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The grading system for Physical Education:

A- 100%-90%
B- 89%-80%
C- 79%- 70%
D- 69%-60%
F- 59%-50%
The Grading System for P.E:
Class Participation: 25%
Psychomotor: 30%
Cognitive: 25%
Affective: 20%
The Grading System for Health:
Class Participation: 20%
Projects/Journals: 20%
Tests/Quizzes: 40%
Homework: 20%
If student shows up late and is unable to change for class student will result
with a 0 for the participation grade for that day. If the student is unable to
change three times, this will result in one absence. If student absence is
excused then you will be treated as a regular absence and your participation
points will not be touched.
Physical Education Uniforms:
Every student must be in proper attire for class. Loose shorts and pants, long
and sleeves that are loose and cover appropriate areas, sweatshirts;
anything in that nature will be okay. Absolutely no jeans or tight clothing, or
the same clothes that you wore that day to school. Sneakers are a required,
no flip flops, flats, sandals or boots are allowed.

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