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MATH 1100 Common Final Exam FALL 2014 December 5, 2014 Please print the following information in case your scan sheet is misplaced: Name: Student TD: De WOBPS Gensardy allan Instructor: MS. Love Seotion/Time: fet 1) _:30- ‘The exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions, each of equal value. You may do calculations on this question booklet paper but not on the opscan sheet. Mark beside the number of the opscan sheet corresponding to the test question number in pencil only. Mark only one answer; otherwise the answer will be counted as incorrect. You are not penalized for guessing. Please make sure that your name and student ID appear on the opscan sheet in the spaces provided. Questions begin on page 1 and be sure to check the back of each page for questions. ‘At the end of the examination you MUST hand in this booklet, your answer sheet and all scratch paper. You may use the following formulae: Factoring: 2° ~ a? = (x a)(x? +20+0") Circle: (2 — hy? + (y ~ #)? Quadratic formule: —b# VO= fae Difference quotient: Compound Interest: A= P (1+ Exponential Growth: A(t) = Age", r > 0 Logarithms: 234-08 = (x -+0)(2? 20-40%) Lines : y yo = m(z~20); y= mn +b vara verwx: (34 ()),040 Average rato of change on fot: L2)=L2) Continuous Interest: A= Pet Exponential Decay: A(t) = Age", r > 0 In(z) ~ log.(e) tous (&) = losute) — lowa(v) Ing _ logo loes(=) = Tn Togig Ine 1. Simplify. me ts, 2. Solve the equation, eager BBD 83 gas ¥4D 8 9 2 10 ye 72. 3. Simplify vine Qe: / ae (at figat 2 hr SA a Os) ian a 4. Rationalize the denominator. Ve (a) 42 (b) 23-2 ame 9a Os -N Le +0 ay, °C ae fe) 2V2— AXA = B91 nee 5, Find the product polynomial. (3 — 2)? os? 120 +4 «now? 4K 6% -Gy a ) 92? — 122 — 4 3 (0) 922 4122 ~ 4 (@) 92? 412844 G x r~ Dart (e) 92744 6. Which statement best describes the graph of the polynomial function P(z) = 0.1(z* — 2°) (vou should factor out the common factor) i | oll ) zaph has down / up end-behavior ) There are to zeros and both are crossing 0.1 ON (6) There are two zeros, one touches and one erosses (@) There are no zeros (©) The graph is a parabola that opens up 7. List all possible rational zeros for P(z) = da ~ 2° + 2° — 52 —2. pepe pC ¢Q2 2 Geetha -~ 4, 7 ay 7 1 (©) (44,44, £143} (@) (42,45, 41,43} (©) (£6.45, 41,48}. 8. Describe the transformation steps needed to obtain the graph of g(a) = @Va}- 21 +18 from the graph of f(z) = 2. ) cence shift left by 21, reflect/rotate around y-axis, shift up by 18 our Whe UP LS shift right by 21, reflect/rotate around y-axis, shift up by 18 Ygls >! () shift left by /21, reflect/rotate around x-axis, shift up by 18 (4) shift right by 21, reflect/rotate around x-axis, shift up by 18 (e) shift right by 21, shift down by 18 9. Solve the formula for 5 A=hOrm ty (a) (b) (e) 10. Lemonade can be purchased in concentrations of 2% and 7%. How much of each ‘must be combined to obtain a 20 gallon mixture that has concentration 5%? (a) 8 gal of 2% and 12 gal of 7%. (b) 7 gal of 2% and 13 gal of 7%. (€) 5 gal of 2% and 15 gal of 7%. {(@) 10 gal of 2% and 10 gal of 7%. (€) 12 gal of 2% and 12 gal of 7%. 