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Emily Delgado Salceda

Intro to Humanities
October 17, 2015
International Film Critique


Title of Film: Amelie

Year of release: 2001
Language of original film: French
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Andr Dussollier (Narrators Voice), Rufus, Lorella
Cravotta, Sege Merlin, Jamel Debbouze, Clotilde Mollet, Claire Maurier, Isabelle Nanty, Dominique
Pinon, Artus de Penguern, Yolande Moreau, Urbain Cancelier, Maurice Benichou, Michel Robin, Andre
Damant, Claude Rerron, Armelle, Ticky Holgado, Kevin Fernandes, Flora Guiet, Amaury Babault

6) Give a brief plot summary {150-250 words. DO NOT plagiarize from the web!]:
*Short description of the film; no opinion.
September 3, 1973 Amelie is born to Raphael and Amandine Poulain. She is an introvert with a
heart of gold who cant help but fix other peoples lives. With her mothers tragic death and her
fathers obsession to build a perfect shrine for Amandines ashes, Amelie cant wait to leave home.
Years pass and she finally makes enough money to move out and works at the Two Windmills.
Surrounded by coworkers and regulars in need of her help, Amelie doesnt hold back. By accident she
comes across a little tin treasure box filled with Dominique Bredoteaus childhood memories. After
she returns his tin box, a strange sensation possesses her and she continues her walk home by
completing random acts of kindness. She takes the metro and sees Nino Quincampoix looking under a
photo booth, for the second time. They do not know each other, but he is the male equivalent of her
and her heart burns with passion. But her introvert self wont permit her to speak to him. Nino chases a
man and Amelie follows him trying to build up the courage to speak, but what starts off on foot ends
up in a car chase, and Nino pursues the red sneaker mans car. Nino accidentally drops his weird
photobook of ripped rearranged photographs and Amelie keeps it, later scheming to meet him. Ninos
picture book has a collage of a mystery man 12 times, by chance she solves the mystery and reveals
who the man is to Nino, who desperately wants to meet her. Amelie has fallen in love and receives her
reward in the end. But she has not only managed to change her life but that of her father, co-workers,
regulars, and neighbors.
7) Analyze the social and philosophical issues the film addresses. Make sure you include the point of
view of the movie, the context of the movie, what audience the movie is targeting, and why. (I.e. you
should address and reflect upon the argument or meaning of the work. This should be analysis,
not just summary of issues in the movie). {at least 500 words}
The movie Amelie is filled with numerous examples of both social and philosophical issues. The first
social issue is represented by Collignon and Lucien. Collignon is the owner of the fresh vegetable stand
outside Amelies building, Lucien is his helper. Collignon bullies Lucien because he is handicapped. Like

