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Peter Kingston

Humanities 1100
7:00-8:00 M W
Critical Journal 16
Atheist Credo

The Author of this sad definition of Atheism is the United States Supreme Court Case.
Murray V. Curlett. This Credo was written by the Supreme Court after an Atheist woman named
Madalyn Murray who complained to the courts that her son should not have to participate in
mandatory school prayers. Because of this complaint, the rights of every good Christian has been
abolished and removed unconstitutionally.
The title of this piece is Atheist Credo. This is a written and mostly false statement
about the meaning of Atheist religion. This was announced by the United States Supreme Court
in a case that was ruled 8 to 1. The motive behind this writing is to somehow make atheism look
decent when its nothing but a nice way to say they are selfish and only live for themselves.
The History of this Murray V. Curlett is the story of the abolishment of the founding
fathers ideas and beliefs in the school system. Having school in prayers have been mandatory
and expected by the founding fathers themselves. How could our government get to the point
where they completely could disregard the founders of this nation and their ways? If the
founding fathers wanted prayer in the schools then it should be a requirement today.
Its a sad shame that the woman who illegalized prayer was brutally murdered and
tortured along with her son Jon, a woman named OHair, and her granddaughter Robin by a
fellow atheist employee. Her son William J. Murray became a Christian in 1980. Learning of
this, she commented: "One could call this a postnatal abortion on the part of a mother, I guess; I
repudiate him entirely and completely for now and all times ... he is beyond human forgiveness."
This came from his mother, Madelyn Murray who was condemning the freedom of her sons
religious practice.
The intended Audience of this piece is for anyone who can be fooled by a few nice words
and a set of smoke and mirrors to blind us from the truth about atheism. Its nothing but wrong
and always will be.
The Conclusion of this selfish religion is that a person need not serve the one who made
them but to serve themselves. Apparently an atheist believes that the meaning of life is to use the
resources and the creations of God and to live life using those resources and to credit no-one but
themselves. A deed instead of a prayer is garbage. I, as a Christian, believe that all Christians
must have their prayers and their good deeds. I also was concerned about the part where the
Credo says, An atheist believes that heaven is something for which we should work now, here
on earth for all men together to enjoy. That sounds awfully familiar to the popular verse in
Matthew 6:10, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Ive never
met an Atheist who wasnt afraid to make mistakes either. They believe that you should live for
the moment and instantly gratify yourselves in order to be happy. A Christian believes and knows

Peter Kingston
Humanities 1100
7:00-8:00 M W

from the guidance of the Holy Ghost that there are always consequences for what we do. We may
not pay for them on earth but we will always have to pay for it in heaven.
Its crazy that its actually illegal to openly announce the name of the Savior Jesus Christ
in a public arena. The teachings of Christ are the only teachings that can set a persons heart free.
Every person has a God-Shaped hole and we must openly honor and embrace this Idea. The
progress that an atheist makes is like the progress of a small cell, but the progress that a Christian
can make if he follows the plan that the Lord has for them is like placing that cell onto a human
body and that bodys limit is their progress. True happiness and fulfillment comes not from the
things we want to do, but the things we ought to do.

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