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Research Assessment #6


Cooperation in Cuba
Weber, Jeremy. "Special Report: Will Success Spoil Cuba's Revival?"
Christianity Today, 26 Oct. 2015. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.
December 4, 2015
My studies this year have focused on denominational differences and inter-denominational
unity. I long for a united Church, despite understanding the nature and necessity of division. The
Christian situation in Cuba is an example of precarious church cooperation in current events today.
With the reestablishment of relations between the United States and Cuba, an influx of American
goods, culture, and people into Cuba has opened up like a waterfall. Due to its Marxist foundation,
Cuba is decades behind in the technological race and local pastors claim that their culture is not
prepared to face the flood of Western market goods that are about to shock the nation. Despite the
restrictions of the Communist regime, in the past few decades there has been a strong Christian
revival in Cuba. Churches are booming and congregants meet in home groups on a weekly basis. This
revival is telling of the Gospels cross-cultural, barrier-defying power. However, with the opening of
relations between the U.S. and Cuba, this revival may be at risk.
Cuban pastors are pleading for American churches to listen to their cries before they
intrude. Cuba is different than America. American churches must understand this before lending a
helping hand. The programs that work in the U.S. may not be met with open arms in Cuba. Cubans
absolutely do not want American pastors to impose upon them, throw money at them, or do work for
them. From the outside looking in, it may seem that thats what the nation needs. But local pastors
desire for Americans to realize that a Christian revival has been in the making for years, without
American aid. What churches need in Cuba is leadership training.
Cuba are generally independent and reserved. They are slow to trust and difficult to unite.
For years, great caution was required because no one could ever be certain that a government mole
was not among them. Therefore, people are slow to unite under leadership and rally behind a cause,
opening up and trusting others. Pastors need leadership training. Money is appreciated, a helping
hand is appreciated, but leadership training is wanted above all else. Pastors in Cuba want so badly
to be able to break down the walls that have been built up in Cuban culture that opposes the unity
Gospel community provides. Several American churches have responded to this call and are
currently working with Cuban churches to bring people together.
Christian leaders and churches generally love to aid their brothers and sisters across the
globe. First world churches link arms with third world churches out of feelings of conviction,

responsibility, and love. However, if one is not careful, such partnerships can result in catastrophe.
Before helping, a church and its leaders must decipher the true needs of those that they are offering
aid. Construction work and monetary donations may provide temporary help, but in reality such
activities may take away jobs and income from locals. People need relationships. Cooperation
should be built upon this foundation.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves
-Romans 12:10

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