many people today, he has the misconception that because Luciens left arm cannot move, it automatically
makes him less of a person that needs to be referred to as slow or dumb. Although we see that this is not the
case, despite Luciens disadvantage, he creates art and can manage the vegetable stand better than Collignon
when given the opportunity. The film in this case is targeting those who think that handicapped people have
no future due to their disability, this is a lie, and they can even do a better job than normal people most of
the time.
Another issue that the film addresses is pornography. Coincidentally, Nino, Amelies love interest,
works at a pornographic video store. She is conflicted at first when she calls the number to return Ninos
photo book and its a pornographic vendor. This doesnt change the way Amelie feels about Nino, but it does
seem to bug her a little. We see this when she comments to her friend glassman, we werent into the same
things, referring to Ninos job. Although Nino doesnt film pornos he does work at a store that sales them and
this is a minor problem for Amelie, that again, does not change her true feelings about Nino. In our society
today, we see this as an issue, no one wants to be associated with pornography because its seen as something
shameful. I believe that this bit of the film is targeting those who watch pornographic films. By using Nino as
an example of not being ashamed to put down his jobs number as a reference, the film is saying its okay if
you watch porn.
Very early into the movie we see that Amelies mother dies, and her father Raphael is left to raise her.
The movie portrays that being a father raising a little girl is difficult, but nevertheless possible. Although,
Amelie is more than ecstatic to leave home, she loves her dad and appreciates what hes done for her. I believe
that the audience that is being targeted here is single parents, and its a reminder that everything they are doing
for their children is not taken for granted. They will reap what they sow, if they plant love then they will
receive love, just as we see in the film, with the relationship of Amelie and Raphael.
Amandine Poulains death is an interesting one, she is killed by a tourist, not intentionally but by
accident. As Amelie and her mother are walking out of church, a tourist falls on Amandine, killing her
instantly. The tourist was in the process of committing suicide by jumping off the church, and Amandine was
by chance, in her way. The audience in mind here is everyone because often times we think that suicide is
only a minor issue, but the film reminds us that its not. Suicide is a global issue and anyone can be a suicide
victim, as the film so sarcastically puts it, even fish can be suicidal.
Although the film does cover some social issues, its main focus is on philosophical issues. As it has
already been mentioned, Amandine Poulain endures a tragic death. But Amelies father, Raphael, is
immensely affected by the loss of his wife and lives boxed in. Amelie tries to get her father to enjoy his life by
traveling, now that hes retired, but he struggles to enjoy the idea because this is something that he and his
wife had planned. The main audience here is those who have endured the death of an immediate family
member or soul mate. Although Amelie is hurt by losing her mom, she overcomes it but for Raphael this is not
an easy task. Because so many people often feel that they will never overcome the grieving process, the film
serves as a reminder that with time it is possible. The point is that, you cant stop enjoying/living your life
because you lose a loved one. Of course losing a love one hurts, but take advantage of your life while you can
and live every moment for them, then maybe life will be easier that way.
Perseverance is also a major philosophical issue. Hipolito, one of Amelies regulars at the restaurant is
a failed writer, but in spite of rejection letter after rejection letter, he keeps pursuing his dream. As human
beings we dont take rejection well, but the film reminds us that our dreams are possible with the right attitude
and patience. Even though the movie doesnt say directly whether Hipolito got published or not, towards the
end of the film we see one of his quotes written on a wall, displayed as street art. He is given credit for his
writing and this makes him feel overjoyed that someone other than himself thought his words were worth
reading or reciting. The main audience are those who feel that they will never achieve their goals, keep at it,
until you feel satisfied.
Amelie finds a little tin box inside her bathroom walls one night and she decides that she will track
down the owner and return it. She accomplishes her goal and the box belongs to none other than Bredoteau,
who is so moved by this gesture that Amelie does in secret. Seeing his little tin box reminds him of his
childhood and the time hes missing out on with his grandson and daughter. He is inspired to reconcile his
relationship with family. The audience that is being targeted here is those who have abandoned their families

