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Rogers / 2 Senator Kottal


To create and fund an agency which will monitor gun purchases by conducting investigations, searches, thorough health
evaluations and mental tests on prospective buyers.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This act may be cited as the Gun Regulation Act of 2015.
Congress hereby finds and declares that,
1) Arlington, Virginia has a murder rate of 1.6 per 100,000 people.
2) The Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban in 1994 decreased violent crime rates.
3) Mentally ill human beings are able to posses a gun.
4) When we have stricter gun control, the more safer we are in our own homes.
5) More than 11,000 people die of gunshots in the United States each year.
6) Shooting sprees are not rare in the United States.
7) Most of the mass shootings in the United States are the result of the killer obtaining the gun illegally.
8) 15 of the 25 worst mass shootings happened in the United States.
9) 11 of the deadliest shooting happened recently, after 2007.
10) Gun ownership is declining.
11) More guns directly affect homicide rates.
12) 20 percent of gun owners own 65 percent of all guns in the world.
13) 33,000 American were victims of gun violence in 2010.
14) 10 in every 100,000 people in the U.S. were involved in gun violence.
A) Strict regulations for gun owners in the United States of America and all pertaining territories shall henceforth be
amended. Restrictions include limitations necessary and proper to maintain public safety. The United States of America
government holds the right to confiscate, suspend and/or prohibit person(s) from obtaining gun on United States
grounds and pertaining territories. To do so regular gun checks will be held by authorized officials as seen fit. No
citizen of the United States of America may obtain a gun of any kind without proper evaluations of ones mental health,
and criminal history. Guns may not be handled when under the influence of medication, drugs or alcohol. Guns may
only be held for self protection purposes. Alternative purpose of gun such as hunting or job related will require stricter
evaluations. One not given the right to own a gun, or wrongly accused of misuse, confiscation or suspension may
present the matter to National Institute of Justice or Courtroom. Under no circumstance will aliens to the United States
be given the right to own a gun without American citizenship. Illegal ownership of gun by illegal immigrant will lead
to immediate deportation and is punishable by American law. Citizens with history of domestic abuse, violence will not
be given the right to own a gun. Citizens who have broken federal law will be given a restricted privilege to own a gun.
Restricted privilege could indicate stricter evaluations, suspension of privilege or supervision of gun usage.
B) This law shall be enforced and upheld by the National Institute of Justice and all branches of The United States
Public Health Institutes. Funding to enforce restrictions and additional expenses needed to carry out law previously not
covered will come directly from the budget allotted by Congress to the National Institute of Justice and United States
Public Health Institutes.
C) Any citizen found breaking or manipulating the law will be prosecuted according to statues in the U.S. Code Title
10 Section A Part ll Chapter 47. Authorized officials trained and employed by the National Institute of Justice are
henceforth allowed by law to monitor gun usage, monitor gun owners and report misuse of guns. A citizen with a
criminal history may have gun revoked, or gun license suspended. Medications, Drugs and alcohol are strictly
prohibited during gun use and is prohibited by law. This law shall go into effect January 1. This bill shall have no
expiration date.
Gun Control: Gun Regulation Act of 2015

