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Cloning is the art of making an exact copy of something (google).

The first animal ever cloned was in 1996. 1996 - Ian Wilmut and Keith
Campbell cloned the first animal from adult cells. Dolly the sheep, born
on July 5, 1996, was created using the so-called Roslin Technique
The cloning of Dolly is one of the most important milestones in the
history of animal cloning, as it proves that cloning of adult animals is
possible. (Harvard Medical School).
Shortly after, in 1998, Dolly gave birth to three healthy lambs,
conceived by natural mating. (Harvard Medical School). Other
animals have been cloned in 1997, 1997 again, 1998, and in 2001 the
first cloning of an endangered species took place. A baby bull gaur
named Noah was cloned successfully, but died of an infection
unrelated to the cloning procedure shortly thereafter. Then, in 2003,
Dolly the sheep was put down due to the fact that she was suffering
from lung cancer (Harvard Medical School).
The first step to cloning is to isolate the donor nucleus. You
would need to get a
somatic cell of an adult organism and an
extremely tiny needle and syringe to poke through the cell membrane
and remove the nucleus from the cell. The second step is
to get an
unfertilized egg from a reproductive female. Next, you would need to
Remove the egg's nucleus so that there is room for the donor nucleus,

then you would Insert the donor nucleus. Lastly you would place the
g into a womb to be born (Iowa Public Television).
In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly made a
that prohibited all forms of human cloning, though it is still
currently legal to clone animals. Considering many people believe it is
completely ethical to clone, I would imagine that cloning will indeed
continue amongst animals (Laws and Public Policy about Cloning).

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