for one reason or another. We often think as human beings that its too late to change the past, but Bredoteau
proves that its not, and most of the time your family misses you just as much.
Love is also a philosophical issue in this movie. We see that love doesnt always go the way you
planned. For example, Joseph and Georgette were physically attracted to each other, but found out that when
it came down to it, thats all they had in common. Their mutual lust for one and other. On the other hand, for
Amelie it was literally love at first sight with Nino, although she was first visually attracted to Nino, their
relationship didnt start off on a physical level. They vaguely got to know each other by what they saw each
other do and how each of them responded to certain things. The narrator in the story tells us that Nino is the
male equivalent of Amelie, so they actually had things in common as opposed to Georgette and Joseph who
were just lusting after one and other. Also, the difference between Georgette and Amelie is that Georgette let
herself fall for Joseph immediately but Amelie struggled a little more with admitting that she had fallen. I
suppose the film could be aiming this message towards those seeking love or running away from it, because
often we choose one or the other. The point that the film is making here is dont jump into a relationship too
quick, but also, dont be afraid of a relationship when it comes to you.
There is a major focus on past in this film. Basically the film is saying dont let your past affect your
present or future happiness. We see this throughout the characters in the film. For example, Raphael, Amelies
father is living a reserved life because of what happened to his wife, but Amelies father should not let this get
in the way of his current happiness because this is an irreversible matter. Another character who is letting the
past hurt him is Joseph. Joseph has his heart broken by Gina who is a waitress there at the Two Windmills
restaurant, where he meets Georgette and tries to get over Gina. In his relationship with Georgette, Joseph
compares her to Gina, thinking that Georgette will also cheat on him, which she doesnt. He cant get over the
past and is letting it affect his future relationship with Georgette, they break up because Georgette cant take
his distrust. In short, the film is telling those who are not yet over their past to just focus on the here and now,
because they cant change what has already happened, but they can change what will happen and is to come.
The last philosophical issue was that of being an introvert. Many think that introverts dont care about
others happiness, but this movie disproves that belief. Amelie is an introvert and we learn that she actually
tries to do random acts of kindness without being caught, because again, she prefers solitude. Also, introverts
dont necessarily live a lonely life, because when they want to talk to somebody they can, but they often just
enjoy keeping to themselves. In short, introverts live a happy life, but keep thoughts within and only express
them at random.
This film was informative and great to analyze. The social issues included were: bullying or
misconceptions of handicapped, pornography, single parenting, and suicide. The philosophical issues covered
consisted of: death, perseverance, family, love, past, and introvert mindset.
8) What is your response to the message of the film? Why do you respond this way? Show that you are
thinking about your own thinking here and the biases/assumptions about the world you bring to
your viewing. Did the film change the way you view the subject? Why, or why not? {at least 250
After analyzing the film so closely I find it to be beautiful and empowering. Every character and event
in the film is organized in such a way that it adds meaning to the film as a whole. Each character is a
symbol and I find that no other film I have seen is able to do that with its characters. For example, before
the tourist committed suicide, the film briefly mentioned that Amelie had a suicidal fish that they decided
would be better off living in the river bank, close to their house. Shortly after the goldfish is mentioned,
we see the suicide of the tourist. The film uses foreshadowing in a creative way that makes you okay with
what will happen next in the film. Also I love that the messages vary and can be viewed in different ways
by different audiences. As I mentioned before pornography is brought up as one of the social issues, and I
do not endorse pornography myself, but I can definitely see how this can be empowering or relatable to
someone who does. I can definitely relate to Amelies childhood. I was raised by my mother and my
brother was the one who passed away, instead of mother as in Amelies case. Seeing her father and the
way he reacted to the death of his close family member made me think of how my mother couldve
reacted if she didnt have anyone to lean on. But Im glad that my family was able to overcome that

