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Digital Design Portfolio

Tiana Cole

Personal Logo
Concept: I wanted to brand myself
as classic yet dynamic; to show a
traditionalism that is dependable while
at the same time show that I am about
to adapt and change. I chose a subtle
blue-green gradient for my personal
logo because those cool colors reflect
my personality traits of being calm and
professional. The gradient itself echoes
my duality of traditional and modern,
while the serif typeface is reminiscent of
the type found in many printed books.

Business Card


1850 N University Ave #213

Provo UT 84604

On my business card, I wanted

to emphasize the most
convenient ways to contact me,
so I used repetition of color
to make my email and phone
number stand out, as well as
connect it to my logo.

Tiana Cole

Letterhead and Business Envelope

Tiana Cole

1850 N University Avenue #213

Provo UT 84604

Another feature of my personal logo

is its simplicity. While it was originally
created with my name beneath the
logo, I have also used it several
times independent of my name or
with my name in another location.
The simplicity of the design makes it
easier to have this flexibility.

The Provo YSA 159th Ward Presents a

Turkey Bow l

Bring your A-game and your appetite!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

10:00 AM
Wyview Fields
Turkey dinner after the game
provided by the bishopric

8.5 x 11 Flyer
Concept: The purpose of
this design was to motivate
the audience (in this case,
a group of young adults)
to attend a Thanksgiving
activity. I used hierarchy and
size to communicate the
most important information
at a glance. I also aligned all
the details in a vertical line
on the right.

Magazine Article
BYU Magazine
Article Layout

lovingly with all of Gods children. In

so doing, we fulfill the mission assigned

to us because we are children of the

prophets; and ye [we] are of the house

of Israel; and ye [we] are of the covenant

which the Father made with your [our]

With the

William Eggington

Department of Linguistics and

English Language

This article is adapted from

Professor Eggingtons BYU

Devotional talk delivered
November 2011.


Photo credit: Bradley Slade

Going into the world means becoming righteous participants

interacting closely and lovingly with all of Gods children.

M A LINGUIST. Linguistics is the

scientific study of language. In
1979, Pam and I were living a pretty
comfortable life in Brisbane, Australia.

We had a nice house close to Pams parents

forget the bemused smile on Pams face as

we began this adventure. Im sure she was

thinking, What has he done to us?

Most days I leave my BYU office in the early

and three wonderful children aged 6, 5,

evening and wander around campus trying

I wanted to know more about how language

morning. I look at the beautiful mountains,

and 3. I had a good job. But I had a dream.

works. At that time, one of the best graduate

programs in linguistics in the world was at

the University of Southern California located

just south of downtown Los Angeles. So we

left this comfortable life and went off to Los


The second day in LA, we bundled the

kids into a borrowed car and went down to

the U.S.C. campus to keep an appointment

with a linguistics professor. I was excited to

be finally going to the temple of my academic
dreams. We arrived on campus and obtained
a campus map, but there was no linguistics

department listed on the map. We found

a traffic station and asked a security guard
where the Linguistics Department was.
The what? he asked.

The Linguistics Department.

He picked up a phone. Hey Joe, Do you

to remember where I parked the car that

this incredible campus, and the miracle

that each of you represents. I cant help but

think of G.K. Chestertons thoughts about

Evening. He writes:

Here dies another day

During which I have had eyes, ears, hands

And the great world round me;

And with tomorrow begins another.

Why am I allowed two?

What is our relationship to the great

world around us? We are told to be in

the world, but not of the world. We are

instructed to Go into all the world, and

preach the gospel to every creature (Mark

15:16) which, of course, we take to mean

preaching the gospel to all of Gods children.

In so doing, we follow the example of Christ

who also went into the world (John 3:17).

thy seed shall all the kindreds of the

earth be blessed (3 Nephi 20:25). This is

our responsibility to all the kindreds of

the earth. Note that this responsibility

The information age has a companion.

extends not just to people who are like

Never before in human history have so

us, but to all the kindreds of the earth.

so many purposes. The global population

us, or to people who want to become like

From a linguistics perspective, we are

living in times that some describe in terms

of two ages: The Information Age and
the Age of Proximity.






