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The Middle School Honor Board

The purpose of the Middle School Discipline and Honor Board is to hear cases which involve
possible honor violations. The Board will consist of faculty/staff members of the NCS
community. Each case will be presented before three members of the faculty/staff.
Honor Board Procedure
Suspicion of an Honor Board Violation
A teacher may report an Honor Board violation to the Middle School Dean of Students..
If the Middle School Dean of Students concludes that a violation has occurred, she
reports the case to the Middle School Director and the Honor Board Procedure begins.
The Middle School s Dean of Students informs the student, as well as their advisor and
parent(s)/guardian(s). The Honor Board Chair organizes the hearing.
The Middle School Director or Head of School reserve the right, in certain
circumstances, to determine a disciplinary response to an honor violation without an
Honor Board hearing.
A. Pre-Hearing
1. The Dean of Students asks the teacher and the student to write a maximum one page
narrative explaining their actions regarding the Honor Code violation. The narrative is
due within 24 hours.
2. The Honor Board Chair gives the student and advisor a copy of the Honor Board
Procedure document.
3. The Honor Board Chair schedules the hearing at the earliest possible time. He/she then
notifies the Middle School Director, Dean of Students, members of the Honor Board
committee, the student, and the advisor as to the date, place, and time of the hearing.
B. Hearing
1. The Honor Board assembles in the predetermined location. The Dean of Students is also
present, though neutral. The Honor Board Chair invites the student and her advisor into
the hearing. (If a case involves more than one student, each is dealt with individually.)
2. Each member of the Honor Board introduces themselves, as does the student and the
3. The Honor Board Chair opens the hearing by explaining the reason for meeting.
4. The Honor Board reads the teachers statement of the incident.
5. The student is asked to read her statement; the Honor Board questions the student.
6. The advisor is asked if he/she has any comments about the student to share with the
Honor Board.
7. The student and advisor are given an opportunity to ask any questions.
8. The student, advisor, and Dean of Students are excused from the room and the Honor
Board deliberates; once an accepted recommendation is reached, the Honor Board
informs the Middle School Director and Dean of Students.

C. Post-Hearing
1. After hearing from the Honor Board, the Middle School Director and Dean of Students
may accept the recommendations, modify them, or ask for further deliberation from the
2. The Dean of Students informs the student, parent, advisor, andwhen appropriate
middle school faculty of the outcome of the hearing.
3. Honor Board decisions are kept in the disciplinary records for the Middle School

A. Warning
B. Probation
C. Suspension
D. Other consequences:
- Letter of apology
- Counseling evaluation
- Removal from school activities
- Make-up of the assignment for no more than 70% credit (academic dishonesty)

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