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FALL 201
Student Artists Name

Class Block#

Clay dice

Clay cookie jar

Website URL

Arick Maust

Project Type

Class Name


(The subject or focus of the project)

Clay, my hands clay

tools glaze

My inspiration for this die was that when I was younger my family
would play dice games. My dice will be 2.5 by 2.5 inches.The cube
form has semetrical balance because both sides are even. Each side
of my die is a differant color.

Clay, hands, clay tools

The reason was making this projct was because I was going to
give it to my grandma because she makes a lot of cookies. The jar
is shaped like a panda bear

Due Date



All art project created for the second 9 weeks will be due NO LATER THAN NOVEMEBER 11, 2015.
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