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Toe Aulaumea

Professor F. Wilson
Humanities 1100
Social Justice Theme Writing
December 11th, 2015

One of the most common social injustice that occurs throughout the world is Bullying.
The injustice of social bullying is an act of unfairness or injustice in society that caused by the
oppressor worldwide view of humanity. Bullying means to overpower and influence someone to
do what the oppressor wants their victim to do. The bullies uses any kind actions or words to
make their victim feel bad about themselves. The bullies or the oppressor make their victim feel
and believe that they are better and smarter than them. The bullies or the oppressors are very
discouraging people all over the world, acting very unfairly toward their victim and making them
separating in a social class group that are very much noticeably by others.
There are many types of bullying and all of them are involved in social injustice. Here
are some types of bullying: physical bullying or harassing a person does hurt, verbal is just the
same as physical or harassing because words does have meaning, and it does hurt someones
feelings. The indirect bullying or gossiping, spreading rumors, make some embarrassing
remarks could affect the victim because it is a social alienation toward them, making them feel
isolated and keeping them away from socializing with others. It makes the victim intimidation
and feel frighten. The social media is one of the worst type of bullying because you might not
know that person at all. The bully or the oppressor does not have no restriction what so ever.
The causes of bully can be vary on the oppressor on how much they know about their
victims, their families, physical disability, parents relationship, school achievements, and any

other information that they come to know about their victims. It is very sad because any of these
reason cannot change the fact that the victim are their own person and they cant help what is
going on with their life. Who knows what the bullies do what they do, sometime I think that
they too were victimized before they become bully themselves. Maybe they just want to be part
of a group that are popular and they dont want to be an outsider and be pick on by someone else.
The reason why I chose this topic because I know its not only happening out here in the
United States but it is a worldwide thing. Which for myself it is very sad because it happened
inside my own family and some of my closes friends. This is a very touching subject for me to
talk about but it is real. It is happening not only within our own homes, but within school, and
even in the workforce. It is not only the children this is happening it is on the adults too. Which
it is very sad that is happening with the adults, I mean the adults they are grown up people with
common sense and they should know better than get involved with this bullying situation.
One sad story that I read on the internet about one of the famous person, which I didnt
believe it when I read about it. It is really sad and I cant help feeling very emotional as I was
reading this story. The topic of the article, The Wrong Doing of Social Injustice-Bullying. It
was written by Graciela De-Bourbon published on September 4th, 2014. In the article it
mentioned how this 47 year old model attempted suicide not for the first time, she was
hospitalized in 2012 attempted suicide just because she had received a torrent of online abuse
on Twitter, including from one troll who even urged her to hang herself. Come on for real why
would you even do that to someone that you only seen on photos and magazines, that was really
out of control and very mean. She even told ABC news online that even though she was
battling with depression she will never stop trying to speak out and tell other what bullying has
done to her and might be doing to others too. Bully think its a smart move on their part and it

may be funny to them but it is a very serious and damaging thing toward the victims. It might be
even more serious danger to the bully themselves.
The bible even stated about bullying so it is not a new thing it was going on for a very
long time, so we must stand for what is right. On the book of (Ecclesiastes 8:9 quoted All this
have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time
wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt. And on (Ecclesiastes 4:1) quoted So I
returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of
such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was
power; but they had no comforter. I mean that was very powerful because we need to stop being
bully and be a comforter and help out those are being bully. I know that God sees everything
that we do here on earth as we live in this world temporary.
There are many ways to be positive about this injustice bullying situation. I mean that
people are well educated in some point about this bullying situation, in school, workplaces, and
even at home. For myself if you are the bystander of a situation like this you can speak up by
telling someone older like in school, the principal, a teacher or an adult. In the workforce there
are supervisors, managers, or even another associate within your workplace. At home you have
your parents, older siblings, aunts, uncles, close relative or a family friend. A bystander can help
in any way by talking to the bully themselves if they know them. There are many ways that we
can solve this problem by forming groups that would help, educate people of what to do, even
the bully themselves can attend or even involved in these programs.
Training children in the early age to be empathetic would help prevent them from turning
into bullies. Teaching the children in the young age of how to feel and understand the feeling of
treating other people with kindness as they want other people to treat them back within the same

feeling. By teaching the children we as adults must do what we teach and be an example to them
not just teaching them but we turn around and do the opposite of what we teach. Like one
saying, Do what I do and not what I say. Many kind do the opposite of that saying too, which
is sad because one of the other saying said, Action speak louder than words. So teach the
children even our own self too because sometime it does happen like what I mention. Action
speak louder than word.
I am sure that the bullies can be fixed, because it is not a genetic thing or a cultural thing
but if the bully did learn how to become a bully, they can unlearn how not to be bully again with
all the programs that can be made available to the communities worldwide. I am sure that there
are already some programs going on within the school districts, workforce, and even churches. I
just hope that everyone get involved in this program to better themselves, families, communities,
and make the world a better place.

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