Brag Sheet

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Brag Sheet

Full Name: _Anna Rachel Gonzalez___________

Graduation Year: 2017

Complete School Name: Atkinson County High School

Post-secondary Education: College & University
(Military, community college, CSU/UC/Private university, technical training)
List the awards you have received below:
Award Title:
Description of the award:

Award Title:
Description of the award:

Award Title:
Description of the award:
Award Title:
Description of the award:

Award Title:
Description of the award:

Award Title:
Description of the award:
Describe an academic accomplishment you made in high school; think of
something you did in a class that you are most proud of. Explain why you take
pride in this accomplishment.
(Examples: essay, artistic project, science experiment, power point, etc...)

Gonzalez 2

Well I am now finished taking a Wiregrass class offered at our school, which is called
Nursing Essentials. It`s for students who want to go into some type of nursing, such as
an CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). One of the things needed in order to pass the class
is to visit a facility for the elderly and participate in care. The facility was called Shady
Acres located in Douglas. We went for 3 days, from 6:45 A.M. to 4:00 P.M, also at 11:0012:00 A.M. for break. Each of us was assigned to a nurse who managed different
hallways. There were the normal patients, those who were in or needed rehabilitation,
and those who had mental disabilities (Dementia Alzheimer's, etc.). I enjoyed interacting
with them and the nurses there and enjoyed putting my skills to the test. I actually felt
like I was a Nurse for a while. I had a sense of accomplishment and
was glad my parents were proud of me enjoying at working at
something that I could consider doing as my career for the future.
List 3-5 words that describe you. Explain why you chose each
If I had to choose what words describe me, Id choose witty, creative,
organized, and principle-centered. I'm witty for the reason that if
someone has something funny to say to me, I like to say something
back, like jokes of some sort. Creativity is especially important to me.
I love to draw. Although, I dont really do it as much mainly because
of school. Organization is also a top priority to me. I always organize
papers from school in case I need them for future purposes. Plus I
can't stand when I see people, especially in school, with papers
sticking out of their binders/folders. Lastly I am principle-centered. I
follow what is morally right or what I feel is right. I take responsibility
for most of my actions and don't associate with the teenagers of

What special talent/s do you possess? Explain.

I don't really think I have a special talent

Identify and list 3 or more ACHS teachers or counselors who

know you best.
1. Mrs. Campbell

Gonzalez 3

2. Mrs. Crosby

3. Mrs. Deas

How would you describe yourself as a student and a learner? Explain.

As a student, I am originally a quiet learner. But it does change from time if I sit near
people I talk to. I don't mind learning at all but not everyone in the classroom feels the
same. And of course school is first in my life. I like to learn by visualizing what is being
done and trying it out for myself.

Are there any special (but not too private) circumstances that you went
through in high school or in your life that influenced or affected you
(academically, personally, or socially)? If so, explain the circumstance, how it
affected/influence you, and how you overcame it.

I guess High school itself affected me. I made a good deal of friends, but prefer to keep it
to a group. I dress like my true self. I don't care what others think of me. I'm not
someone that is pushed around. Overall, I think that high school changes everyone. I`ve
seen miraculous and negative improvements all around me, in my opinion.

List any hobbies that you have. Be specific. Also, add how long you have been
doing these hobbies.
I love to read although I do not participate it in as much as I did before. Mainly because
being in school and trying to complete my tasks and/or homework. I also like to draw
sometimes. I think It was around the beginning of high school (9th grade) I started to

What are your goals for the future? What do you hope to accomplish while you
are in college or your post-secondary choice? What do you plan/ hope to
accomplish after you have completed college or your post-secondary choice? EXPLAIN.
My Goals

Gonzalez 4
1. Find a part-time job while in high school
2. If the goal isn't too far to reach, graduate with honors.
3. Attend a Georgian college for four years
4. Obtain my Bachelor`s degree
5. Move to Illinois with my family and my friend
6. Hopefully I will have enough money to buy my family a house
7. Give them no less than $1,000.00 a month
8. Attend Graduate school to obtain my Doctorate.
9. Find any job openings
10.Accept the job and begin working to obtain a good salary and a decent living for myself
11.Help my parents in to retirement
12.Retire myself.
I want to accomplish finishing high school plus college as well. I want to make my parents
proud and my siblings to look up to me. I will become the first of my siblings to graduate
high school.

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