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Shahil Islam

Screen Test Notes

For my textual analysis I analysed how fear and isolation is represented in The Descent 2
(2009) and The Evil Dead (2011). In my creative artefact I am trying to represent fear and
isolation just like how they are represented in the films. I will be focusing on camera angles
and cinematography.
Within both films there are many different scenes where isolation and fear is represented
through the different angles and cinematography.
Following my textual analysis I decided to produce screen test notes in which I decided to
create a two minute sequence which is about two friends that havent seen each other in a
long time and then one of the friends starts acting weird and then has a plan to abduct his
friend in attempt to sacrifice him for a demon ritual. So for my cast I will need two male
actors who are not too old. The age of both my characters are 18 so I should be finding
actors that look like that age or are those ages.
The three things I want from my actors are that they should be confident; they should fit the
requirements that I need to suit my characters and they should also have good voice
I decided to audition three males for both roles. One of the actors is a tall teenager that has
white skin and has brown hair. Another actor has ginger hair, is tall and is white. The last
actor I auditioned is a tall Asian male that has fair skin.
Actor 1
Name: Cameron Quinn
Age: 16
Height: 60
Features: Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
Screen test notes on Joe Actor 1: Cameron Quinn
After observing his performance I found that he gave a good
performance and he was interested in his film. He had high levels of
confidence and he could easily project his voice. Also my antagonist had
to look sketchy and had to have a look about him that made them the
audience feel like they are not acting normal. I saw that he was able to
give off a strange vibe and he made me believe that he was actually I
the film. He was able to act out the correct emotions and he gave the
correct vibe off that I needed. He delivered a good performance. Overall,
he was an excellent performer and managed to have everything I
needed the antagonist to have.
Actor 2

Shahil Islam
Name: Barry Turi
Age: 16
Height: 510
Features: Ginger Hair, Blue Eyes
Screen test notes on Joe Actor 2: Barry Turi
After the first view of observing Actor 1s performance, I was able to see
that his deliverance of dialogue and body language wasnt what I was
looking for. He didnt seem too interested and he wasnt giving much
enthusiasm in the whole sequence. His features didnt seem like it fit the
antagonist Joe and he couldnt give of a strange vibe. Although he gave a
good performance he didnt fit the description of the antagonist that I was
looking for.
His facial expression didnt look diabolic enough and the audience wouldnt
have believed that he was the antagonist who will result in people not believing in him being
the antagonist and it wont seem realistic enough.
Overall although he did give a good enough performance to be the protagonist I had already
had another actor in mind and I felt as though he wouldnt be able to give of a good enough
performance to make the audience believe in being the antagonist.
Actor 3
Name: Junaid Mirza
Age: 16
Height: 62
Screen test notes on Robert Actor 3: Junaid Mirza
After viewing his performance of the protagonist Joe I realised that he is the
perfect actor for the role of Robert the antagonist. He was very confident in
how he delivered his speech and his height was good enough to look like an
antagonist. He was very enthusiastic and professional in the way he was
acting. He gave a good performance and it was the best performance
delivered by all the actors that I used.
His facial expression looked diabolic enough to be the antagonist although he
could improve some of his facial expressions to look scary. It is easy to
believe that he is the antagonist and I think that the audience will believe this.
Overall he gave a good performance and I thought that he was the best actor to play Robert
as he gave a really good performance. There was no other actor out of all the actors I had
that couldve played Robert. So I will choose Junaid as the actor to play Robert in my

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