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Unit 30 Digital Graphics
D1 Evaluate the impact of evolving
output mediums on the design and
creation of graphic images

By Dom Gorka


In this assignment I will be researching developments in hardware and

software and evaluating the impact of these on the design and creation of
digital graphics. Some of the example that I will be researching will be
monitors, tablets and printers and how they evolved over the years and
impact on how graphics are designed nowadays.
Output Mediums

An output medium is a device that outputs information such as a

computer screen which outputs graphics on the screen. Output mediums
have heavily changed over the past few decades for the good of people as
they are much easier to use now and more affordable. Other types of
output mediums would include mobile phones, printers, tablets and more.
So an output medium is generally what is says; a medium such as a
speaker which outputs information whether it is words, sound, image etc.

Monitors have been around for quite a while now and they serve the
purpose of a being able to see what a computer is doing. They have
evolved significantly over the past few decades where we started with a
block non-HD monitor to where we have 1920x1080 HD monitors

are two examples of computer monitors; the one on the left is the CRT
monitor. These are big and heavy and use a lot of desk space and
electricity. It is the oldest technology used by monitors and is based on
the cathode ray tube technology that was developed for television. On the
other hand on the right is an 1920x1080 HD monitor, it is a LED monitor
that uses light emitting diodes for back lighting which is why the quality
on screen is so good.
Just looking at the two images we can see a huge improvement through
the years; the impact of these newer monitors is that designing graphics
on screen has become easier because some monitors can be touch screen
which means that graphics can be directly drawn on; the monitors are also

in HD which is very important as they show the graphics in the right

quality and screen resolution. This means that monitor can show graphics
of all qualities whether they are 240p, 480p or 1080p.
It is also rumoured that 4K monitors will be normal in approximately half a
decade; their resolution will be an eye watering 3840x2160 which would
deliver more realistic images for films and gaming experiences.

Tablets have actually being around for longer than you might expect; the
first tablet to ever be manufactured was actually by Microsoft back in
2000. They released an upgraded version in 2002 but the real era of
tablets started in 2010 when Apple released their first ever tablet.

On the left is the Fujitsu Windows XP Tablet which is an improved version

of the tablet released in 2000. This one was the last tablet that the world
had seen for eight years and Microsoft really didnt make the most of this
opportunity. Eight years later Apple came along and introduced their
Tablet which was an instant boom in the economy as it stormed the
market by complete surprise. They stormed the market because they had
better more innovative technology than Microsoft at the time which led to
the tablets having better more advanced software as well as hardware
and more funds also were put towards the project.

Printers as other types of hardware have also come a long way from
where they started as they have been around for more than sixty years.
The first ever printer was the line printer which printed one line at a time
which means if you needed to print twenty pages for example then the
printer would need to complete its process twenty times to print the entire
documents and it would also take a while as printers were slow back in the
day. Below are two examples of line printers; the one on the left is the
older line printer which printed only one line at a time, on the other hand
the one on the right is also a line printer but a much faster, newer and
more improved version which can print up to 2500 lines per minute which

means a lot of work being printed in a minute. The newer more improved
line printers have enabled us to design graphics on computers and then
print them at very high speeds which helped designers design better
graphics on software like 2D Design. These types of software are better
than hand drawings because if a mistake is made during the creation of
the graphic then the user can simply just erase the mistake within
seconds. Therefore better technology and printers have inspired us to
design graphics on computers since it is much easier
and can also be done
more effectively.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a

process of making three dimensional solid
objects from a digital file. The creation of a
3D printed object is achieved using additive
processes. These objects can be of almost
any shape or geometry, and are produced
from a 3D model or other electronic data
source. A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot. 3D printers have come
around thanks to better technology available for use; their main role is to
create a 3D image out of 2D so designers would be able to see what their
product would look like if it was created in 3D. These 3D printers are great
for checking out for graphics that were done in 2D would look like in 3D.

An alternate version of a printer is a plotter which was the first ever

printer that could print with colour and render graphics and full-size
engineering drawings. They are most frequently used for CAE (computeraided engineering) applications, such as CAD (computer-aided design) and
CAM (computer-aided manufacturing and are generally slightly more
expensive than normal printers as they are able to perform more functions
than an ordinary printer; however plotters are more commonly seen in
peoples households as they are more popular nowadays mainly because
they are able to print in colour which is a huge benefit for them. They can
also print vector graphics without a problem.

Brinks, J. (2011, May 25th). Wikipedia. Retrieved December 15th, 2015, from
Loveridge, S. (2013, June 12th). Trusted Reviews. Retrieved December 8th, 2015,

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