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Red Clover Blossoms (Trifolium pratense)

It has the ability to alkalinize the body, and may

balance the acid/alkaline level of the vagina and
uterus in favor of conception. The normal
environment of the vagina without the presence of
fertile mucus is very hostile to sperm, very acidic
which kills the sperm. Fertile mucus is normally
alkaline, it nurtures, protects and guides the sperm
toward the safety of the uterus, and is necessary
for the sperm to survive if conception is to occur.
Red Clover is often combined with Peppermint in
infertility brews. Peppermint, spearmint, and other
mints (except pennyroyal) are safe to use. They are
mildly stimulating, they help to get the energy
moving, and are pleasant tasting sexual

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