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Brock Mower

How to Solve the Problem of the Pollution Caused by the Production of Electricity for Electric Cars.
Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, however the production of electricity for those cars causes
massive amounts of pollution. As Nuclear Power continues to progress in ways such as Nuclear Fusion plants
(which produce no radioactive waste), it becomes clear that Nuclear power is the cleanest way to produce

Electricity Production

The focus of the media for enviornmental problems is on

how bad gasoline cars are for the enviornment. We see
that the main problem with electric cars is the production
of electricity.
Nuclear Power Plants have no CO2 pollutants. The public
is scared of nuclear power plants however, the public
does not know how much the nuclear technology has
improved even in the last two years.

According to the US Department of Energy, on a national

average, 44.77% of electrical power is produced by coal fired
power plants. That means that driving these fully electric cars
is still producing pollutants. The US Energy Information
Administration reported that coal plants in the United States
emitted 1,753 million metric tons of CO2 in 2014. The EIA
also reported that transportation in the US emitted 1,519
million metric tons of CO2 in 2014. Driving cars produced
about the same amount of CO2 as the coal power plants and
that is not including the other forms of electricity production.

High-quality design & construction,

Equipment which prevents operational disturbances or human
failures and errors developing into problems,
Comprehensive monitoring and regular testing to detect equipment
or operator errors.
redundant and diverse systems to control damage to the fuel and
prevent significant radioactive releases,

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