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Descartes Story


Descartes Story
I came upon an extract on Wikipedia
about Rene Descartes, and it was so
extraordinary, I thought I must include

Descartes Story
On the night of 1011 November 1619,
while stationed inNeuburg an der Donau,
Germany, Descartes shut himself in a
"oven" (some type of room specially
heated for that purpose) to escape the
cold. While within, he had three visions
and that a divine spirit revealed to him a
new philosophy. Upon exiting he had
formulatedanalytical geometry and the
idea of applying the mathematical method
to philosophy.]

Descartes Story
He concluded from these visions that the
pursuit of science would prove to be, for
him, the pursuit of true wisdom and a
central part of his life's work.[16][17]
Descartes also saw very clearly that all
truths were linked with one another, so
that finding a fundamental truth and
proceeding with logic would open the way
to all science. This basic truth, Descartes
found quite soon: his famous "I think".[14

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