CH 24 Creative Writing Project

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Name: ____________________________________ HR: _____________________ Date: ________

Write Chapter 24 of The Giver


You have just been hired to write the next chapter of The Giver. The
publisher decided that there are a lot of people who want to know what
happens next and they want you to write it!
To write this next chapter of the story, you must make lots of choices. Just like all
authors, the choices you make have a big impact on the story you are telling. You need to
consider the choices that Lois Lowry already made in The Giver as you make your own.
As you brainstorm, think about diction, characterization, and plot carefully.

Step 1 Decide what kind of chapter you are going to write!

There are a few different formats you can use to write the next chapter. Your
options are below. You must choose one of the options or you can choose to do something
entirely different. If you choose the Other option, you must explain your plan in the
space below.
Chapter 24 will be structured:

As a Letter:
A From the Chief Elder to another Chief Elder in a different community.

letter will be written from the perspective of the Chief Elder in Jonass community
and will explain what has happened in their community since Jonas disappeared.

B From the Giver to Jonas.

This letter will be written from the Givers

perspective and explain what has happened in Jonass community since he left.

C From Jonas to the Giver.

This letter will be written from Jonass perspective

and explain to the Giver what he has seen and experienced since he left.

As a regular chapter.
D In this option, you will continue to write in third person and describe the
events that take place starting from the time Jonas reaches the bottom of the hill.

E In this option, you will continue to write in third person and describe the
events that take place in the community starting from the morning that Jonas
disappears. With this option, you can also choose who your main character would be
now that we are not following Jonas.
Your character options are (please circle one):
The Giver

Other Please describe how you plan to write Chapter 24 in the space below:

Name: ____________________________________ HR: _____________________ Date: ________

Step 2 Characters!

Now that you have chosen a structure, think about your main character. Answer the
questions below about what you know about this character so far. If you main character is
not Jonas or the Giver, think about what things you might want to add about this character
to make them a more dynamic or full character.
My main character is _______________________________
What I know about this character so far:

Things I might infer about this character:

What kind of diction does this character use? Do they use precise language or not?

Other things I might add to this character:

Step 3 New character!

You must introduce one new character in your chapter. This person could be
someone Jonas meets in Elsewhere or a new member of the community we have not met
in the book so far. Think about how you are going to introduce this character, directly or
indirectly. Use the space below to organize your thoughts.
My new characters name is _________________________________
Who are they?

What will they do in this chapter?

How will you introduce them? Think about both direct and indirect ways to introduce a

Name: ____________________________________ HR: _____________________ Date: ________

Step 4 The Plot!

Your chapter should be at least one full page handwritten. Think about how you
might use the plot chart in your chapter. Use the plot chart below to outline at least 4
things that will happen in your chapter. Within your chapter there must be at least an
exposition and climax.

Step 5 Check in with and get approval

from Ms. Stewart, Ms. Goldberg, or Ms.

Step 6 Write Chapter 24!


Name: ____________________________________ HR: _____________________ Date: ________

Step 7 Draw an illustration!

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