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Ashley, Jerry & Parker

Homeland Security was introduced by President
George W. Bush following the September 11
terrorist attacks.
The office of homeland security was announced
11 days after 9/11.
Tom Ridge was appointed as director of the
Office of Homeland Security on October 8,
The Department of Homeland Security was
established November 25, 2002, by the
Homeland Security act of 2002.

What is Homeland Security?

Homeland Security refers to the
government actions that are designed
to prevent, and recover from acts of
The Term was first announced post
September 11, 2001.
Was put into effect to help combat

Why is Homeland Security Necessary?

DHS helps stop international and domestic terrorists from invading from threatening
this country.
National disasters and international criminal activities are areas DHS also works
with to contain and prevent by being a central contact for local, state and national

Departments Of Homeland Security

Quick Fact

The United States Department of Homeland Security is the body

responsible for dealing with terrorist threats and actions on
American soil.

Terrorism Rating System

In the picture to the right, you will see the chart which the
D.H.S. uses to assess the terrorist rate.

Terrorism: Different Types

Terrorism can show up in many forms. Such as, killing innocent
people, bombing major places, acts against democracy and
destroys communications.

The Conundrum
With the constant supervision of our economic and technological information, the Department of Homeland Security has experienced
scrutiny from the population, accusing them of breaching our fourth Amendment right--the right to privacy.
Some say, following the September 11th tragedy, came a time of McCarthy like tactics, implemented by President Bush and his
conies. In reference to the carrying out of the Patriot Act.
In an interview, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who was 1 of only 3 Republicans not in favor of passing the bill stated, in essence, that they
(Congress members) werent allowed the opportunity to read the provisions of the new law; and that the bill hadnt even been
printed before voting ensued.

However, the Government states that the Patriot Act just highlights laws that were already in place prior to September 11. It just
makes it easier for the government to investigate people that are involved.
These laws include legal actions against people who are involved in drug trafficking, acts of terrorism and those who harbor terrorists.

The Current Plan

Defeat Terrorism Worldwide
Find, Disrupt, and Destroy Al Qaeda
New Capabilities to Aggressively Defeat Terrorists
Prepare the Military to Meet 21st Century Threats
Restore American Influence and Restore Our Values

Demmer, Valerie L. "Civil Liberties AND HOMELAND SECURITY. (CoverStory)." Humanist 62.1 (2002): 7. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.

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