Science Technology Lesson Plan

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Technology and Science Integrated Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Six Natural Disasters of Arizona

Teacher: Jaren Smith
Subject: Science
Grade Level: Fourth Grade
Lesson Objectives:
Science Objective:
SWBAT work cooperatively to create a written and oral project about the six natural
disasters of Arizona (dust storm, tornado, wildfire, drought, flash flood, and extreme
heat) created from the weather of Arizona.
Technology Objective:
SWBAT identify ten important facts about the six forms of natural disasters of Arizona by
research facts using a laptop, and performing a Prezi presentation using the Smartboard.
Science Standards:
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science. Concept 2: Earths Processes and Systems. PO 4:
Compare rapid and slow processes that change the Earths surface, including:
Rapid earthquakes, volcanoes, floods
Slow wind, weathering
Technology Standards:
1. PO1. Analyze information using digital creativity tools to create original works and
express ideas.
2. PO2. Use digital collaborative tools to analyze information to produce original works
and express ideas.
Lesson Schedule:
This lesson will take place over the course of 3 days.

Day One: Teams will be divided and each group will be assigned a natural disaster to
research. Once they have been assigned a disaster, they will complete their Natural
Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet.
Day Two: Each Group will create a Prezi presentation about their assigned disaster.
They will use the Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet as a guide.
Day Three: In their groups, TSW present their Prezis to the class.
Anticipatory Set/Start of Lesson:
As the students are walking into class, they will notice many different posters about the
multiple types of weather that occur in Arizona. TTW then explain to them that
Arizonas weather features 6 major natural disasters; which include dust storms, tornados,
wildfires, droughts, flash floods, and extreme heat. TTW further announce that the class
will be divided into 6 groups and will be assigned one of the six natural disasters of
Arizona. In their groups, they must come up with ten facts and created a Prezi
presentation describing their natural disaster.
Demonstration of Understanding:
To begin the lesson, the class will be divided into six groups and assigned a
natural disaster to research. Once the teacher has completed this, they will hand
each group a laptop and a Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet (Artifact). TSW
use this worksheet to identify ten important facts they discovered about their
natural disaster. During this time TTW be walking around the classroom asking
questions and ensuring that all students are participating within their group.
Although, they will be sharing a laptop as a group, each child will turn in their
own Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet. Once the students have completed
their worksheet, they will begin working on their Prezi presentation (Artifact).
When all six groups have finished their Prezi, they will take turns presenting.
While other groups are presenting their natural disaster, the audience (rest of
class) will be filling out a new Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet for the five
forms of natural disasters that they did not present.

Throughout the lesson TSW be using two types of technology, a laptop and
smartboard. When each group has been assigned one of the six forms of natural
disasters in Arizona, they will be given a Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet and
laptop (Technology). The groups will identify ten facts about their disaster on the
worksheet by researching it on their assigned laptop. When the students are
finished, they will then use the laptop (technology) to create a Prezi presentation.
After the students have been given a sufficient amount of time to work on their
Prezis, they will then present them to the class using the smartboard (technology).
Activities, Presentations, and Conclusions
The activities in this lesson include, researching an assigned natural disaster of
Arizona by using the Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet and creating a Prezi
presentation about their assigned disaster. The lesson will be concluded by each
group presenting their Prezi to the class.

Technology Integration:
The lesson objectives can be supported by the use of technology, by integrating the usage of
laptops and the smartboard. In order to properly achieve the objective, the students must present
their skills of those two types of technology. TTW use technology by demonstrating their
presentation on the smartboard.
Differentiated Instruction:
English Language Learners
ELL students will be given a cheat sheet, of common vocab words relating to weather, to
use when researching their natural disaster. This will help the students better understand
new words they come across.
Special Education
Students in Special Education will be given a step by step procedure of what needs to be
performed throughout the lesson. That way they can relate to the guide, if they need help

moving along the lesson. The teacher will also provide extra assistance if needed (for
example researching their disaster, creating their Prezi, etc.).
Gifted Students
Gifted Students will be required to not only research their assigned natural disaster but
will also be required to identify which counties in Arizona are most affected by their form
of weather disaster.
At-Risk Students
At-risk students will be given extra motivation and assistance throughout the lesson. If
they start to feel frustrated or upset, TTW sit with them and figure out a plan, in order for
the student to succeed. If an intervention is necessary, it will be provided.
TSW be assessed on their Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheets and Prezi Presentation. When
grading the Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet, TTW make sure each student has found all the
information required, and that they responded in complete sentences. While the students are
presenting their video, TTW grade the students based on their presentation skills (eye contact,
gestures, posture, voice, etc.), participation, and whether their information was relevant.
Instructional Materials/Resources:
Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet:
TSW use the Natural Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet to help research their assigned natural
disaster. Each group must identify ten important facts about their disaster, and express
those thoughts using complete sentences. TSW also be assigned to fill out a Natural
Disaster Ten Fact Worksheet for all the other disasters, by pay attention and locating them
within the other groups Prezi presentations.
Natural Disaster Prezi:
TSW create a Prezi presentation about their natural disaster and present it to the class.
Their Prezi must include the information they discovered on their Natural Disaster Ten
Fact Worksheet.

TSW use the laptop to research their assigned natural disaster and create their Prezi
The students will use the Smartboard when presenting their Prezi presentation to the

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