Gun Control is necessary to protect the future of The United States of America. Gun Control has always been an
issue of controversy. Ever since American independence, guns were a right that entrusted freedom to its beholders.
However, should that right still be given if it endangers our population ? Gun restrictions were popular early on when
Native Americans and slaves were not allowed to own guns. The second amendment directly gives citizens the right to
bear arms for self protection. This is an essential part of being an American citizen but this also allows the mentally ill,
illegal immigrants and criminals to own a gun. Gun Regulation Act of 2015 should become to law to prevent mentally
ill, immigrants and criminals from obtaining a gun.
More than half of mass murders have been committed by mentally ill citizens, the reason for this is because they
were able to obtain a gun. A federal law enacted in 1968 banned all person(s) who are diagnosed with a mental illness
from obtaining a gun. These restrictions are not being enforced effectively. Just after midnight on July 20, 2012, a man
walked into a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and opened fire. He killed twelve people and wounded another
58. (Now Is The Time) This is just one of the many situations in which a mentally ill citizen was given the privilege
to own a gun and was able to injure 58 people and kill 12 American citizens. After this incident, Americans thought that
if we keep our guards up or if security is strict enough we could avoid another mass shooting, we were wrong. But just
a few weeks later, another American community faced the unimaginable grief that cities like Tucson and Aurora knew
too well. In Oak Creek, Wisconsin, a shooting in a Sikh temple left six people dead and four more wounded. (Now Is
The Time) In this case we have a mentally ill citizen given the right to own a gun to act on his hate for a certain race.
This could have been prevented if proper evaluations revealed his mental disorder. On December 14, 2012, the day
had just begun at Sandy Hook Elementary when a man broke into the school and started shooting. Within minutes,
twenty of Sandy Hooks first graders 6 and 7 year olds were killed in their classrooms. ("UC Davis Report
Exposes Loopholes in Gun-control Laws.") This is yet another school shooting where the shooter was blurred by his
mental illness. Unfortunately American citizens sacrificed their lives due to the crime the American government made:
No restrictions against the mentally ill obtaining a gun. We must take powerful measures to ensure that unhealthy
people are not the ones to decide whether we live or not. Through this bill the National Institute of Justice and
pertaining agencies will thoroughly manage evaluations, and review previous history to ensure the gun is being given to
a healthy American citizen.
This bill, if enacted into law will rule that only American citizens have the ability to own guns on American soil.
We should not let foreigners to our country have the ability to misuse our right to own guns. Illegal immigrants account
for over thirty percent of murders in all states. The indictment alleges that from Jan. 20 to 22, 2015, MargaritoCasimiro held two individuals against their will in a residence in McAllen. The victims were allegedly bound and
forced to call family members and arrange payment for their release. (South Texas Federal Grand Jury) These
individuals, American citizens were held at gunpoint in their own country by a man who was not legally allowed to be
in the United States. The Indictment alleged that beginning in or about 2009 until on or about April 18, 2013, the
defendant conspired with others to possess with intent to distribute and distribute 500 grams or more of a
methamphetamine mixture. (Justice News) The man, an alien to the United States, is named Mauricio Ortiz, the
United States not only supplies him with the right to own a gun, however concurrently diminishes our public safety.
Zeng Liang Chen and Dong Biao Lin, illegal aliens from China, were convicted of first degree murder and sentenced
to life in prison in New Jersey. (South Texas Federal Grand Jury) Illegal immigrants from China were able to obtain
guns in the United States and sacrifice an American life. Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to share an American
citizens right to own guns, neither should person(s) with history of violence.
People who have a criminal history of violence, domestic abuse, or currently have a restraining order against them
should not be allowed to handle a gun. The slightest piece of evidence or history with violence should lead to an
immediate refusal to gun privilege. Patricia Katchur was charged with murdering her husband hours after she got a
restraining order from him. (News) Proper measures should be taken to ensure the intent of gun usage. Andrew
Dawson convicted for murder, was released from prison on good behavior, he then obtained a gun and within weeks
murdered an American citizen. (Gun Control) This just shows how our loose restrictions on guns allowed a
previously convicted killer to kill again. George Miller freed in 2006 after he killed one man, he killed an 89 year old
lady with a gun. (Gun Control) George Millers violent murder he committed years before obviously did not deter
him from accessing a gun several years later. Citizens of the United States are born with gun rights, however must
maintain good behavior to maintain the privilege to own a gun.
We must save our nation from future turmoil by restricting gun nows. We must prohibit the mentally ill, criminals,
and illegal immigrants from owning a gun. If we continue to let this happen, we could end up in a fight for our lives,
just because we fear the neighbor next door. We are the land of the free, and to stay united we must restrict our gun
usage. Help us regulate guns, for a safer today and a safer tomorrow.

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