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Gay Adoption

Jasmine Lopez
Block 5

Essential Question
Should Gays and Lesbians
be allowed to
adopt children?

People for it (Pro)

Same-sex couples wanting to have the same privileges

Its unconstitutional to not give equal rights to couples

wanting to be parents
Being able to adopt the children that were under their
foster care

People for it (Pro)

The number of kids in foster and adoption are high
and need to be taken into good homes
Estimation of 2 Million Same-Sex couples wanting to
4% Of the kids that were adopted are in same-sex

People against it (Con)

Religious Values, and traditional morals (varies by
The APP (American Academy of Pediatrics )
So who are Paul Cameron and Dr. Ellen C. Perrin ?

People against it (Con)

Need a mother and father
Private agencies should be allowed to set their own
rules and regulations
Children in hetreosexual homes do better emotionally

Personal Point of View

With the amount of children in foster care, same-sex

couples should be able to adopt
They should go through the same process
Should have the same equal rights

There isnt even research on the differences between
kids growing up with homosexual kids

Cameron, Paul, and Ellen C. Perrin. "Q: Does Adoption by Gay or Lesbian
Couples Put American Children..." Insight on the News. 22 Apr. 2002: 40-43.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
Corregan, Shannon. "Remove Same-Sex Adoption Hurdles." Times-Colonist.
18 Jul. 2014: A.11. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
Kumar, Anita. "Adoption Overhaul Seen As Anti-Gay." Washington Post. 08
Feb. 2012: B.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
Lewin, Tamar. "Final Holdout on Same-Sex Adoption." New York Times. 13
Aug. 2015: A.9. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.

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