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Lesson Plan # 2


Grade: 4
Duration: 12 minutes
National Music Standards: Perform, Respond, Create
Repertoire: Beethovens music (Fur Elise and Symphony 9)
Teaching Materials: paper and pencil, listening examples
New vocabulary: symphony, musical appreciation
Lesson Objectives:
Students will:
Learn the key facts about Ludwig van Beethovens life on a powerpoint.
Quietly draw an accurate image of what listening to Ode to Joy made them
Participate in the movement activity I have planned for Fur Elise.
Be able to differentiate between the A, B, C sections of Fur Elise when listening
doing the movements with the music.
Teaching Procedure
Prepare- State that we will be learning about a famous classical era composer named Ludwig
van Beethoven. We will be doing some activities to assist in our learning.
I will go over a few facts about Beethoven, his life, and his works.
I will pass out paper and pencils for the listening/musical appreciation
I will play a recording of Ode to Joy from Beethovens 9th Symphony
I will ask the students to draw whatever image or
images that come to their minds and write down any words they would
associate with the music.
I will ask a few students to share what they thought
and/or wrote down.
Then we will switch musical gears to something more touching and soloistic.

I will demonstrate some partner handclapping/movements appropriate for Fur

Elise. Then I will ask the students to find a partner.

Practice and Extend

Hopefully all the students will be comfortable trying to do the movements with a partner. They
will be simple hand motions that sound somewhat like the music playing.
The students will practice the movements with the music.
Assess and Close
I hope that these activities will make them more aware of what goes on in
classical music and that it doesnt have to be boring if you are actively listening.
I will go over the facts I told them at the beginning of the lesson to reiterate the
learned material. I will do this by asking questions.

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