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Abstract Algebra Concepts in

Mathematics Education
Danielle Harrison
Cassey Jones
Sarah Park
Rebecca Wittebols

I dont know why I have to know

this. Im only going to teach
addition and subtraction.

Equivalence Relations

310 Definition v. Common Core Standard

Equivalence Relation:

Let S be a set, and let ~ be

a binary relation on S. Then
~ is called an equivalence
relation on S provided that ~
satisfies all of the
following properties:
reflexivity, symmetry, and

Similar Fractions:

Recognize and generate

simple equivalent fractions
and explain why the
fractions are equivalent.
There are also standards on
geometric similarity.

Fractions as Equivalence Relations

We know fractions can be split into equivalent

classes. If two fractions are equivalent if the cross
multiples are equal. For example a/b and c/d are
equivalent if ad=bc.

exampleS of an equivalence class:

All the equivalent fractions to 1/2

All the equivalent fractions to 1/3
All the equivalent fractions to 1/4

*** We notice that each of these sets are infinitely large.

Infinitely many elements in each.
Using what we said previously, that ad = bc, we can show
elements in each class are truly equivalent. We will do an
examples with the equivalence class that contains 1/2 on the
next slide.

Equivalence class of 1/2

- First we will show that 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4.
a=1,b=2,c=2,d=4, then ad=bc (1)(4)=(2)(2) 4 = 4.
- What about 1/2 and 8/16?
a=1,b=2,c=8,d=16, then ad=bc (1)(16)=(2)(8) 16 = 16.
- What about 1/2 and 4/6?
a=1,b=2,c=4,d=6, then ad=bc (1)(6)=(2)(4) 6 = 8. NO!

Vectors as equivalence Classes

When we actually draw a vector,
we need to choose a starting
point and an ending point.
Since a vector does not change
upon translation, we can think
of these as equivalence classes
of the points on the vector.
Since the vectors are
equivalent to each other, all
the points in the vector are in
this class.

** You can actually do this with any

two geometric objects if they are
only differ by a translation.

Prime FActorization

310 Definition
A prime number is an integer p>1
whose only positive divisors are 1
and p.
Fundamental Thm. of Arithmetic
Every integer greater than 1 is
either prime or a product of
primes. Furthermore, this
factorization is unique up to the
order of the factors.

vs. Common Core Standard

Find all factor pairs for a
whole number in the range 1100. Recognize that a whole
number is a multiple of each of
its factors. Determine whether
a given whole number in the
range 1-100 is a multiple of a
given one-digit number.
Determine whether a given whole
number in the range 1-100 is
prime or composite.

EngageNY Curriculum

Greatest Common

310 Definitions v. Common Core Standards

A common divisor of a and b is any
integer that divides both a and b.
The largest integer that divides
both a and b is called the greatest
common divisor, denoted gcd(a,b).
*gcd(a,b) is unique.

Find the greatest common factor of
two whole numbers less than or
equal to 100 and the least common
multiple of two whole numbers less
than or equal to 12. Use the
distributive property to express a
sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with
a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no
common factor.

EngageNY Curriculum

Arithmetic Axioms

310 Definition v. Common Core Curriculum

Associativity of Multiplication
For all integers a, b, and c,
(ab)c = a(bc)
Commutativity of Multiplication
For all integers a and b, ab = ba.
Associativity of Addition
For all integers a, b, and c,
(a+b)+c = a+(b+c).
Commutativity of Addition
For all integers a and b, a+b = b+a.

Associativity of Multiplication

Miss Harrison needs to order more paper for her

classroom. There are fifty sheets of paper per
package and six packages per box. If she orders
four boxes, how many sheets of paper will she get?

Commutativity of Multiplication

Marsha has three packs of crayons, with six

crayons in each pack. Joe has six packs of
crayons, with three crayons in each pack. Who has
more crayons? Explain how you know.

Associativity of Addition

To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten,

so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12.
Ralph is collecting winter apparel to donate.
So far, he has collected two hats, six pairs of
gloves, and four scarves. How many total items has
Ralph collected?

Commutativity of Addition

Miss Park has seven posters in her

classroom and four posters in the
hallway. What is the total number of
posters that Miss Park has? Draw a
picture to show your thinking.

Mrs. Christian has four posters in

her classroom and seven posters in the
hallway. What is the total number of
posters that Mrs. Christian has?
Explain how you found your answer.

Therefore, we have proven

that the concepts learned in
MTH 310 are essential for
both elementary and
secondary math majors.


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