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F3-1 ': The crate has a weight of 550 lb. Determine the force m each supporting cable.

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TAB X ~ TAP:, CLD 30

TABU ~ TAs MVfL 30

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,..., 2-1=' Lj -
J -
TAc :: TAG ffiJfv 30. q -;'


z: C

, nr.::2-

1;0 uij~) '~A fD

L 15 I We :: 550 _Lt-

TAe., :: 51B jJr

-3-13. If block D weighs 300 lb and block B weighs 2751b, determine the required weight of block C and the angle IJ for equilibrium.

6J_ :.::J. 30 ~

f AC -<WI1_, 3D !


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ItiB - -300 ~f Ie. \j

f\ zJ: X ::: 1M(_, U/J '-~o
r\ z1=y :: j AL .JJi;rL 30
1\ /1
v \J ED o» e -oc TAc. COO 2:!_) c75

( lAc.. c:mJD) 2..


r - , 2 2.

\ lltc (OJ 60 ) r (3DD - TAc hlJiL 30) ~ Z 75 2.

0, 75 r.: + CfOCX;o - 300 lAG + 0. LoTPrC 2. - 750l.5

TFrc,'L - 300 TAL +/4-375 =o

p~ 3-13 Con:t.

JAG z: 2-40. I .J.1r

e :;: 40.9 a

(JL, 59· q ..11r

L. 8 :: 7Q, 10


cooi j(~)Z_4(!XI'i375) ~

F3-10. Determine the tension developed in cables A8 AC,andAD. '




- 300£

/\ i~X ::;
A ~~1 ::
~ \.._)
Z[:t z TA D Cf!2~e(J


::: 300 lb

l . 701 TAD :: 300 1b TAD :: 17b Ib

lAc z ZD31b

~- ..... .----.--==:~==~:;.;;- .... ::::;:::::-;"

TAB + (nb lb) C£t) 12D - 203 CDQ bD I AB ~ ) 2/1~_!£

~~ __ oLco""""

3-58. Determine the tension developed in cables AB, AC, and AD required for equilibrium of the 75-kg cylinder.

~B = rB - rA

~ -11, T 1,5J T 3-12: m

5/' /I

-r I ' \ 'T 3k rn

-~~. tj--~-


<] _i

:: 5m


LLfjt):: 0,01

31 - 1"


- 0, fL.1 m


- 0.8 TAv! u


'AD ~ 0.6IAD.i

/\ z_ j:",X l857 ~O,3333 Tlte @
_). = -0· lfj.& TO.h TAD :::0
/1 iFu ::: O,'t~80 TAB 0,0001 TAL - 0, e lAP =0 ®
I -
0 (j
j; £.F.; ::_ 0,857 i TAp f" 0' s t", '1 }"C _. 735. 75 N ~O (j)
,e:r(J ,,; 1 '11.
..... S(1)J_tLdfW

33/c' PflJ){;&rfL 3.58 cord.. ,/3

0.6 TAD - C::;. 3333 7it~ ;; Z. fO TAP - r. 101 TAG @

~~< u '-. r-'" .~~ _-",.~",,"'_'..,....,.,...,,"""'''''''_'-'''''_.·r''10·~'''''

0.1 TAD := 1.107 TPrL

IAL = 0.0857 lAD @)

I, 7 7 I 3 fA D:: 735, 75f-.J

TAc::- 35,0N

12-19. A car is to be hoisted by elevator to the fourth floor of a parking garage, which is 48 ft above the ground. If the elevator can accelerate at 0.6 ft/s2, decelerate at 0.3 ft/52, and reach a maximum speed of 8 ft/s, determine the shortest time to make the lift, starting from rest and ending at rest.

0.. j " 0, b ~tl s 2.

V rfLt)}j. ~ B +,tj s Vo ;. V f .:: 0

v, 5,
r r
CD j \I dJ',r s: Jet d.iJ
0 0
@ 0 48
J \j cUti :: ( acLu
VI ../
5! CD

r'- L, \, I.... 'J u - ·f - '!


I V 'l. -

- I r.

V 2..-

1 -

to. 5 z: , !

ltO,b~) 51 ) S1 (J)

-I VI z :: -0 2. 1'-1: ( 45- 5J ) V z., I (' I ( 48 - 51) ®
- I V ;:_ ! 0, \0 tt:
z -
52.. sz.
CD ~@ I.Z &1 - 28.8 - 0.051 0) ;; I b ft.
- r~bu.r ...t0t. J:;twu.r \) I .oa LJiL CWIL diMU"

_j}/ff1JJ ofJ .tacr; JAttuuuo1



+- 1:: 7. 3 /'.v£

tz_ 0

@ J cult 0 [dRT

-t) --7,3s 4,38


j( (0,10 tj~ ) ill:: diu

6'" o


p JW/;IJ.;m., 12. 4 I

"12-41. A particle is moving along a straight line such that its position from a fixed point is s = (12 - 15t2 + 5t3) m, where t is in seconds. Determine the total distance traveled by the particle from t = :). s to t = 3 s. Also, find the average speed of the particle during this time interval.

t -;; Is S '" 12. - 15 ,... 5 (1\ ::: Z m

i :; Zs.

(5 e "; ~ l~;A \ -l- 5 .' f; \ m ;: -5 m
}t..- ~._" L -r- :/ I )
... ,~"
-. 12- - i5Un +5 f ~I \ m ~ i2Jfl
':.. ~." t:: 35

~..... --. - --- -- _,... - - - ,._ - "'-,

~ - - ~ ..-..

*l. ~ -- - - - ~ 1:,) • 1:;3


-& f(l 0 ts«

t -: I s -4> t:: 25

ST = 30ft)


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