Information Age where an incredible






each of us to have access to vast troves

of information. A huge portion of the

many people moved around so often, for

is on the move, whether it be through
international immigration, in-country

migration, tourism, or short-term travel

for business or educational purposes.





challenges of a new age, one that I have

labeled the Age of Proximity, adapting a
term used in slightly different contexts.

Over many millennia, human beings

worlds current scientific, technological,

have developed modes of behavior that

retrieved in the English language. In

where we interact with people just like

or cultural information is stored and

many respects, Anglo-American cultural

values, carried by the English language,
dominate global behavior either in terms
of people either adopting these values or
reacting to them.

As mostly native, or near-native

English speakers, we, at this university

have inherited a linguistically and

culturally privileged position amongst

the worlds population. In fact, it may

be no historical accident that the English

language, up to this point in time, is

have grown out of social comfort zones

us. Beginning with interaction in settings

such as those found within families, clans,

tribes, villages, towns, cities, regions and
who share our linguistic and cultural

ways. We are most comfortable when we

are with our people. Things go more

smoothly. But in this Age of Proximity, we

spend more and more time proximate to
people from other families, other tribes and
villages, other cities, regions and nations.

These people speak other dialects of our

not only the working language of this

languages, or totally different languages.

world language.

seem strange to us. In essence, we are

dispensation but also historys first

They share different cultural norms that

more and more interacting with people

who speak in strange tongues, and who
do strange thingswe are living in a
world of strangers.

This is the Age of Proximity. This

situation often threatens to take us out

in going into the world means becoming

comfort zones. The socio-cultural and

world, let me suggest that our responsibility

We eventually found it housed in a rickety

righteous participants interacting closely and

Photo credit: Bradley Slade

A man walks with his cell phone in the age of

nations, we like to spend time with people

Based upon how Christ went into the

know where the ling ling the what?

the Linguistics Department is?
2 BYU Magazine

old building . It wasnt a good start. Ill never

fathers, saying unto Abraham: And in

of our same language, same culture

sociolinguistic consequences of this Age

Photo credit: Bradley Slade

A woman on a humanitarian trip helps care for
a baby in Africa.

BYU Magazine 3

Concept: This article was very

lengthy and discussed interaction
with other peoples and cultures.
Because most magazine layouts
use columns, we decided to
incorporate the rule of thirds in
setting up our article. On this first
spread, we felt that white space
was important because it was a
very text-heavy article. In order
to incorporate all 5 colors of our
color scheme, we used repetition
in shape by adding colored circles
in lighter values, setting them
in the ground part of the figureground relationship.

of Proximity are not as apparent here

exchange, he argued that there should be

of sequenced

for example, but they are here, and it

should be fellow citizens with the saints in

would anyone say, Thats the phone?

at BYU as they are in Los Angeles,

is likely that you will be interacting

with them both here and elsewhere

throughout your life.






challenges brought about by the Age

of Proximity in a number of ways. We

can withdraw into our samenessour

family, friends, regional, or national
identities and set up barriers that protect

us from interacting in meaningful ways

with those who are different.

Some people of the world

have chosen to do this by
withdrawing, geographically

or otherwise, behind walls of

national or religious exclusion.

Others choose to do it in

more subtle ways, relying on

technology so that even though
they are physically surrounded




backgrounds, they can always

no more strangers and foreigners, but all

the household of God (Ephesians 2:19).

Similar to a standard modern Church

mission, Paul had to travel extensively

in order to interact with strangers and

bring them to Christ. But heres what is

But you know what they mean, dont


By saying Thats the phone, Pams

intention is to say, The phone is

foreigners are coming to us. They are all

answer it. By saying, Im washing the

the Age of Proximity, the strangers and

around us. Just as they are strange to us,

we are strange to them.

ringing. Im not going to answer it. You

dog, Bill intends to say, Im unable

to answer the phone. You answer it.

Pams OK means, Ill

Our challenge then is to overcome our

selected electronic Facebook and Twitter

natural-man reluctance to interact with

and digital social networks. They may be

dialects, and cultural backgrounds and

are always immersed in their virtual tribe,

actual, or potential, fellow citizens with

only in minimal and superficial ways.

challenge is not easy. Even when we can

friends, their same-minded political blogs

those who come from different languages,

surrounded by different people, but they

treat them as no more strangers, but

and they interact with non-tribal members

the saints in the household of God. This

Its comforting. Its natural human

behaviorthe default behavior of the

natural man. But, as suggested earlier,

overcome language barriers, there are a

host of other more subtle difficulties.

