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Expressions in Color

First grade/ Second grade

2-3 (50 minute) class periods to teach lesson
Goals: Students will be exploring their feelings and learn about artists
who create expressionistic art especially Franz Marc, a German
printmaker/ painter. Students will use crayons to express their
emotions on paper, and then create an image with the scratch board
made with the paper.
Students will compare and contrast colors relating to different
emotions, along how one would color in each mood. (NS 2)
Critical Thinking
Students will look at Franz Marcs works and explain what they
think the artist is trying to express. (NS 4) Complex
Students will experiment with creating their own expressionistic
art by using crayons to make a base to their rainbow scratch
board. (NS 1) Creativity
Students will use black tempera paint to cover the crayon and
then carve away to make a picture of something that makes
them feel happy. (NS 3,6) Creativity
Students will have prior experience using paint and clean up


( 8 quarts)

sheets of
paper cut in
paper for
10 sheets


Scratch Art


1 pkg (100)

Safety Hazards:
Students will be reminded to roll up sleeves and wear a paint shirt
when using the black tempera paint to cover their crayon art. Students
will be shown proper ways to use the scratch art sticks and will be
reminded that the scratch art sticks are to be kept in the art room.
Interdisciplinary Connections:

History- Learning about Franz Marcs artwork and the expressionism

Artist Biography: Franz Marc
Franz Marc was born in Munich in 1880. Franz originally studied to
become a priest but in 1898, he decided to study philosophy instead.
In 1900, Franz changed his mind again and decided to peruse art at
Munich academy. Franz was very inspired and influenced by Van Gogh.
Franz began his journey in art with painting animals, he especially liked
to paint horses. Around 1911, Franz began to exercise his expressionist
style by using color as symbols.
From :
Broken Forms, 1914

Fighting Forms, 1914

Small Composition 1

Small Composition 3, 1913-14

For Biography and Images:
Lesson Procedure
Day 1
Introduction: (Students will sit in designated area for greeting and
introduction to class) (15 min.)
Today we are going to learn about expressionism and an artist who
uses this technique:
Can anyone tell me how an artist can express him or herself? Have
you ever shared your feelings through art? How? (class discussion) Try
and pick several students not all that have raised their hands to share
how they have shown their feelings in artwork. Why do you think it is
important to express yourself and your feelings in art?
Today I want to show you all some works done by an artist named
Franz Marc, an expressionist painter in the early 1900s. (show power
point with images of his paintings {shown above}) Ask students what
emotion the artist was trying to display and how he does so. (call on at
least 2 students per painting that may or may not be raising hands)

Hold a class discussion about what colors are associated with different
emotions and how an artist might color or paint with that emotion.
(Pretend your finger is the paintbrush/crayon)
Today we are also going to learn about how art can be a great way to
help you understand yourself and others by looking at each others
colorings. When we go to our seats I want you to pick five feelings, and
write them on the back of your paper along with your name.
Does anyone want to share some feelings you can have to get us
thinking about colors? How do you think someone who was mad (sad,
happy, scared) would color, hard or soft? (class discussion or individual
reflection, also make a list to help them remember.)
Before we start coloring I am going to show you all some different
coloring techniques (side of crayon, different kinds of pressure) and
give examples of some different designs you can make with your
crayons. (10 min.)
Have crayons and paper ready at their tables or desks when they head
back to their seats. Point out some of the different feelings the
students suggested. We are going to use at least five different feelings
that you have chosen and write them on the back along with our
**Send students to their seats to put their names and feelings on their
paper and flip paper over to get ready to color.
Go over the expectations periodically while they color. Remind students
what they discussed would be the appropriate colors for different
emotions.-what would be a good color for sadness? (choral response)
** (5 min.)
Work Time:
Allow students to practice on scratch paper (guided practice) first for a
few minutes and then begin. Circulate the room and help students
when needed- ask questions, make positive comments, keep students
on task.
**When students seem to be finished, about 10 minutes, stop the
class and demonstrate clean-up procedures.**
Clean- up
Put away crayons, hand in papers, and recycle scrap practice papers.(5
Closure: (5 min.)

Once students are back in the designated introduction area, review

objectives: What did we learn today about expressionism? Can anyone
tell me why art is a good way of expressing yourself?
Next week, we are going to work on finishing our projects. Is there
anyone who wants to share a feeling that they chose?
Day 2
Lesson Procedure:(Children are seated in the introduction area) (5
Hello again, and welcome back! Lets talk about what we learned in
class last week. Can anyone tell me something about Franz Marc? Call
on a student.
How about the type of art the Marc made? Put up the picture of one of
Marcs paintings and ask class to say it all together.
Does everyone want to guess what we are going to do today? Have
children whisper to a neighbor what we are going to do today. Pick one
volunteer to share.
Hold a class discussion about colors and emotions to get the students
back in gear. Tell the students that they will need to get paint shirts on.
Demonstration: (5 min.)
Demonstrate how to cover their sheet evenly with the tempera paint
and how students will need to cover up all the colors on the sheets
they made last week. Discuss what it means to let go of your emotions
and not to let them ruin your day as you paint over the demonstrating
artwork. Once its covered, demonstrate how they will put wet paper
on the drying rack.
Walk around and work with students individually as they finish their
coloring (covering the entire page in crayon) or covering their entire
pictures with black tempera paint. Ask questions, make comments, and
keep students on task. (25 min.)
Demonstration: (5 min)
1.)Take now black painting, and grab a scratch art stick.
2.)Gently scrape away black telling students not to scratch too hard or
the crayon will come off as well.
3.) Make a small picture of something that makes you happy.
4.)Ask students about what makes them happy, and how your
emotions can always be made into something beautiful. (10 min.)
Time may allow you to share pictures at the end of class, depending on
how long students want to work on scratching out what makes them
happy. If more time is needed (due to paint needing more time to dry
or students needing more time), a third class should be added to allow
students to share their artwork and the feelings they chose. Showing
students how to show their emotions through art along with how to

turn their feelings into something beautiful is what makes this lesson
most valuable because it helps students to express themselves and
help recognize other students feelings as well.
Students will be assessed on 3 main objectives:
1.) Did the student use at least five different emotions in the original
2.) Did the student fully cover the picture in the tempera paint?
3.) Did the student scrape something that they like in the black
4.) Possibly have students self-assess their work and attach to

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