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O presente mais especial

The Most Special Gift

Can you remember a time when you wanted

something so badly that it seemed that
special something would never come?And
then when it finally did come, it was
something even better than you expected?
That's the kind of wonderful gift God gave us
on the first Christmas.

Voc consegue se lembrar de alguma ocasio

em que queria tanto algo que mal agentava
esperar? E quando finalmente ganhou era
ainda melhor do que imaginava? Este o tipo
de presente maravilhoso que Deus nos deu no
primeiro Natal.

Since the beginning of time, people

had wished for a special something to
make their lives truly happy and
complete. Who would have ever
thought that all of that would come in
the form of a tiny baby born in a barn
in some faraway land? But that's
exactly what happened.

Desde o princpio dos tempos, as

pessoas sempre desejaram algo
especial que completasse suas vidas e
as deixasse verdadeiramente felizes.
Quem pensaria que tudo isso viria na
forma de um bebezinho nascido num
estbulo em uma terra distante? Mas
foi exatamente o que aconteceu.

God looked at every human

heart He had created and
every heart to come, and
He knew just what we
needed. So He prepared the
perfect answer, and sent
the answer into the world.
The answer was Jesus.

Deus viu o corao de cada

ser humano que Ele criara e
cada corao que ainda
nasceria, e sabia
exatamente o que
precisvamos. Ento Ele
preparou a resposta
perfeita, e a enviou ao
mundo: Jesus.
Text courtesy of Activated magazine. Used by permission. Background by Kirsty via; other art TFI. Slideshow created by

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