Let me give you a brief linguistic

its not what Heavenly Father wants us to

example that focuses on one of these

School, many of us have followed Pauls

that make words that make sentences

do. Over the past few months, in Sunday

apostolic mission as he went fearlessly

into strange places introducing strange
people to Christs teaching, while, at times,
coping with those at home in Jerusalem

who wanted to keep Christianity within

the tribe. He often pled with those at

home to welcome these strangers into

their families, into their homes, and into

4 BYU Magazine

logically follow Thats the phone?

interesting about our current times. In

in their self-selected iPod music, their self-

Christs Church.

How could, Im washing the dog

ur challenge then
is to overcome
our natural-man
reluctance to interact with
those who come from
different languages, dialects,
and cultural backgrounds.

be virtually at home, encased

In one memorable

expressions, devoid of

context, they dont make sense. Why

difficulties. Language consists of sounds

that make meaning. So far, so good. But

answer it.

Often, things we say not

only have a grammatical

sense, but also an intentional

sense. We say one thing,

we intend to mean another


This phenomenon





You were

able to make sense of Pams

and Bills exchange because

you have developed a type

of pragmatic competence, or the ability

to express and comprehend hidden,

intended or unstated meaning that is

embedded in situational or cultural

contexts. Your pragmatic competence

comes from life-long experiences dealing
with similar contexts.

Even when people share the same

linguistic and cultural backgrounds,

pragmatic problems can arise. Lets

say an imaginary Jack and Jill are

driving home to Provo from Salt

Lake City.

Jill asks Jack, Are you thirsty?

Jack responds, No. Things go

things get complicated. Consider the

silent in the car.

in a household setting.

time Jill turns to Jack and says, You

following exchange between two people

Pam: Thats the phone

know, you need to work on being a

Bill: Im washing the dog

Pam: OK



They arrive in Provo, at which

little less self-centered and departs


grammatically correct, but as a set

rather frigidly.

Jack stares into the

void wondering what just happened.

So what happened? By asking if Jack

Mrs. Smith, a teacher at Dixon Middle School explains English grammar to a class of diverse students.

Photo credit: Bradley Slade

was thirsty, Jill was intending to signal

their sentences or to understand their

or linguistic backgrounds interact. Of

could pull into their favorite fast food

of difficulty in communication is

Age of Proximity.

that she was thirsty and perhaps they

place in Lehi. Jack didnt comprehend





words A far more important source

that we so often fail to understand

a speakers intention. (G.A. Miller as

(Adapted from Tannen: D. (2001). You

cited in Thomas, J. (2006) Cross-cultural

Men in Conversation. William Morrow

Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Vol. 4.

Just Dont Understand: Women and

Pragmatic Failure. In World Englishes:


K. Bolton and B. Kachru (eds.). London:

This is an example of what linguists

call pragmatic failure.

As a noted

researcher in the field states:

Most of our misunderstandings

of other people are not due to any

inability to hear them or to parse

Routledge. P. 22.)

course, this happens frequently in this

Here is my personal example of

pragmatic failure at the cross-cultural

level. Prior to attending graduate school

at the University of Southern California,

I taught English as a Second Language to

immigrants and refugees in Australia in

an adult basic education context. During

So if examples of pragmatic failure

breaks, teachers at the school would

backgrounds communicate, you can

commiserate about this or that teaching

when people from different cultural

have a problem with teaching a particular

abound when people from shared

gather in the teachers lounge and often

imagine how frequently they occur

problem, class or student. I might say I

BYU Magazine 5

We also created pull quotes as a contrast to the body text around it. There is a contrast in color (red vs. black) as well as typeface (serif
body, sans serif pull quote). We adjusted the tracking and leading in several paragraphs in order to avoid rivers and orphans, and the
establishment of paragraph styles made editing sections much easier. We also used the master pages to set running footers.

