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College of Southern Idaho

Physical Education Program

Lesson Activity Rubric
Student: ___ Corless, Dylan ___

ID # __________________

Course: PHYE 135

Semester __Fall_

NASPE Standard 1:

Section: 01

Year: _2015

Instructor: __Jonathan__

A physically educated person demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed
perform a variety of physical activities



Indicator Not Met

(0 points)

Indicator Acceptable
(2.5 points)

Indicator At Targe
(5 points)

Achievement Targets/Goals/Objective

The lesson does not include

goals or objectives or does not
meet the lessons intent.

The lesson displays an

acceptable goal and
objective that meet the
lessons intent.

The lesson demonstrate

strong achievement tar
and objectives that mee
lessons intent.

Special Planning/Preparation

The lesson gives no

consideration to location,
equipment needed, safety
concerns, etc.

The lesson gives adequate

consideration to location,
safety concerns, etc.

The lesson demonstrate

thoughtful consideratio
its location and include
appropriate safety

Introductory Activity

The lesson displays no

evidence of an introductory

The lesson displays an

adequate introductory
activity. The introductory
activity displays adequate
adaptations/modifications for
students diverse needs.

The lesson displays a w

organized introductory
activity and includes w
planned adaptations/
modifications for stude
diverse needs.


The lesson displays no

The warm-up activity is
evidence of a warm-up activity. organized and includes
adequate adaptations/
modifications for students
diverse needs.

The warm-up activity i

well-organized; instruc
are clearly articulated;
warm-up provides well
for students diverse ne


Instructions are unclear and


Instructions are adequately


Instructions are clear a

concise; instructions
include examples, key
words, cues, etc., to ke
students on task and to
perform the targeted sk


The lesson does not include

motor skill development or
movement patterns.

The activity includes

adequate skill development
and adequate movement
patterns to perform the
targeted activity.

The activity includes

excellent skill developm
and movement patterns
achieve the targeted

Ending Activity

The lesson does not display an

ending activity or the ending
activity is not appropriate for
the targeted skill.

The ending activity is

appropriate for the targeted

The ending activity cle

develops the targeted s
and provides well-plan
for students diverse ne

Closure/Cool down

The lesson does not include a

cool down or the cool down
does not give closure to the

The cool down is adequate

for the lesson and gives the
lesson a sense of closure.

The lesson provides a

thorough cool down. T
targeted skill is review
and students are praise

Lesson Plan Format

The lesson plan does not

follow the format as indicated
in the assignments
instructions, or it contains
major errors in format.

The lesson format contains

minor errors in headings,
sub-headings, font size,
columns, page set-up, or

The lesson plan is well

designed in its format.
lesson identifies the
NASPE standard, lists
the components, uses 1
font, uses landscape fo
has four columns, head
are in bold, and subheadings are underline


No references listed.

References listed, but listed

incorrectly or missing

Lists all references use

and with correct citatio

Achievement Targets/Goals/Objective

Special Planning/Preparation

Introductory Activity



(1 pt each)

Strong achievement targets

Objectives meet lessons intent
Which Standard(s)?

Score (5 pts possible for each



Ending Activity

Closure/Cool Down

Lesson Plan Format


NASPE Standards

TOTAL SCORE: __46__/50

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