Endocrine Summary

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Zachary Wolff

Sintich AP Biology 2nd

December 15, 2015

Cell Communication
Summary #4

2.C.1: a-c, 2.D.3: a (dehydration), 3.D.1: d, 3.D.2: c1, 3.D.4: a

The endocrine system functions to coordinate and control the body through the use of
hormones. Those hormones consist of two types. One is a steroid hormone and the other is nonsteroid. Steroid hormones are lipid soluble, thus they can move through the phospholipid
bilateral freely. Non-steroid hormones are water soluble and cannot do this. Positive feedback is
where the body moves further away from the setpoint. An example of this is child birth and the
release of oxytocin. Negative feedback is where the body moves closer to the set point. An
example of this would be blood sugar resolution.




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