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Social Studies Lesson Plan December 3rd, 2015

Ms. Brinson
Social Studies GLO (2.1): Canadas Dynamic Communities
- Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of
how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics, and
resources shape and change Canadas communities.
Social Studies SLO (2.1.4):
- Investigate the economic characteristics of communities in
Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions
for inquiry:
- What kinds of natural resources exist in the communities (fishing,
agriculture, mining)?
- What are the occupations in each of the communities?
Health GLO (L 2):
- Students will use resources effectively to manage and explore
life roles and career opportunities and challenges.
Health SLO (L 2.5):
- Recognize, acknowledge and respect that individuals have
similar and different interests, strengths and skills .
Health GLO (R 2):
- Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that
demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Health SLO (R 2.5):
- Demonstrate ways to show appreciation to friends and others
Language Arts GLO (4.2):
- Write complete sentences, using capital letters and periods
Language Arts GLO (4.3):
- Present ideas and information by combining illustrations and
written texts
Language Arts GLO (5.2):
- Work in a variety of partnerships and group structures
Social Studies Dimensions of Thinking:
- Critical thinking and creative thinking - evaluate ideas and
information from different points of view.

Cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building demonstrate cooperative behaviour to ensure that all members
of the group have an opportunity to participate

Oral, written and visual literacy - organize and present

information, such as written and oral reports, taking particular
audiences and purposes into consideration

Time: 40 minutes.
Objective: The students will identify what a job is, the students will
write a sentence about what they want to do when they grow up, the
students will draw themselves doing their dream job.
Assessment (Formative or Summative?): Summative assessment.
I will tell the students at the beginning I will be using a mark that they
are familiar with like (E for excellent or NY for not yet). I will also give
the students a comment on the back of their papers (a compliment, to
boost their self esteem).
Materials: Worksheets, pencils, pencil crayons, smart board for
I can
- I can identify a job I would like to do.
- I can explain why I want to do that job.
- I can colour inside the lines.
Examples of Jobs:
- Vet
- Pilot
- Hair dresser
- Cook
- Dentist
- Doctor
- Farmer
- Fire Fighter
- Lawyer
- Mechanic
- Writer
- Singer
- Actor
- Police Officer
Introduction (10 minutes):
- Talk about what a job is.
- Definition: a paid position of regular employment.
- Child friendly definition: Something that we do when we grow up,
to be good people and to make money for ourselves so we can
live. (and/or take care of others)
- Do you remember what we learned last time we had social
studies? We learned about natural resources. What kinds of jobs
do we have to get those natural resources?

What kind of job is it when a person gets wood from trees for
us? What kind of job does someone do if they harvest crops?
What kind of job does someone have if they get milk from cows?
I will model writing by writing down some of their ideas as I go
I will explain that they need to write their dream job, grade ones
and twos both write one sentence and if they need help I can
scribe for them or Mrs. Fairs can.
I will explain that they need to draw a picture of them doing their
dream job and colour it in nicely.
I will explain that they will be graded on this and if they do a
good enough job we might be able to put their work up in the
hallway for everyone to see.

Activity (20-25 minutes):

- The students go to their table groups where the worksheets
already are, and start working on their sentences first.
- The students may raise their hands or ask each other for help if
they need help.
- The students work on their worksheets and pictures, then they
hand it in to me
- If they are done early they can colour a career colouring page
(attached below).
Closure (5-10 minutes):
- Everyone get in partners and one at a time, act out what job you
want to do. Your partner should try and guess what you are
acting out, then when they have guessed, switch partners and
have them act out what they want to be.
- I will show them an example, and remind them not to use their
words, just actions.
- Grade ones and twos write one sentence.
- T and N will work with a partner of their choice, and I will quietly
ask them who they would like to work with before they start I
will ask them to ask who they chose to be their partner will you
be my partner later on?
- The rest of the children can choose their partners.
- Some of the students who need extra help, I will rainbow write
for (write the words in a light coloured highlighter and they can
write over top.
- Those who are not strong writers can also have a different
worksheet I will prep them that some have different worksheets
than the others and that is okay.

Name: _________
When I grow up I want to be a
I want to be _____________because


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