9 Review

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Houston LJ Doig

December 9, 2015

Lesson Plan

Math 9: Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes)
Determine the surface area of composite 3-D objects to solve problems. [C, CN, PS, R, V]

5 mins
9BC Take in 1.3 SA WS
Reinforce that if the views of faces dont change, area doesnt either (Ex. Cube missing

Lesson: N/A (Review Day)


After Lesson:
9BC - Assign questions from Pg. 37 #15-17 & Pg. 38 #3, 7, 8 for HW/review
Extension: do the rest of the questions (might be on quiz {wink})
Finish WS 1.3 if not done

For students that are struggling:
Show students the cylinder paper fold out so they can see the different shapes and areas (two
circles and one large rectangle).
Explain to students what 2 ! really is ( ! a square with side length r, pi is how many times that
box can fit into the circle and the 2 is because there are two circles).
Tell students that surface area is the sides that you can physically touch or could paint.

Resources Needed:
MathLinks 9 Textbook
Net for cylinder and rectangular prism

Objectives of the Lesson:
For students to solve for surface area of cylinders
For students to understand where the formulas are derived from (not getting into too much
To promote problem solving

Learning Outcomes Targeted for Grade 9

[C] Communication
[CN] Connections

Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the
relationships among them.
Determine the surface area of composite 3-D objects to solve problems.
[C, CN, PS, R, V]

[ME] Mental Mathematics
[PS] Problem Solving
[V] Visualization

[R] Reasoning
[T] Technology

Mr. Houston LJ Doig


December 9, 2015

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