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Friday November 20th, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians of 3B,

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mikayla Kwan and I a University of
Lethbridge Student Teacher. I am incredibly honoured to be working in your childs
classroom for the next four weeks for my PSI practicum experience. My studies are in
Mathematics however I look forward to expanding my range into various subjects. I hope
to learn from both Ms. Kunz and your child about teaching and learning in an elementary
In Science, your child has been learning about Hearing and Sound and to further their
learning they will be tasked with building an instrument from items found around the
home. Examples of instruments the students can choose to make include: guitars, bottle
organ, drums, xylophone, straw wind organ and many more.
Common materials for these instruments and others are listed below (if your child has
different ideas, please feel free to send them with the necessary materials):
Kleenex Box
Shoe Box (with detachable lid)
Toilet paper rolls
Cans of various sizes
Paper towel rolls
Various coverings for cans (felt,
Pie plates
balloons, waxed paper, etc.)
Water bottles
Elastics of various thickness and
Any other materials that may be
The students will decide on their instrument on Monday November 23rd and begin building
on Tuesday November 24th during class time. The collection of materials can begin this
weekend and students may bring any supplies in starting Monday. If you have extra
supplies you would be willing to send with your child, I will gladly collect these for
students who may not have supplies available at home. The creation of the instrument will
be done in class over two Science periods.
Ultimately, this instrument will be evaluated on its effectiveness (how it works, how to
change the pitch and loudness, and quality of sound) as well as the students will be
assessed on a written description and labeled diagram of their instrument.
If you have any questions or concerns about this task, please feel free to send a note via
your childs agenda. Thank you for your assistance in making this task possible.
Best regards,
Miss M. Kwan

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