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( C2 O4 2-

2CO2 +2e) 5

(MnO4- + 8H+ +5e

Mn2+ +4H2 O

2C2 O42- + 2MnO4- + 16H+ 10CO2 +2Mn2+ +8H2O

M1 = Molarity of C 2O4
V 1 = Volume of C 2O4



M2 = Molarity of MnO4

V 2 = Volume of MnO4 -

M1 xV1 / M2 xV2

= No. of moles of C2 O4 2-/ No. of moles of

MnO4 -

= 5/2
M1= 5x M2 xV2

/ 2x V1

Apparatus Required
100ml Measuring flask, Pestle and mortar, Beaker, Titration flask, Funnel, Burette, Weight box, Pipette, Filter paper,
Dilute H2SO4, 0.001M KMnO4 solution, Guava Fruits at different stages of ripening

1. Weigh 50g of fresh guava and crush it into a fine pulp using a pestle and mortar.
2. Transfer the crushed pulp into a beaker and add about 50 ml dil H2SO4 to it.
3. Boil the contents for about 10 mins. Cool and filter the contents in a 100ml measuring flask.
4. Make up the volume 100ml by adding ample amount of distilled water.
5. Take 10ml of the solution from the flask and add 10ml dil H2SO4 to it.
6. Heat the mixture to about 60C and titrate it against 0.001M KMnO4 solution taken in a burette till the end point has
an appearance of pink color.

Observations &Calculations

Weight of the guava fruit for each time = 50g

Volume of guava extract taken for each titration=10ml
Molarity of KMnO4 solution= 0.001M
End point : Colourless to permanent pink

Guava Extract

Initial Burette reading

Final Burette reading

Fresh Guava



Semi ripened








Volume of 0.001M KMnO4

Raw Guava
M1 = 5x M2 xV2 / 2x V 1
M1 = 5x0.001x 10.5/2x10
M1 = 0.002M
Strength = M1 x90 = 0.180g/l
Semi-Ripened Guava
M1 = 5x M2 xV2 / 2x V 1
M1 = 5x0.001x 15/2x10
M1 = 0.003M
Strength = M1 x9 = 0.270g/l
Ripened Guava

Molarity of Oxalate ions in:

Fresh Guava = 0.002M
Semi Ripened Guava = 0.003M
Ripened Guava = 0.004M
Strength of Oxalate ion in :
Fresh Guava = 0.180g/l
Semi Ripened Guava = 0.270g/l
Ripened Guava = 0.360g/l

M1 = 5x M2 xV2 / 2x V 1
M1 = 5x0.001x 17/2x10
M1 = 0.004M
Strength = M1 x90 = 0.360g/l

Presence of oxalate ion is high in guava, about 56% of guava contains oxalate ions. Amount of oxalate ions increases as it

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