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Zachary Wolff

Sintich AP Biology 2nd

December 15, 2015

Cell Communication
Summary #3

2.A.2: h, 2.B.2: b1-2, c1-2, 3.E.2: a1-3, b1-3, c1-3

Action potential is a short change in the electrical potential on the surface of a nerve cell.
The following steps are action potential: depolarization, action potential, and the depolarization.
Depolarization is where sodium rushes into the cell causing the charge to become negative. The
signal continuing down the cell is the action potential. Repolarization is where the potassium
diffuses out of the cell and then the sodium potassium pumps restore the correct concentrations
of each. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that act to create responses. An example of
this is dopamine.




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