11. Solve the radical equation and then choose the correct statement, fa) Miz=3= 243 TAR XP (xHayCory (2) The equation has a negative real solution. [¢ KS = 2 pha ‘The equation has no postive solution. e equation has two solutions (2) The equation has one solution (6) The equation has no solution 12. Solve the inequality. wesc BX-SLI0 wo (2) (-00,5) Boh a (@) fo) 2 3 Cis (© (-3,3). x “se 13. Solve the neal pou-72-5 (o) Coe. -10 180°) ) 2d VE8 (G0) (@) Cord) © oth vA, Soe the quadeatic neat gt-2-250 Coe HU) ) Co Vio) {o) (20. AU BO) @ -o-4 tH ts, Solve the rational sneaall ware _a), Find the slope 1, Aline £is parallel to he tine passing taroueh ACL“) and BAS ‘of the line £- 1 oa @3 @-+ 18, Find the equation of the line passing through Q(0,5) and perpendicular to the line de+y=3, Qh 4424 20, Find the center and radius of the following circle. at ty? —10r+ 12y-3=0 (0) (-4,5),7=7 (b) (-10,12),r = 3 (5,6).7 (5,—6),7=8 (©) (-5,6),r = 8. 21. A(1,4) and B(7,~4) are the end points of a diameter for a citcle. Find the equation of the circle. (©) (4? + (+3)? = 36, 22. Bvaluate the quantity A= f(0)-+ f(8) where the function f(z) is defined as following ala\ =| a ox (D-\ 28 23. Ifthe points (2,5), (5,8) and (8,13) are on the graph of a one-to-one function f(2), find the value of f~?(8) + (2). ) Oe Fels 24 for fl) = 28 Land fe) =e 2+ ete 90) 8: — CS ) Ba 94). BA LOT Fee 25, Find the domain of the function (2) Male vE=S 3 (a) [-1,1] (©) (-20,-1) (c) (1,00) [3,00) (© (-1,00). 26, Determine the remainder R thet results when 42%°* — G3* ~ 52 +9 is divided by 2—1. You may use the remainder theorem. Ip4 -6 -54 Yona > 27. Find the vertex (fh, k) of the parabola f(2). f(z) = 2x? — 42-1 (2) Q-1) (og | wd op : oe Ge, 6B) tay OE (e) (2-9). YY aUm-4co-\ 28. Find the inverse function for f(2) = 22-3. 3 M2 ah -3 © I7@) i @I7@) oa” Ore 29. The graph of polynomial function f(z) = a(x - 1)%(z-+ 2) passes through the point 1). Find the value a [-40-Par Az 30. Solve the equation for all real solutions given that x = 1 is a zero. 8-20? — de +5 =0. 4 (a) {~10,1,20} A 4 7 Xe () (98,1, 4) cay) bo-r -§ le pa, age Godin wots 31, Find all vertical asymptotes for the function f(z) = =##=2, 58 O19 (aye z= eed 7 t= 2 xa -oaas (z= -1,2=2 and z= 3 32, Find the horizontal asymptote for the function f(x) = 25545=%5. 2 'No horizontal asymptote. ‘The demand for a popular new running shoe varies inversely with the price of the shoes. When the wholesale price is set at $45, the manufacturer ships 5,500 orders per week to retail outlets. Based on this information, how many orders would be shipped per week if the wholesale price rose to $567 (a) 1,500 orders (b) 2,500 orders YZ 4, Soo (@) 5,500 orders. ‘ 1. Solve 50 = 2 (12) and round your answer to two decimal digits. Vos ; (og25s log 0% (@) 2541 e926 loan, Kato in, = TOI Use the properties of fogaPtinms 06 244 In 223) as a sum or difference of simple logarithmic terms, a2 gms In(z +3) la ES » In242inz—In(e ~ 3) In2+Inz—In3 by 2K K-% (a) in2—2inz + 1n(2 ~3) (@)ind-+Inz ~ Ine —3) UD Ind enk® -tni-t) Solve the equation 2*#° = ()(-%) and round your answer to two decimal digits (atl = 4oGs L72O) 2 4 3 Ol 2 e) 3 (a13 7 ‘Use your calculator to calculate logy 3.14. Round your answer to two decimal digits. Cl 314 Qon 5 - on (6) 082 log@ (@) 099 (12 38. Solve the equation logs(2z + 1) aS Bo” pye(2etyol — S'2 98H] yy (e) ‘39. Mike invested 10,000 dollars at the rate of 5%, compounded continuously for 15 years. Find his acount balance after 15 years. Round your ane to nearest dol tar Re! (a) $1,000,000, (b) $75,882 (c) $110, 000 $15,000 $21,170 40. Solve the system of linear equations and find the x value in the solution. {523 ‘e hea cB OM 6 au 8 ox Gu avsd sas. 2” SE. ay

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