Founded in 1991 Hamlet Isakhanli Eastern Europe Caucasus Central Asia

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Founded in 1991 by Prof.

Hamlet Isakhanli ([1]), the University became one of the first private
universities in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and the first in Azerbaijan to
introduce Western-style, research-oriented higher education. Isakhanli formed Khazar in the
interest of reforming the previous, sometimes corrupt system of higher education
underSoviet rule.[2][3][4]

In Azerbaijan, Khazar University is recognized for providing innovative Westernstyle education on all levels: undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral. [7] It also
runs a lab school (Dunya School) with programs on kindergarten, elementary and
secondary school levels.
Khazar University has a faculty of about 250 lecturers, many of whom were
educated and/or trained in Europe or the United States. Khazar University is the
pioneer in Azerbaijan to have a flexible student-centered credit accumulation
system. Khazars curricula meet the standards of the leading universities in
advanced industrialized democracies. The primary language of instruction at
Khazar is English. These factors aim to increase the academic and professional
opportunities for the students and train them to work in a globalizing
international environment.
There are four schools (colleges) operating within Khazar University:

School of Engineering and Applied Science

School of Economics and Management

School of Humanities and Social Science

School of Education

School of Humanities and Social Sciences[edit]

Majors available within the school:

English Language and Literature (BA)

Area Studies (BA, MA)

International Relations (BA, MA, PhD)

Political Science (BA, MA, PhD)

Journalism (MA)

International Journalism (MA)

Translation(BA, MA)

Psychology (BA)

English Language (MA)


Social Philosophy (PhD)


History of Philosophy (PhD)


History of Azerbaijan (PhD)


World History (PhD)


Germanic languages (English)(PhD)

Political Science and International Relations - Mukhtar Hajizada,

PhD, chair,

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