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tW[M1]: Did you separate out the text make it

[Why tti~ -~}y _41:1~\>!~ ~--!!'_t_t_e_~r_t4_~1!1_s_e_ly~~-~9~:_ _________ .... Comm
easter to read? Just include everything in the template format.

When the scriptures instruct us to "humble ourselves" (1 Peter 5:6), too many ofus
imagine a process of intense self-reproach. As a result, we may believe that God wants \IS
to feel insignificant, and so we quickly stamp out any sign of self-confidence we may
recognize in ourselves.
However, in his talk "The Empowerment of Humility," Bishop Richard C. Edgely shows
us that true humility has nothing to do with pummeling ourselves into a state of selfloathing. Far from it, in fact; it is a trait of the Lord's strongest children.
So what does it actually mean to be humble? To be humble means that we see the reality
of our relationship with our Heavenly Father and with our fellow man. We recognize that
we are all His ~eloved ~~ildJi:n_(!_f_i~flf!.i~e _\','_O_!i_!i,. ~nd j~ ()l!_r_d~~<!_tLo!.1 J~ J::li~,_\\le_s!riv_e_t() - - . - -{ Commented [M2]: "Precious"below.
do His will, which we know is the only thing that can bring us true happiness.
The Savior is the perfect example of humility. As Bishop Richard C. Edgley explained,
"His submitting His will to the Father brought about the greatest, and even the most
powerful, event in all of history. Perhaps some of the most sacred words in all the
scriptures are simply, 'Not my will, but thine, be done' (Luke 22:42)."
In our own lives, humility gives us the power to face life' s challenges. As Bishop Edgley
continued, it is "the power of peace, the power of hope, the power of a heart throbbing
with a Jove for and testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ, even the power of redemption ."
Humility gives us the strength and perspective to hope in Christ, even when things seem
impossibly hopeless.

[Title] Why the Truly Humble Don't Tear Themselves Down

[Kicker] When we humbly acknowledge our true worth, we have the power to conquer
life's adversities.

[Highlights of the source article] When the scriptures instruct us to "humble

ourselves" (I Peter 5:6), [] too
many ofus imagine a process of intense self-reproach. As a result, we may believe that
God wants us to feel insignificant, so we quickly stamp out any sign of self-confidence
we may recognize in ourselves.
However, in his talk "The Empowerment of Humility,"
[ /the-empowerment-of-humility?lang=eng] Bishop
Richard C. Edge1y shows us that true ~umility [
[] has nothing to do with pummeling
ourselves into a state of self-loathing. Far from it, in fact; #-humility is a trait of the
Lord's btrongest 1rhildren.

~ -- -

- -



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.. .. '\ CoWllled (M3]: Good thought to include a link to this.


nM]: Are we shooting for a compare/contrast

~ h~;.;ii"ithere an adjective tliat more fully contrasts

with the above idea of self-loathing? Perhaps ..most confident of'

or'" Or consider changing '"self-loathing" into an
antonym of Hstrongest.,.

So what does it~ctuaHy knean to be humble? To be humble means that_we see the reality __ . - c1oiil11e1111ed (MS]: The emphasis is effectively communicated
without italics here.
of our relationship with our Heavenly Father and with our fellow man. We recognize that '
i Fonnlltted: Font: Not Italic
we are all His precious children [ 0/precious-children-a-gift-from-god?lang=eng] infinite worth, and ____ - ,CID& atS W(M6]: Perhaps "We recognize that we are all
God's precious children and that we each have infinite worth. ,.
in our devotion to Him, we strive to do His will, which we know is the only thing that can
Or consider focusing on one idea: "'We are all God's precious
children, and in our devotion to Him ... ." or "'We are all of
bring us true happiness.


infinite worth, and In our devotion to God, we strive.. . .

The Savior is the perfect example of humility. As Bishop Edgely explains, "His
submitting His will to the Father brought about the greatest, and even the most powerful,
event in all of history. Perhaps some of the most sacred words in all the scriptures are
simply, 'Not my will, but thine, be done' (Luke 22:42)
[https://www] ."

IA our owH lives, Hlmmility gives us the power to face life' s challenges. As Bishop
Edgley continues, it is "the power of peace, the power of hope, the power of a heart
throbbing with a love for and testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ, even the power of
redemption." Humility gives us the strength and perspective to hope in Christ
[ 1978/ 10/an-etemal-hope-in-christ?lang=eng],
even when things seem impossibly hopeles~L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________ _ - , ~a
Read "The Empowerment of Humility" [ 11 /theempowerment-of-humility?lang=eng] to learn how humility and gratitude will instill you
with hope in times of trials.

I Opw]: Great job with this artide. It flows

smoothly and the points you emphasize are very relevant to the

{ Furce7~3 )

Mormon Insights

Find more insights

When we align our will with the Lord's, we will find true happiness. Read Elder Robert
D. Hales's talk "Waiting upon the Lord;' [ / l 0/waiting-upon-the-lord-thy-will-be-done?lang=eng]
Drawing nearer to the Sayior will instill us with a firm resolution to follow his teachings.
Take a look at President Gordon B. Hinckley' s talk "An Humble and a Contrite
Heart/J.'' J~t.!R_s!f~
-!d~._org/ge_nt:r~l:c_o_nfe_r~n_ct:/!QQ.O! l_O! <l!l: h_u!Il_b!e: an~:a:c_o_n!ri_t~-______ - - C-www~ ~ : AIi the links look good. G~ea~job r od
=u~~~ ese I erentsourcestoyourartice. otso go
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[Tags:] humble, humility, power, strength, happiness, self-confidence, precious,
[SEO keywords:] (add SEO keywords here)

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