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Senior Profile

Cheat Sheet for resume-building, college and scholarship applications, letters of recommendation, etc.

Student Name

Anna Higgins

Email Address

School Organizations

Advanced Concert Choir

Dance- 12 years

Magna Cum Laude Honor Roll

(ex: BPA, DECA, National

Honor Society)

Extracurricular Activities
(& how many years)
(ex: Track, Spanish Club)

Community Service/
Volunteer Experience

Volunteering with childrens choir, after school activities and

worship services at Crossroads Christian Church

Employment (& how long)

Baskin Robbins- 1 years


CPR, safe sitter

(ex: CPR, first aid)


I am very organized, and am a very scheduled person. I am

good under pressure.

(The following questions require responses in sentence format.)

What do you consider your

greatest strength?

My greatest strength, in my opinion, would be to be timely with everything I do.

I have every moment of my day planned out, and I am good with time

What special aspect of your

personality would you like
the college, scholarship,
employer to learn about
you? What makes you

A specific aspect of my personality that I would want employers, colleges, or

scholarships to know about me is that I am very dedicated to finish something
once I start it. No matter what the task, I always try to finish it to the best of my
ability. I keep myself on a schedule, which allows me to complete tasks as

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