected from the survey questionnaires by MIST
faculty and students, who will decide whether the instruction would solve the identified
problems, and how effective and efficient the instruction will be in so doing. The
feedback and comments provided by the pilot-test audience will be considered to
improve any shortcomings discovered.

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Appendix A
Needs Assessment Survey for Getting ready for the F2F MIST Session
MIST Student
As a MIST student, you participated in the F2F MIST session in the beginning of the
program. Please take this survey to help me best design instruction prior to the F2F
session so that the next F2F session may be a more desirable experience.

1. The information about the F2F seminar was delivered via email. Would there be
a more efficient way to deliver the information, other than email? If so, how?
2. Was the information given prior to the seminar sufficient?
2.1. If, yes:
What information from the notification was most useful for you to be
prepared for the seminar?

2.2. If no:
What other information should have been included?

3. What topic would have been useful to know prior to the F2F session?
4. In order to make the most of the F2F seminar, what are necessary technical
support and equipment required on the student side? List up to three.
5. As a participant in the F2F seminar, what other information, if any, (not
mentioned above) do you think may have made the F2F session more

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Needs Assessment Survey for Getting ready for the F2F MIST Session
MIST Faculty
As MIST faculty, you have organized and conducted the F2F MIST session at the
beginning of the program. Please take this survey to help me best design instruction
prior to the F2F session so that the next F2F session may be more desirable
1. The information about the F2F seminar was delivered via email. Would there be
a more efficient way to deliver the information, other than email? If so, how?
2. As an organizer of the F2F session, do you think the information provided was
2.2. If, yes:
What information from the notification was most useful for you to be
prepared for the seminar?

2.3. If no:
What other information should have been included?

3. In order to make the most of the F2F seminar, what are necessary support and
equipment that need to be available from the program/ faculty side? List up to
4. As a designer of the F2F seminar, what other information, if any, (not mentioned
above) do you think may have made the F2F session more successful?

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Appendix B
Learner Analysis Survey for Getting ready for the F2F MIST Session
Please answer anonymously to the following questions to better understand the typical
learner for the pre-face-to-face MIST Seminar.
1. Previously learned skills and knowledge How comfortable and knowledgeable are
you in using computer software and technology?
2. Experience Have you attended a face-to-face training course and online course
before? Are you familiar with a weekend face-to-face seminar?
3. Attitude How do you feel toward the face-to-to seminar?
4. Expectations What are your expectations coming to the first F2F MIST seminar?
5. Motivation How much are you interested in making the most out of the F2F
seminar? Are you willing to invest extra time and work for the success in MIST
program? How driven are you to succeed?
6. Life-cycle and career stages What point in the life and work stages are you? Would
it affect your participation in the instruction?

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Appendix C
Sample Summative Assessment Tool
Directions for the instructor: This will be embedded in the PowerPoint Presentation.
Part I.
1. Below are the steps that you need to take to register for MIST. Please
rearrange the order in a correct way and put the numbers in the white blank box.
1) Visit the registration office with the forms before 5pm from Monday to Friday.
2) Fill out the registration forms with your personal information and the course
3) Download the registration forms.
4) Bring the filled forms to get Dr. Sus signature.

2. Choose and put your mouse over one item that is not required for the
course registration procedure.
1) cash 2) registration forms 3) credit card

3. Choose and put your mouse over one item that is not required to fill out
the registration forms.
1) Student ID number 2) Course number 3) Drivers license number
Thank you!
You have completed Part I of the pre-F2F session instruction!
Part II. Directions for the instructor: This will be followed at the end of the presentation,
Below are the topics related to MIST, please select one topic that will be covered during
the F2F seminar.
1) Introduction of the MIST faculty
2) Presentation of previous MIST cohort
3) All of the above.

Kiyoung Sohn:


IDD: Are You Ready for the F2F Seminar?


Appendix D
Sample of Formative Evaluation Tool
Evaluation Survey: Are You Ready for the Face-to-Face Seminar?
Please complete the survey below to best of your knowledge about the pilot-test of the
instruction on Are You Ready for the Face-to-Face Instruction? to help us improve the
instructions in any area.
1. Please rate the following with regard to the instruction.
strongly disagree (1): disagree (2): agree (3): strongly agree (4)
a. The instruction was easy to follow.

b. The instruction content coverage was appropriate.

c. The instruction materials were presented effectively.

d. The instruction materials were free of spelling o grammatical errors.

e. The instruction addressed the identified needs by providing appropriate measures to

improve the desired performance.

2. For the items that you answered disagree (2) or strongly disagree (1), please provide
any comment why you feel that way and how we can make it better.

3. Any other comment:

Kiyoung Sohn:


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