Book Publication
Mission Memory Book

The Field Is White,

Already to Harvest
Experiences in the Idaho Nampa Mission

D&C 4

Written and compiled by Hermana Tiana Cole

Concept: The purpose in creating

this book is to share a brief overview
of my mission through a selection
of emails I sent during my mission.
For the cover, I chose to create a
wraparound cover to get a perfect
binding, because although the book
contains a series of selections, I
did not feel that spiral was the best
binding option. I wanted the finished
product to feel more permanent
and more like a keepsake. I also
took advantage of the savanna
preference in my cover by echoing
the wheat fields in the composition
of this design.

The Field Is White,

Already to Harvest

The layout of the book itself is meant to

be a cross between a blog post feel and a
scrapbook feel; for this reason, there are
photos that bleed off the top or bottom
edge of the page like a banner, and there
are also smaller pictures offset in the
text as if they were snapshots that had
been laid alongside the text. I also used a
contrastive decorative font (Ke Aloha) for
my signature at the end of each letter to
imitate the signature of a real letter. The
color scheme I chose was a variation on
the red-yellow-blue triadic color scheme.

Experiences in the Idaho Nampa Mission

Written and compiled by Hermana Tiana Cole

Table of Contents

Tiana Cole
Copyright 2015
Brigham Young University Academic Press
All Rights Reserved

IM WEARING PANTS (and loving it)!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

I never knew 7 days could feel so long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Growing pains are painful for a reason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
This is ridiculous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Dear President, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
How do you know you are loved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Youve got what it takes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Frio, homeboy . Frio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
In one word: Exchanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Too busy for a subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
JUST ASK FOR IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
How far away do you think that plane is? . . . . . . . . . . . .16
In the mouth of two OR THREE witnesses . . . . . . . . . .18
Hey! Better late than never, right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Say YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Alma 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Alma 5 and Alma 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Date: Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:02 PM

I never knew 7 days could feel so long.

Hi Dad/familia,
The work here is super SLOW because my companions and I are opening an area, o sea, they opened it about 4 weeks ago and its the first time there have been
hermanas here, so its kind of like starting from square 1 with lots of things . There is a branch here that we work in, and the week before I came there were only
17 people at church . We dont even meet in the chapel, we meet in a cave, a room with no windows and looks more like a relief society room (but smaller) .
We only have sacrament meeting in the branch, and then the kids combine with another English ward for 2nd and 3rd hour . Were trying to get more people
to come to the branch so that when we invite investigators to come to church theyll actually be excited to be there because other people will be there too . We
never have a program in the branch, so I was totally caught off guard when the branch president got up to announce the program and he said Id be speaking
first . Well, sharing my testimony, at least . But Id also been asked to say the closing prayer, so it was suddenly like I was doing a lot and no one even knew me
yet . AND my companions are speaking next Sunday, so Im singing the intermediate hymn, whatever that may be .
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:50 PM

IM WEARING PANTS (and loving it)!!!!

Querida familia,
Im alive! And doing well . Ive seen a lot of people I know here . I feel so dumb because I wrote down everything in my journal that I wanted to share and even
though weve been running around all day because we were stoked to get email time, I left my journal in our residence hall . Go me .
Anyway, yeah . Life is good here . I probably eat too much, but considering I was hardly eating at all before I came, I think Im just being conditioned for eating
in Idaho . Hermana Devey is probably being conditioned for eating in Nicaragua because she hardly eats at all (well okay, she does, its just not very much) . Im
in a trio, which people said would be hard, but I didnt understand why . Now I get it . Its not the emotional/social part of it, its the teaching . We just have so
many brains! Not to mention we have to go to the bathroom 50% more often than anyone else . The brains were starting to figure out in terms of finding our
rhythm and listening to the Spirit . The only way you can get a bunch of people on the same page about something like teaching the Gospel is through being in
tune with the Spirit . Also, Im the youngest and shortest hermana in my trio! Crazy, right? Hermana Trone and Hermana Devey both graduated, Trone from
Stanford and Devey from BYU . Hermana Trone is going to Madrid, and she actually leaves for the Spain MTC TOMORROW AT 3AM because her visa came
(and I thought we were gonna have it bad leaving the Mexico MTC at 4 or 5, Elder Cole) . Hermana Devey is going to Nicaragua Managua Norte .
There is no such thing as language study here . I am definitely not the most fluent person in my program, but thats okay . I feel like I can mostly teach, and
with one investigator weve gone from pretty much a crash-and-burn to getting him to PRAY and talk to his wife about coming to church . We were feeling
pretty awesome until we remembered wed forgotten to invite him to be baptized . Oops . We are learning . Also, if this werent the MTC, Id probably be pretty
surprised that these people actually invite us back . Its an adventure: hard, but good .
THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the packages and mail! Im probably the most loved missionary here in Provo, and if Im not THE most loved, I think Im
pretty high up there . Thanks so much . My district makes fun of me, but its okay because I share my food with them . :) I love my district, even though we are the
only hermanas and the elders are mostly 18 . Its amazing how dumb they can be yet how much I learn from them all the time .

