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Student Profile Sheet for Letters of Recommendation

Full Name: Bailey Drevon Thomas

Advisor: Lynch

Name(s) of Scholarship / College



Jan 1

Kennesaw State University

May 6

GA State

March 1

Where do you want the recommendation letters sent? Include any envelopes.

Harvard University

List several teachers / people from whom you might request letters of
recommendations. Two teachers must be core classes. Give the teacher and their
subject area.

AP Physics



Current GPA: 3.9

Academic / Career Interest: Computer Science
Awards that I have won: Honor Roll (9th-12th) , Spanish Award (9th), Math Award (9th),
Academic Achievement For being in top 10% (12th)
Community Involvement: Shop With An Indian (2012-2015)
Extracurricular Activities (list any leadership positions held):HOSA, BETA club, SADD
Work Experience:Baby Sitting and Volunteer work in the office of Senior Suites
Has any a summer experience, work, or study been of significance to you? Explain.
I have become greatly interested in computers. Over the summer I spent much time
with my father who knows how to build them. He showed me the ins and outs of the
machines and sparked my interest in them.

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Explain.

My greatest strength is my ability to work under pressure efficiently and quickly. I am

able to produce the best outcome with out altering the quality of the work.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses? Explain. My weakness would be that I
tend to take on all responsibility by myself even when there is a team to help me. I
have been able to improve on team work skills and shift my role to being the team
leader and even being able to step down and be a follower when need be.

Give 3 words that describe you. Include specific anecdotes / examples.

Determined. I will not stop until the job is done.
Helpful. I tend to lend a helping hand whenever someone needs it.

Fair. I give all of my peers the same respect that is given to me.

Describe a minimum of 1 major setback or disappointment. Include how you either

overcame it or reacted to it.
Having to transfer school was a setback for me being that some of my math credits did
not transfer. I overcame that by working hard and diligently in my math classes and
not letting that discourage me on my path to success.

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your life? Why? Please be original and
give a thorough explanation.
My mother is the biggest influence in my life. In 2005 she fell ill with multiple
anuerysms and is now paralyzed on the right side of her body, but that has not stopped
her from living her life or shooting for the stars. I feel that if she can get up everyday
and take life by the reins then so can I.

In one paragraph, describe why a college should choose you over another student.
What do you think you have to offer or how will you benefit?

I am very hardworking and determined to do what it takes to complete the task at

hand. I have leadership skills and I am able to take a step back and be a follower when
it is called for. I am a flexible student and can adjust quickly to changes while not
allowing them to alter my study habits or grade.

In one paragraph, explain why you should receive the scholarship and how this
organization / company will benefit from your receiving the monies. I am able to
efficiently get things done. The money granted to me will be put to good use on my
schooling. I plan on being successful on the career path that I go down and the monies
received will help me do that and will not go to waste.

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