WWW - Stow.oh - Us: The City of Stow Charter Review Commission Wants To Hear From You

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Thursday night, April 1, the Stow City Charter Review Commission held its weekly
meeting at City Hall. Councilman Jim Costello, Ward 2, Rich Sprungle, from the
Planning Commission and Reverend Floyd Mault appeared before the commission to
share their thoughts about possible changes to the city charter as well as answer questions
presented to them from the commission.

The commission, appointed by Mayor Karen Fritschel, consists of seven members: Brian
D’Antonio, Jack Dodgson, Christina Gary, Gwen Heeney, Dave Renninger, Doris
Stewart and Elgie Underwood (Chair). The purpose of this commission is to review the
city charter and make recommendations for changes to the charter that would appear on
the November ballot. These potential changes will be presented to City Council in the
near future. We are hopeful that more citizens will find the time to review the charter and
sign up to address the charter review commission with their thoughts on changes that they
feel need to be put before the electorate in November. The charter is easily accessible on
the city web site: www.stow.oh.us.

On the home page, click on Documents, then Departments, and you will find the city
charter for your review. This is your last chance to contribute your thoughts
for five more years, when the next charter review commission
convenes. Please consider being proactive in your right and duty to be
involved in continuing to keep our community the quality place to live,
work and grow. Contact Mary Botts at mbotts@stow.oh.us to make an
appointment to appear before the commission. It may be easier to
criticize than it is to contribute, but please consider being PRO-STOW
by being PRO-ACTIVE. Meetings are held each week on Thursday at
7:00 p.m. at Stow City Hall.

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