Even though Ive had 2 hours here in the field to email, I am literally to the last 5
minutes now because my companions want to go to an activity with the zone or
something . I just want to write!
There are probably only 3 stoplights here in Kuna, and theyre all within like 3
blocks of each other . Weird .
I ate cafe rio before I left the airport, and a sister coming home to Boise paid
for it . Blessing!
My mission debit card does not work yet, so thanks for the airport money . It is
saving my life right now .
I feel like every other day is either awesome or awful here, but Im getting
used to it .
Tell Ari we have chickens where we live . Sometimes we just watch them, and
we can hear them making noises, sometimes in the morning and other times
to announce theyve laid an egg . There are so many fields and dairies here,
and I think I get to work with calves this week for service .
I want to tell you about the 3 amigos and the Garcias and all the other people Ive met, but I literally have no time
left . Hopefully theyll actually progress and then I can tell you more about them later . I love you guys a lot a lot! One last thing: We went to visit Lupita and
since shes usually not home we leave a scripture on her door . I picked one at random, but checked it first, which was good because I first picked Matt 5:28 .
Hahahahaha . We left 5:1416 instead, but read it . It wouldve been funny .
Im learning a lot from my companions, mostly about following the Spirit . Were working on speaking Spanish more, but so far its a lot of English, right up
until we visit someone . One day we will do better .
Love you so much!!!! Man, I say that a lot . But its true .

I wish I could share more experiences with you, but I am seriously running out of time . I love you all so much!!!! Thank you for all your love and support .

Gracias por todo .

Hasta luego!


Hermana Cole

Hermana Tiana Cole


Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 3:19 PM

Growing pains are painful for a reason

This week has been the worst.
So far, anyway . I guess Im only 5ish weeks into this thing, so a lot more can happen, for better or for worse .
Its funny: I dont know the words for struggle or give up in Spanish, so I guess Im just not allowed to . I feel bad because Im trying to stay away from
talking about anything negative in these emails home, but sometimes I just need to share .
I think the only time this week that Ive actually cried was last night, so that deserves a gold star . Anyway, yeah . After Hna/Sis Zavala left at 5:50 am last
Monday, Hna . Dickson and I were on our own . She struggles a lot with anxiety and depression, and her anxiety made her CRAZY this week . Well, not crazy,
just crazy in need of help . Im already not much of a morning person, but the mornings have been the hardest for her too . Needless to say weve gotten to
know President Cannon a lot better through all of this: shes been talking with him, hes been setting up appointments for her, and its getting better . Its just
so draining, for both of us, since Im apparently very susceptible to the emotions of other people . On the interesting side, the appointments were in Meridian
and Boise, which are totally outside of our MISSION boundaries . . .but we went . With Presidents permission of course, so Im not coming home early for
leaving the mission on purpose . :) I met 3 elders from the Boise mission in one of the doctors offices, and it was so good just to vent to a fellow Spanish-speaking
missionary about the struggles of the area, especially since Elder Martinez had been there before the split and knew exactly what I meant . He gave me some
good advice, and let me know that we are on the right track and doing exactly what we should be doing in order to be good missionaries out there .
The important thing is that WE ARE TRYING . I know that, but even though my brain knows that, its hard to get the rest of me to feel that . I feel like we
havent done anything because we only taught 1 real lesson this week, and that was last night with Angel . And he was drunk again . Our other appointments
either all fell through, or people werent home, or stuff just didnt work out . And one day we just sat at home and took a mental health day . BUT . Whats
important is that were here at the beginning of another week, and were getting back up and trying again .
I am SO thankful for the box you sent with the McBrides . I swear, thats what set off my tears last night, I think . I had been praying so hard that night for help,
for some sort of indication that someone cared and that I was okay . I knew today was P-day and Id get emails, so Id hoped it would be something I read today .
But not 20 minutes after offering that prayer last night, the McBrides came home carrying that box, and Sis . McBride gave me hugs that came from you . I guess
Heavenly Father knew that I needed that reassurance sooner rather than later .

