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Level 1 - Pre-conventional morality

At the pre-conventional level, there doesnt exist a personal code of morality.

Instead, the moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences
of following or breaking their rule. The stages of process are Obedience and
Punishment Orientation. & Individualism and Exchange.
Her decision to question her companies process does not arise from this state as
they were not based on the adult social norms nor was she thinking about the
consequences of the action. Her punishment orientation does not make a
appearance in her case as she refuses to put herself first.
Level 2 - Conventional morality
At the conventional level, internalization of the the moral standards of valued
adult role models. Authority is internalized but not questioned and reasoning is
based on the norms of the group to which the person belongs. The goals at this
level would be Good Interpersonal Relationships. And Maintaining the Social
She does not align her decisions to the norms of the group, in this case the
company. As she was going against her company despite the fact of the companys
reputation is huge and is a market leader. She also points out the issue in spite her
superiors refused to notice it. Both of the cases indicate that her moral has not been
developed from the adult role models nor the social group that she belongs to.

Level 3 - Post-conventional morality

At this level, Individual judgment is based on self-chosen principles, and moral
reasoning is based on individual rights and justice. Only 10-15% are capable of
the kind of abstract thinking necessary for stage 5 or 6 (post-conventional

Her moral level is at this stage. Her actions are based on what she believes as
social contract. Her obligation to the company and beyond that her obligation to
the consumers that the drug is being sold motivated her to do the action in the first
place. Universal principles of doing good, ensuring ends with right means are her
reasons to decide that she had to report the wrong doings.

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