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Lesson Author: Emma Larson

Lesson Topic: Music Math

Grade level: 6th and 7th grade
Length of lesson: 25-30 minutes

Date: 11/8/15

Stage 1 Desired Results

Content Standard(s): the elements of music including melody, rhythm, harmony,

dynamics, tone color, texture, form and their related concepts.

- Read and notate music using standard notation such as dotted rhythms,
clefs, mixed meters and multipart scores, with or without the use of notation
Enduring Understandings (Big
ideas communicated succinctly)
- Rhythms can be displayed in
many ways.
- There is more than one way to
read music.

Essential Questions (Lead with

A Can the same rhythms be broken
down in different ways?
B What is a penta scale?

Student objectives/learning outcomes (Scaffold these in increasingly

complex order based upon Bloom hyperlink here)
Students will:
I Sing a warm-up demonstrating a penta scale.
II Analyze music to differentiate rhythm similarities and differences.
III Sight read rhythms using Kodaly rhythm reading and keeping a steady
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks (Real life
Other Evidence (Supportive details)
assessments of this learning in the

students worlds)

Students will sight read, clap

and speak rhythms that use
quarter notes, quarter rests,
half notes, whole notes, half
and whole rests.

Students will use given notes

to complete the Music math

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities (Education Neuroscientific Learning Cycle: Sense
luscious, Reflective, Analytical, Motor, and so on)
Learning Materials: Smartboard, piano, Deck the Halls
attachment, Music Math worksheets for 6th and 7th grades
-Students will sing up and down a major scale using half notes, solfege, and
hand signs.
-Ask students to review the penta scale (5 note scales do-sol). Introduce lip
buzzing using a penta scale. If students cant buzz their lips, suggest
having them sing on a ZZZZZ on pitch.
-Tongue twister using penta scale: Seven Sassy Sailors Sailed the Seven
Salty Seas. All on eighth notes, Seven they are all on the same pitch, then
go down the scale.
-Open Deck the Halls attachment.
-LESSON FOR 6th GRADERS: have them search for the rhythm differences in
the two lines. Ask them, Whats different? Do they mean the same thing?
How do you know?
-LESSON FOR 7th GRADERS: same questions as the 6th graders. Use this
example and the numbers below the rhythms to review this dotted eighth
note rhythm. Discuss how this example breaks down the rhythm in multiple
-Go to , create a level 1 warm up for 4
measures. Have students speak the rhythms on ta, ti-ti, then have them count it
speaking all counts except rests (on place theyll say rest), finally have them clap it while
thinking the rhythms in their heads and not out loud.
-For 6th grade, we will take a quick moment to review notes and their values.
-For 7th grade, I will adapt some measures to create ties. We will discuss the new length
values of the notes.

-6th graders should be able to complete their worksheet by themselves with

remaining time.
-7th graders will start working by themselves, then work with a partner the last 85 minutes to brainstorm on ideas.
Conclusion: Review the worksheet with the students giving students
opportunities to write in their answers on the smartboard. Use an open

discussion to allow students to share if they had anything different.

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