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Jackson Mittleman

Miss Zandonella
November 13, 2015
Animal Research Backfires

I believe that animal research is not justified. Whether it depends on the (health and well
being of a) person or not, animals have developing lives just like humans. Not so long ago,
scientists started using animals as the subjects of research and so people (respectively) broke
out in anger through protests more recently the SeaWorld killer whale exhibit issue, where the
resort was accused of animal cruelty. Many think these experiments on animals are unjust, and
many also believe that animals should receive the same treatment as humans, essentially
giving them rights not to have to be our test subjects. What activists are trying to say is, we dont
get tested on, why should they?
Animals are dying from unexpected tumors, diseases, and other causes of death they
would never come in contact with otherwise, because they are forced to be tested on in
labs.According to PETA (People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals), Animals are infected
with diseases that they would never normally contract, tiny mice grow tumors as large as their
own bodies, kittens are purposely blinded, rats are made to suffer seizures, and primates skulls
are cut open and electrodes are implanted in them. Some believe that the activists will never
see to their deserved power because they have a misunderstanding of how medicine works,
and the thought that goes into it. Animals in lab testing are said to be put back into cages after
experiments without painkillers, causing them a great deal of pain and torture, and they have no
control over it.They dont know if they will be dragged from their prison cells for an injection,
blood withdrawal, a painful procedure, surgery, or death. Often they see other animals killed
right in front of them.(PETA).
Many areas across the country have built shelters for animals rescued from abusive and
neglectful situations where they will receive food,care and love rather than be put down. PETA is
a foundation created by people who believe in the no animals in biomedical research cause.
Members of PETA decided it was smarter to focus on attacking scientific researchers. In fact,
just scientists in general are being targeted for these acts of crime against these animals. No
matter how many times scientists will claim that only 1 percent of animals killed are from
experiments, the thought process goes in from PETA, and other activists that even if its one
percent, youre still killing innocent animals who have lived many years, just like we have.
Sometimes, these vaccines made for animals have not successfully worked on humans, only
animals were immune. Its these events that make PETA and the other citizens that care about
animal rights furious. Scientists have no good reason not to use bacteria, instead of animals,
and with all this technology today, we cant even find another substitute?
When a group of scientists created The Three Rs(reduce the number of animals used,
refine their techniques, and replace animal use), many activists saw this as scientists saying
they had used too many animals. In conclusion, due to over-experimentation, these experiments
have caused more problems than theyve solved. Its an unjust idea to harm living beings
genetically very similar, that many believe all living beings, be it animal or human, have the

rights to remain where they live in wild areas, and they do not have to be touched by scientific
While these efforts have been in place a while, and remain that way that doesnt mean
change is happening right now, and it will cease immediately. It means that time will tell really
how much animal experimentation is benefitting society, but it will never be just, not in the eyes
of those who believe in it.Why cant we just let these animals free, and properly care for them?
Its no surprise these awful acts of animal cruelty spark anger in animal rights activists, because
they are so painful, and unavoidable for these innocent animals being killed, and injured in labs.

Works Cited
"Animal Rights." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

"Cruelty to Animals in Laboratories." PETA. 2015, Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

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