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David Ortega

ENC 1101
Cause and Effect Essay Violence among Children
Violence among children is a major problem I the United States. The effects of children
violence can lead to division and severe mental and physical trauma for both perpetrators
and victims alike. The United States is facing an epidemic of seriously violent crimes in
middles schools and high schools across the country. At least hundreds of children and
adults have died or been injured due to a series of shootings.
Preventive measurements have been taken by the government and schools systems.
However, these programs have not been very effective on what they are supposed to be
doing which is preventing the violent temperament of particular young kids who have
participated in these shootings rampages. Therefore, parents, schools officials, and the
government are still left wondering what is the cause of the horrific violence and how can
they solve this problem.
As many children in today society now view many violent scenes while watching
television, movies, or playing video games but there still the question whether or not this is
the cause of their violent acts or whether seeing these violent scenes can affect them
psychological effect on children and make them use violence as an answer to their
problems. Violence in the media may lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers
who watch these various programs but there is still not conclusive evidence of this.
Of course, not all children who watch television, or movies, or play video games develop
aggressive behavior. However, there is a strong connection between media violence and

aggressive behavior. The media serves as a means for children to witness violence, children
imitate behavior that they see on television, specially if the person performing the behavior
is popular or if the violent behavior is not punished or is rewarded.
Another cause of some od childrens violent behaviors may be a past or current witnessing
of domestic violence in their home or a friend home. Witnessing domestic violence has an
indirect effect on violent behaviors in that it can result in posttraumatic stress disorder or
symptoms associated with the disorder.
Parents also play a significant role in the development of violent behaviors in their children.
Parents have a tendency to blame others factors aside from themselves for their childs
behavior. Most parents do not control the media their children are exposed to because most
of them allow to have their kids television sets inside the bedroom were it is harder for the
parents to control what they watch on a daily basis.
Despite the fact that parents should do several things to stop the widespread of violence in
their children, the entire problem should not rest on them. The entertainment industry
should also take preventive measures to ensure that the violence among children ceases.
The entire country needs to acknowledge every possible cause of violent behavior and
address these causes so that these types of crimes do not continue to reoccur.

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