Its true that Heavenly Father loves to bless us, and that although His timing is usually not when we would like it to be and we have to go through a LOT of hard
times, I know that His timing is always calculated to bless us . He knows what we need better than we do .
I knew coming into this transfer that Id have to grow a lot, and Im already starting to see how much growing I have to do . Thats why growing pains hurt so
much, because youre growing so much in such a short period of time . Im pruning myself a lot/getting pruned, and Im learning to give Him my ALL and be
obedient . He can make more of my life than I could ever hope to make of it myself . I know that He has great blessings in store for me as I am obedient . I also
know that He has prepared people for me here in this mission, to touch them and change them . But first I need to find them, and to do that I need to learn
to listen to the Spirit . Working on that . President Beus, stake president of the Kuna Stake, gave me a blessing the other day, and it was a good reminder of why
Im here on a mission . I was warned not to look back, but instead to pray for others and remember that the Spirit told me to be here . Its hard, but I can do it .
President Cannon told us today that it doesnt matter how fast or slow the work may be going in our area at the time . Its the Lords work . Its going . Thats all
that matters . Were not asked to run faster than we have strength . Its okay to be human sometimes . The other quote I really liked from this weekend is that we
need to remember: You have more friends in heaven than on earth. We are NEVER alone . Angels are round about us to bear us up (D&C 84:88), and Ive
been promised that the Lord will not let me fail . Enduring to the end is the hardest part of the gospel, right? Right . So here we all are, enduring .
You are so wonderful . I love you all so much and Im so grateful for all your support . Thank you for the prayers, the thoughts, the love, the mail . I can feel the
blessings in my life, and I hope you can feel them in yours . I could not ask for a better set of family and friends, and I doubt that I ever tried to . You are simply
the best . I love you .
Have a great week .

Hermana Cole
Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:12 AM

This is ridiculous.
Winter has finally come to Nampa.
Earlier this week it snowed all night long until almost noon the next day, and Im
so glad I had boots and a puffy coat . Today, though, isnt too bad: Its about 10
degrees outside and I left my coat in the car . It feels great with just my cardigan
right now, but Ill definitely pull out the big furry monster tonight . The snow we
got was all powdery stuff, which is no good for packing or anything except sliding . Not to mention the roads
seem to be MADE OF ICE, which makes driving tons of fun . We also figured out this week who is supposed to be the designated driver
here, and its not me, so I have been obedient and not driven since . . .Thursday . And the next day is when the snow hit . And my companion is from Las Vegas .
At least she had a few years at SLCC before the mission to learn what snow looks like and get some experience driving in it . I still had to help her some though,
especially the first night because we were sliding like crazy . Dad, thank you so much for teaching me how to drive in nasty weather with the lower gears . Those
skills have probably saved us on more than one occasion when I just reached over and shifted down for her . Anyway, yeah . You would think someone would
have thought about salt by now, but no one in all of Nampa seems to have gotten there yet . Utahns for the win, I guess . :)
We did some actual farm work this week! We drove up to the northernmost part of our stake boundaries to Caldwell and did service for a family who gave us a
few referrals . When we showed up to the farm in our proselyting clothes and offered service, the sister looked at us like we were crazy . Luckily we had our service
clothes in the car . We fed calves, collected eggs (its like an Easter egg hunt in the coop, but a little more dangerous because the chickens do NOT want to move
for you), fed larger cows in SUPER cold weather from the back of a moving vehicle (yeah, looking back on it that probably wasnt too mission appropriate),
candled eggs to check for fertilization, and contacted one of the people who works for them . Fairly productive and exceedingly cold day . I had no idea what I

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