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ED 3500

Tracey Driedger

3: Passing & Possession

Grade/Subject: Grade 4-6 Gym
Topic: Invasion Games



Formative & Summative

Students will:
Accurately pass a ball to a target with hands


Unit: Skill building, fitness & teamwork

Lesson Duration: 40 min.

Observation & Performance

Observation & Performance

Provide verbal and visual targets

Pass a ball with appropriate speed and strength Observation & Performance
in a variety of situations

Resource #1: Recipe Card Lesson Plans

Games Lesson 1 of 6
Resource #2: Different Types of Passes | Basketball (YouTube)


* Variety of balls that bounce volleyball, basketball, beach ball, playground ball (one per student) *one for intro
* 6-10 pylons
* Pinnies (for half the students)

Introduction (10 min.): 10:45-10:55
Attention Grabber: Today we are going to be working on passing by doing some new activities that I dont think
you have done before. So to start we are going to review the different types of passes that we can do (show
Different Types of Passes video time 0:00-2:14).
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Have you played any basketball yet in gym this year? What is dribbling? Who can
tell me one type of pass you can do with a basketball? (chest, bounce, overhead, and passes at different
speeds and intensities)
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Today we are going to be playing with a bunch of different balls that
bounce. I know they are fun and you will have lots of opportunity to play with them, but when I blow the whistle I
need you to stop what you are doing and hold the balls. This is important so that you hear the instructions and
know how to play or what to do next.
Advance Organizer: I am going to walk us through the different activities for today before we get to the gym so
that we all know what to expect and dont have to slow down much once we get there. I will remind you of what
we are doing at the beginning of each activity.
1. Learning to Drive
2. Passing Practice
3. Cant Touch This
4. Wrap It Up
Specific Learner Considerations: Pay specific attention to ADD/ADHD students to ensure focus and understanding
during explanations. Encourage them to use the time well to use extra energy. Make sure everyone has a
partner before beginning all activities.
Transition to Body: When you get to the gym, you will line up single file at the doors to the equipment room to get
a ball. It can be a volleyball, basketball, or kickball. Any large ball that bounces. Once you have your ball you
may find a personal space in the gym and begin dribbling.
Body ( min.): 10:55-11:15

What is the teacher doing?

What are the students doing?

Learning Activity #1: Learning to Drive (5 min - 10:55-11:00)

Randomly place 6-10 pylons throughout gym obstacles students will
manoeuvre around.
After 1-2 minutes, begin to call out commands while the students steer
their cars: Green dribble around the gym; Red stop and hold ball in

#1 Steer their car (dribble their ball) in

a controlled, safe manner on the
roads (in the gym) without losing
control or colliding with another car.
Listening for and responding to

ED 3500

Tracey Driedger

hands; Yellow dribble ball from side to side in one place; Turn move
in different direction.
If they can handle it, introduce different gears while students dribble in
Green mode: 1 gear walk; 2 gear jog; 3 gear run as fast as
possible while maintaining control.


Assessment: Observation & Performance Looking for ability to retain

the ball with control.

Transition to Activity #2: Find a partner, choose one of your balls to put

away, send one to return the ball and sit beside each other at the center
Learning Activity #2: Passing Practice (5 min 11:00-11:05)
Instruct partners to start 3-4 meters apart (gym lines??) and begin
passing the ball experimenting with different kinds of passes chest,
bounce, overhead, push-pass and passes at different speeds and
intensities. Ask students to determine effective ways of helping their
partner make an accurate pass (give a verbal target by calling for the
ball and a visual target with hands). After 10 successful passes,
partners can each take 1 step away from each other and continue
passing to determine what kinds of passes are more accurate for
greater distance.

#2 Experiment with different kinds of

passes. Determine best ways to help
partner make successful pass. Take
one step back after 10 successful
passes. Determine best passes for
larger distances.

Assessments: Key Questions & Observation What did to find to be the

best kind of pass at a close distance? Once you are a little further apart,
is there a better pass? Looking for ability to receive and send the ball
with control.
Transition to Activity #3: Every group of two, pair up with another group of

two so that you have a group of 4, put one of the balls away, then come
sit in the center circle as a group.
Learning Activity #3: Cant Touch This (10 min 11:05-11:15)
Set up games of 5 on 5 (will have to split up one of the groups of 4) on
each half of the gym. Explain game. Provide one team on each half with
pinnies. Stop game after 3 min. and allow one minute for teams to
discuss effective ways to maintain possession of the ball and score
points. Play for another 3 min. and invite each team to share one
effective strategy (pass quickly, players without the ball move into open
space, pass to where player are moving to). Play for final 2 minutes
allowing teams to apply effective strategies for maintaining possession
of the ball.
Assessments: Key Questions & Observation What is one effective

strategy to keep possession of the ball and score points? Looking for
ability to receive and send the ball with control.

#3 Teams try to maintain possession

of the ball while passing it between
players. A point is scored after
making successful passes to each
member of the team in a row.
Defending team tries to intercept the
ball, but cannot take it out of the
hands of a player who has
possession of the ball. When a team
loses possession of the ball, the other
team picks it up and attempts to
make their passes and score a point.
Players are not allowed to walk or run
with the ball.

Transition to Closure: Put your pinnies in the bin, but keep the ball and go

sit at the centre circle. (Bring the ball bin close to the circle)
Sponge Keep playing
Sponge Activity: Keep playing
Closure (5 min.): 11:15-11:20
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Ask each student with a ball to pass it to me in a different way. Ask: What
were effective ways of passing with accuracy and control? What were the best ways to maintain possession of
the ball? What are different games that require a team to maintain possession of an object and avoid
defenders? (basketball, hockey, soccer) Say: These are called invasion games.
Feedback To Students: Your teamwork and passing were great today! Thank you for listening and following
directions so well.
Transition To Next Lesson: Tomorrow we are going to keep working on our strategies for keeping control of
objects. Go to where you need to be for Interventions or Half Hour of Power.


ED 3500

Tracey Driedger

Lesson Description
What did they learn?

How did they behave?

What is the evidence?

If I deviated from the lesson plan, why did I do so?

3-5 main strengths of my lesson plan and the lesson as taught and evidence/reasoning:

1-3 key improvements to make to the lesson plan and my instruction, and evidence/reasoning that it
needs improvement:

Connect my teaching performance in this lesson to my teaching philosophy/personal vision of

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