depression with Gods help. This part of the film made me realize that it was truly God who kept my
mother, second oldest brother, and I sane during our time of tribulation. This film also answered my many
questions that I had about introverts. I always found it strange when someone would keep to themselves
and hardly ever talk, it would make me wonder if they were happy. But this film has showed me, using the
example of Amelie, that introverts are indeed happy and care about others happiness as well. Even though
they might not express themselves in ways that youre used to. This film definitely changed my mind on
some things and informed me more about others.
9) What cultural differences did you notice in the film (philosophical outlook, humor, architecture,
customs, clothes, cities, weather, food, music, dancing, lifestyles, etc.)? What did you learn about
history, economics or politics? (There are always differences; look for them). {at least 250 words}
There were countless cultural differences, but one that I noticed right off the bat was how some French
people may purchase their vegetables, fruits, and grains. We shop for all those things at the super market, but
for them, it is most common to shop for those right outside their homes. Where we have little to no
vegetable/fruit stands, in the French culture it is common to have a block or neighborhood vegetable vendor
right outside your front door. Also, since the grocery store is right outside your door, you have the option of
getting food delivered to your door, you just provide the delivery man with an extra key to your house. I find
this to be very different from our American culture, we dont trust someone with a key to our house that
honestly. Another thing I noticed is that for most, transportation is provided by train, motorcycle, or walking.
While we rely heavily on cars to get us everywhere or the bus. One custom that I did notice is that if someone
offers you to go inside their house you dont refuse. Americans on the other hand, feel free to reject the
invitation. Also, if someone tells you to take a drink (alcoholic), you drink it. It is very common for French
people in this movie to have an alcoholic beverage early in the day. But for Americans, many may look down
on that or only consider it appropriate at a formal dinner. The humor in this movie is very clean, but sarcastic.
In this particular film there are some inside jokes that you will only understand if youre really paying
attention to the film. But once you get them, theyre quite enjoyable. What I learned about history is that
Princess Diana or Princess Di as they called her in the movie, died in a car crash on August 30, 1997. I also
noticed that the clothing is a little outdated for 1997. Although, there is one character who wears converse in
the movie, they call him red sneaker guy. In this particular film, the weather always seemed to be sunny, but
I dont know if thats particularly true for all of France or just this movie. The architecture was old school and
classical colonial look.
10) What techniques did the filmmaker use that were different from what you see in the films you
normally watch? Think about lighting, dialogue, atmosphere, setting, music, and how the filmmaker
might play upon your own biases, etc.{150 words}
I definitely loved this film for all the different camera angels it had. It added to the mystery and
created a sense of feeling when it was going into different scenes. Out of all the films Ive seen I feel like
this one definitely used the most angles, but they all worked. The filmmaker had a narrator throughout the
whole film, but I enjoyed this, it was fresh and new, and it worked. Well, thats my opinion anyways. I
noticed that the narrator always introduced the character by name and position, and then proceeded to list
their likes and dislikes. This makes the audience value each character, because they feel as if they know
each one of them, and dont judge the character for their actions, but are able to better analyze why theyre
acting a certain way. The narrator clears up a lot of the confusion that one might have otherwise when
watching a movie. I also noticed that it wasnt until after the narrator introduced the characters that they
actually had a line in the movie. It was pretty interesting to see this because its different hearing the story
from a third person, filmmakers often draw away from that. Going into this movie I knew that there was
going to be French music, and the filmmaker knew that the audience was expecting that. Therefore the
filmmaker played French background music throughout the whole film. There were no words in any of the
songs, it was just pure instruments. I found it refreshing, because in a way you can say that the narrator

made up for the lack of lyrics in songs.

11) Discuss how what you saw in the film relates to one of the assigned readings or class
Discussions we have had. Be specific! {150 words}
We read this like clear back in August but I definitely feel like Amelie applies to the We are our
Values reading. When Amelie finds out that Nino works at a pornographic store, she is a little shocked. I
believe that she herself does not endorse pornography because she comments to one of her friends, glassman,
we were not into the same things, referring to pornography. In our reading, it is said that we often accept
others beliefs without a bother and put our own beliefs on hold. Which is what Amelie did in this case. It did
not bother her that much that Nino worked for a pornographic vendor, she decided to accept the fact and deal
with it. Because as our reading mentioned, we tend to focus on what were gaining rather than thinking about
what is right or wrong to us. This is a great example of fully accepting and putting others beliefs before your
own. This pressure is referred to as, acceptance of multiculturalism, as discussed in our reading, this
discourages Amelie from examining her values completely.
12) Why do you think I assign an international film?
I think that we were assigned an international film because we are often used to seeing films produced
by our own country that sometimes portray others in a different or negative light than what they truly are.
This assignment allows us to step out of our comfort zone and experience the thought process or the
normality of what others expect in a movie or even in their lives. It reveals a lot about how they perceive
their society and how we perceive ours and what is of importance to them. Through these films we are
also able to see what others fantasize about and why. Films that are set in different countries, especially
when directed by a native, allow us to see what everyday life is really like for them, and how it differs
from ours or is the same in some ways. Films transport us to a completely different atmosphere and give
us insight to the different values that we all hold. Theres something about moving pictures linked with
audible sound that creates a feeling. In short, this is a learning experience for us to apply what weve been
reading about and be able to understand the multiple reasons people do things, question the way things
are, and what is important to each culture/country.

(This is pretty funny because I watched a French movie,

but it was actually very interesting to me.)

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