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Edited by: Tél Mitel £20 Name Word Count: 252 [ite] Judging with Compassion [Kicker] Compassion i esenial to making ihteosjodaments!__ ___- RET [Highlights of the source article] [Many people interpret the counse! “judge not" to be final and definite. However, itis impossible to be truly non-judgmental in our day-to-day lives, There are many situations in which we must ‘make distinctions hetween fo choices or make a judgment io determine how to proceed. Infact, — ‘some scriptures we are even insrucied to judge, (Alma 41:14 Inutpsv/www.lds.ory/scripturestbofin/alma/43.14?lang-eng#13}; John 7:24 [bps ld. orgseripturesintijohn/7.247lang-eng23) While we can’t avoid making some Jjudgments, we should try to make them inthe right way-—with compassion Inf'Judgment Days: Taking Responsibility or Taking Offense’) [btp/wheatly. byw edufelow_notesindividual cfm?id=21] Terrance Olson explains that there are essentially two kinds of judgments: compassionate or condemnatory. When we are offended by something another person docs, he says, it probably reflects more about our attitude foward ‘hat person than the action we claim offended us. Taking offense to something rally shows that ‘we are condemning that person's behavior rather than reacting with compassion ‘When our judgments ae condemnatory, we forget that others have felings and opinions that are ‘equally as vaid as our wn, We view them asthe “enemy” and try to justify ou feelings by shifting the guilt wo thom, On the other hand, when we make judgments with compassion, we ‘continue to see the other person's value and worth. We-can do thisby reftecting on what is in out ‘heats and examining how we view ourselves and others. When we respand with compassion we “willbe better able to maintain civiliy and respect in all of our relationships and interactions with others) __-~ {Commented DMIs onda Toas ab abst {Seca rom ting us noo ug mh carpaston 1 8 [Link o the source article] Read Terrance Olson's fll article. {tp swheatley.byu.edu/ellow_notesindividual.cfn?id=21) Souree: The Wheatley Institution htp:/ivheatley byu.edu!] [Byline] — HICIVE, Mormon Insights Find more insights Read Elder Dallin H. Oaks's talk, “Judge Not’ and Judging.” [Buips/iwwo.Lds.org/nsign/1999/08judge-not-ané-judging?Iangeng) essay about judging others [hitpsi/wrvv. ds orgtopiesiuding- {oo for the Web Team] [Tags judging, judgment, offense, compassion, Wheatley Institution, Teranee Olson [SEO keywords:] judgment, compassion, righteous judgment

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