11-17-2015 DKG Minutes2

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Nu Chapter Minutes

Alpha State
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
November 17, 2015
Chapel in the Hills, Wimberley, Texas
Nu Chapter of Alpha State of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on Tuesday,
November 17, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. at the Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley, Texas for a regularly
scheduled meeting. Vice President Loretta Eiben and Secretary Kathy Carriker attended.

Members Present:
Mary Nabers
Tonda Frady
LaVerne Rydell
Nadyne Gartman
Evelyn Barrett
Sharon East
Gracie Rocha
Cheryl Blake
Robin Estepp

Barbara Pevoto
Charlotte Evans
Jenny Turney
Ruth Spear
Carol Grimm
Susan Pulis
Virginia Williams
Beth Hodges
Janis Brown

Delores Cruz
Bonnie Flammang
Debra Zupancic
Carole Plassmann
Honored Guest:
Marilyn Gregory,
Texas State President,
Epsilon Kappa

After a welcome by Vice President Loretta Eiben and an inspirational reading by LaVerne
Rydell, Nu Chapter enjoyed a delicious soup, salad, and dessert buffet prepared by the
Wimberley Nu members. The Wimberley members did the set up and clean up after the
Loretta Eiben invited members to begin bidding on the Silent Auction items donated by
members. Funds raised will benefit the World Fellowship Fund.
Call to Order
o Vice President Loretta Eiben called the meeting to order at 6:55 P.M.
o Vice President Loretta Eiben welcomed State President Gregory and Nu members
who sponsored initiates introduced them to the Nu members.
o Secretary Kathy Carriker reported nineteen members, five initiates, and one
honored guest present. A quorum was present.
Texas State President Marilyn Gregory Greetings and Program
o President Gregory brought greetings from State.
o Pesident Gregory shared that she was a native of San Marcos and taught in Lake
o President Gregory encouraged the new initiates to become involved in Nu Chapter.
She shared that members should apply for the various scholarships offered
through Delta Kappa Gamma and take advantage of the programs within
Delta Kappa Gamma.
o President Gregory shared her theme for the society was The HEART of the
Society is Its Members
HEART is an acronym for Health, Education, Achievement, Reflection and
o President Gregory congratulated Nu Chapter for its many awards at State
o President Gregory encouraged all to attend the State Convention, June 23-25th in
Frisco, Texas. She said that one night we are invited to attend a minor league
baseball game where she will be throwing out the first ball!
Approval of Minutes
o The September and October 2015 minutes were approved as written.
Treasurers Report
o Tonda Frady presented the treasurers report.
Frady reported 42 active members and 5 reserve members as of November 7,
Frady reported a balance of $1,367.19 as of November 17, 2015
Frady reported that Carol Eason and Janet Mabry Scudder have been
dropped from the membership.
Frady reported that Nu Chapter has one reserve member,Wanda Frix.

Frady reported Dr. Barbara H. Davis, Diane Graeber, and Monica Primrose
as nonpaying members.
Tonda Frady made a motion seconded by Laverne Rydell to move Wanda
Frix and Maggie Baines to reserve status. The motion passed.
Corresponding Secretary Report
Robin Estepp shared an email from President Sandra Morales regarding her
husbands illness. Wess suffered a stroke last week and she is staying home
with him while he recuperates.
Estepp shared the Alpha Theta Tri Chapter Social Invitation for January 23,
2016, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the New Braunfels Church of Christ, 1665
Interstate 25 Business, New Braunfels, Texas 78130.
Nancy Masterson, Texas Native Plant Society, will be the speaker.
The luncheon is $13.00 paid in advance or $15.00 at the door.
Please make checks payable to Carolyn Millsap, 32813 Aubry Way,
Bulverde, Tx 78163 by January 8, 2016.
Committee Chair Reports:
o Executive Committee
No Report
o Scholarship
Chair Cheryl Blake reported Nu Chapter would be awarding a scholarship in
the Spring.
o Newsletter/Website
Nadyne Gartman reminded members to read their newsletters.
Nadyne requested members send a yes response to her if they receive their
Nadyne encourage members to read their newsletters each month for
information regarding the U.S. Forum.
Nadyne reported that she will publish the address to use for Christmas cards
for recovering soldiers.
o Nominations
Cheryl Blake, chair of the Nu nominations committee, reported that a slate
of officers for the coming biennium will be presented at the December 2015
The voting will take place at the February 2016 meeting.
o Membership
Dr. Evelyn reported five initiates would be initiated at this meeting bringing
Nus membership to 47.
o Programs and Services
Loretta Eiben reminded members to use their Chapter meeting magnets to
refer to meeting dates.
Unfinished Business

o None
New Business
o Naydne Gartman reported that each months non-dues revenue raffle donations
would be given to a different Delta Kappa Gamma fund.
Nadyne Gartman reported that she and several other members are making
blankets for the Life Care residents in Wimberley, Texas. There are six
residents and 2-4 reserve residents at the facility.
Virginia Williams won the October Birthday Raffle.
Evelyn Barrett won the Birthday Raffle for November.
o Initiation
The Executive Committee along with State President, Marilyn Gregory
initiated five members into Nu Chapter.
Delores Cruz, Bonnie Flammang, Debra Zupancic, Carole Plassmann, and
Janis Brown were initiated into Nu Chapter by State President Marilyn
Vice President Eiben announced the next meeting will be Tuesday,
December 15, 2015 at 5 p.m. with a Christmas social following at 106
Sendero Arbolado, Wimberley, Texas.
Vice President Eiben adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Carriker, Nu Recording Secretary

Sandra Morales, Nu President

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