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10 Successful Online



Netflix is an on-demand provider of hundreds of popular

television shows and movies that you can stream

Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc


Netflix makes $2,160,000,000 dollars a year and has skyrocketed within the past 5 years

Netflix began by Reed and Marc getting an idea for a DVD-bymail service


Wanelo is a digital mall where people can save products to their page
and buy them

This online store has over 12 million products and 300,000 stores

Deena Varshavskyaya is the founder of Wanelo and it launched in 2012.

Its headquartered in San Franciscos SoMa district

Wanelo started by Deena having an idea of a unique online mall where

it would be less of a hassle trying to find the perfect item

Wanelo has over 11 million registered users and currently makes

hundreds of millions a year

Pandora Radio

Pandora is an internet radio that streams automated music

Pandora radio was founded by Tim Westergreen, Will

Glaser, and Jon Kraft and was released to the public in 2005

These men started Pandora by working on individualized

songs that were good, kicking out the bad ones, and
creating playlists with every genre of music

Pandora radio makes roughly $180 million dollars every

quarter and 80% of that income is from mobile advertising


Audible is a website and an app where you can download

audiobooks to your mobile device, tablet, and many other devices

The founder of is Donald R. Katz

In January 1998, Audible introduced the first production-volume
digital audio player

Audible was bought by Amazon for $300 million on January 31 st,


Audible currently makes millions of dollars every year


Pinterest is a website where users can upload, save, sort, and manage
images (known as pins)

Ben Silbermann is the founder of Pinterest and Evan Sharp and Paul
Sciarra are the co-founders

Pinterest was first thought of in 2009 by Ben, Evan, and Paul, but was
then launched in March, 2010

Pinterest was created when Evan and Paul (who had been studying
architecture at the time) Started working on a site where they could
show collections of their interests. Ben then found them and teamed up
with them to create Pinterest

Pinterest currently makes $45 million dollars a year by having U.S.

corporate partners buying advertisements on a Cost per Mille (CPM)


Itunes is a media library, media player , and an online radio

broadcaster application (app) developed by Apple Inc.

Itunes was developed by Steve Jobs and was launched January

9th, 2001 in Macworld, San Francisco

Before Itunes even launched it had already signed deals with

major record labels such as, Universal Music Group (UMG), EMI,
Warner, Sony, and BMG. They all signed up to make their music
available on Itunes as well

Itunes currently makes $6.9 billion dollars a year and has sold
over 380 million movies and 1 billion TV shows


is a world-wide known search engine


was launched September 4th, 1998 at Menlo Park,



creators of google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin


was an idea created in January 1996, originally starting

as a research project by Larry and Sergey while they were both
PHD students attending Stanford University


currently makes $15.4 billion to $58.8 billion dollars a


of Googles income is made by advertisements (AdSense)


was founded by Evan Williams, Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey,

and Biz Stone


was created in March 2006 and is worth more than $5

billion dollars


and Biz originally wanted to start an online podcasting

platform, but then Apple launched Itunes and made Evans plans
fall apart


and Biz then teamed up with Jack (an employee) and

wanted to make twitter. They then had they help of Noah who was
a big entrepreneur


is now a thriving social media website where you can have

world-wide communication


Spotify is one of the many ways to listen to music on mobile or


On Spotify you can search up any artist, track, or album

Spotify was founded by Martin Lorentzon and Daniel Ek

Spotify was developed in 2006 by a small tech team and then

launched in October 2008 by a Swedish startup

Daniel Ek is currently the CEO of Spotify

Spotify has over 80 million listeners and they currently are

making over 2.4 billion dollars a year


Weebly is a website where you can create and

customize your very own website/online business

Weebly was founded by David Rusenko in 2007

Weebly hosts over 20 million sites

David was attending the College of Information

Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State
University (Penn State) when he founded weebly

Weebly makes its money by Pro Accounts and the

Google AdSense widget and unique domain sales

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