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[Title) Science is Catching Up

[Kicker] Modem science continues to affirm the blessings of following the Word of Wisdom.
[Highlights of the source article)

:o.lCraig ~is.e! 9i~cu~s,es th~ counsel give!! in_~ection~8J_of!.h_tj


_ _____ ~
D&C[]. Not surprisingly, the Lord' s ,
guidance on what we take into our bodies is scientifically proven to aid a long and healthy !if~
Fruits and Vegetables
\ ','.
o Contain more nutrients than any other food on earth. Known to repair damaged
blood vessels and prevent serious chronic illness and disease.
\JI" ~
G .
rams and Nuts
O Aid insulin function , lower blood pressure, and greatly reduce the risk of diabetes
tfid several cancers.

~ rlt



~~-; -t~!~::;~ f ~~;- ~se.-B~t w-e are-ca~tioned to -eat-~e-ats-spiringiy~M~di~;i - - -

:: -

science has shown that diets high in meat are lower in nutritional value and higher in
saturated fatd,.I
After emphasizing the benefits of following the Lord' s counsel, including the ability to "run and
not be weary, and [to] walk and not faint.f1 ~iser ffie!t-cautions against foods that don ' t fall ~!!<!_er
the Lord' s guidelines.
....._,J>ric5ssed oodsl
, \
e.!..J!,Are bad because they are not whole grains; in fact a food that is processed, by definition: ,~
has the most nutritional parts of the grain removed (the husk and germ).
Energy Drinks
o Are not specifically mentioned in the revelation; however, they are a health risk
we would be wise to avoid[]'J
Kiser emphasizes the blessings that accompany obedience to the Word of Wisdom. Modem
science may affirm its truths, he says, but it is more important that we exercise faith in the Lord
and his promises before we look to science to support God' s wisdom for u~.J_ _______ __ ____ .
[Link t.o the source article] Read G. Craig Kiser's article, "A Principle with a Promise" in the
Ensi~H!i!!e_s_!~~-ld_s:9!:_g{e_n~igf!/~Ql_4{0_?~a.:12_rLnipLe:wi!h.:2_r~f!!Ls~s] Lll!lg=:_e_11g]_ _____ _ _ __.

Commented [Ml]: lbis.firstsentence seems a bit.abrupt-,is

there a way to introduce the topic a bit more smoothly? Example:

" In a fact-packed and faith-building article, G. Craig Kiser discusses.

.. " It would also be good to include the hyperlink to the actual
article somewhere in this first sentence.

Formatted: Font: Bold

Commented [M2]: If you' re pointing them specifically to
section s9 with the hyperlink. consider including "section s9" in the

pe rl=in=ked
~ p=hras=e. = = = = - = = = = = = = =
Commented [Ml]: Is there a transition we could put here ),efore.

jumping into "fruits and vegatables"?


Font: Bold

Commented [M4]: I paused a little when reading through these

bullet points-it might be nice to have them all formatted as
complete sentences, especically since the .. Meat, Fish, and Fowl"
bullet is made up of bothJragments and complete sentences.
Consider having the food group bolded with the description
immediately following within that same bullet poinl-as done to this

Commented [MS]: Would you need to link this to theD&C

again or cite where this quote is from ?

Commented [M6]: Consider doing ' e same thing here (see

comment M4 above).

Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: Font: Bold


Commented [M7]: Nice source.

Commented [MS]: Good concluding point!


Commented [M9]: No equivalent in the Liahona, correct?

Source: Ensign []


Mormon Insights

Find more insights

Read the testimonies of !L,-atter-day ~~ aints around the world who keep the Word of Wisdom
[ lang=eng].
Listen to R ; Bpyd K. Packer :d efine the principle and promise !h_e_\Y ~i:_d_of )Yi~d~IJ! - _ Commented [MlO]: Good word ctioice-<:onnects directly to
[ 1996/04/the-word-of-wisdom-the-principle-and-the- t-op_,c_
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -promises?lang=eng].
[Info for the Web Team]


[Tags:] Word of Wisdom, G. Craig Kiser, revelation, faith, promised blessings, science
[SEO keywords:] Word or Wisdom, G. Craig Kiser. revelation. faith. promised blessinilli_,
science(1:1dd !-liO ke,word.1 l1e,rel

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