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Zachary Wolff

Sintich AP Biology 2nd

December 15, 2015

Cell Communication
Summary #2

3.E.2: a1-3, d
There are two major divisions of the nervous system. The first is the central nervous
system. The central nervous system contains the brain and the spinal cord and is responsible for
integrating and processing information from the body. Next is the peripheral nervous system. The
peripheral nervous system is primarily responsible for transmitting information to and from the
central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is further divided into two other divisions.
Those divisions are the sensory and motor division. The sensory division sends signals to the
central nervous system. The motor division sends signals away from the central nervous system.
The motor division is further divided into two other divisions. Those divisions are the somatic
and autonomic nervous systems. The somatic system controls the skeletal muscles and are
voluntarily controlled compared to the involuntarily controlled internal regulation of the
autonomic system. The autonomic nervous system is further divided into two other systems:
sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic system relates to the flight or flight response
where as the parasympathetic system relates to resting and self maintenance. The brain and its
respective parts control numerous bodily functions. For example, the cerebellum is important in
maintaining balance.




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