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Alix Cooper

Section ABC

Lesson Plan Music- Beat #3

Grade/Subject: 1 Music

Unit: Beat

Lesson Duration: 30 mins

GLO: Through the elementary music program,
students will develop insights into music through
meaningful musical activities.

Students will:

Demonstrate that music moves to a steady beat.


Demonstrate that the beat in music may be fast of

slow (tempo)


Move to the beat in music through marching.

Formative & Summative

will you know they met
learning objectives?)

(Observations, Key
Questions, Products/


Resource #1: Various classroom non- pitch percussion instruments
Resource #2: Classroom jingle bells
Resource #3: Drum
Resource #4: Conductors baton


Students will have access to:

- Teacher
- Jingle bells and other non pitched percussion instruments (provided everything in class goes
Teacher will have previously:
- Brought class set of jingle bells/ other instruments
- Brought drum
Introduction (_5_min.):

Body of Lesson (20 mins)

Ask students if they remember what an echo is

Ask a student to give you the answer
Ask students what beat is (beat is steady)
Ask students if they remember the beat song.
Ask students to repeat after you
Beat beat beat beat
Teacher will sing song to the students first, and then
have them sing along with her
Teacher sings To the tune of Freire Jaques while
tapping beat on leg
Beat is steady, beat is steady
Feel the beat, feel the beat,

Keep the beat so steady, keep the beat so steady

Feel the beat, feel the beat.
Teacher will ask the students if they remember the beat
game they played last time where they walked to the beat
teacher will ask students to stand up and try to
match the beat of the drum with their feet, NO
Teacher will play drum while students march on the
spot along to the beat.
Teacher will then ask the students to march around
the classroom, singing the song and marching to the
Teacher will then ask various students what they
should march like next- take time to do that for
about 10 minutes with the students (Warm up/
Teacher will then ask all students to go back to carpet
(marching as a silent lion so there is no noise) and sit in a
Teacher will ask the students if they remember working in
their marching band with the instruments the last class
Teacher will ask students if they think they can
remember the names of all of the instruments
Teacher will pull out each instrument one by one,
and ask the students if they can name them- students
will have to raise hands to give the answer. No
raising hands means no instruments later.
Teacher will then tells the students that she needs help
remembering how to play each instrument properly
One by one, the teacher will take out an instrument
and ask students if they can raise their hands if they
remember how to play the instrument.
Teacher will ask one student per instrument to come
up and show the class how to properly play the

Assessment Methods

Teacher will observe

student interaction and
interest (Formative)

The teacher should be sure to ask students easy questions P

about how the instrument should be handled.
Should we play the instruments on our feet (NO!)
Teacher will then re-teach the students the new celebration
song. - teacher sings first and then students repeat.
Point at me, point at you
Sing the song to celebrate, to celebrate, to celebrate.
Sing the song to celebrate, on this holiday.
Ask the students to sing the song.
Explain to the students that the words of this song can be
interchangeable. What does that word mean?
Explain that first we will sing the song to celebrate,
then maybe we will play the bells to celebrate.
Play the bells to celebrate, to celebrate, to celebrate
Play the bells to celebrate on this holiday.
Explain that at that time, any students who are
playing the bells will get time to play them properly
like they were taught on Tuesday.
Then the song will be changed for each instrument
(rhythm sticks, wooden spoons, jingle bells,
Tamborine, drum.
Ask students if they understand the rules
Explain that we will try it in the circle first before
we walk around so that everyone understands.
Teacher will take out conducting baton
teacher will explain that the conducting baton is to
help conductors keep the beat when they are
working with huge orchestras or bands
Tell the students that the baton always moves to the
Teacher will show students the 1-2-3-4 pattern,
explaining where the beat is
Teacher should do pattern while students say beat 1beat, 2-beat, 3-beat, 4-beat over and over until
students have a basic understanding.
Teacher will bring out instruments to the table behind her.
Teacher will then explain that she will put the instruments in
front of the first 5 people. THEY WILL NOT TOUCH THE
Afterwords the teacher will talk to the students about how
they will be playing the instrument with the beat, while she
conducts.- Try it.
Explain to students that while the baton is up, they with be
singing, but once the baton is down, they will stop singing
and playing their instruments.
Try the song one more time
Sing a song to celebrate, to celebrate, to celebrate
Sing a song to celebrate on this holiday.
While still on the carpet have students all try together Play
the instruments to celebrate

Teacher will explain that only the instruments mentioned in the song will be playing,
and that they will all get a turn. Teacher will clarify what instrument will be playing
beforehand. Everyone else has to use their best singing voice to encourage them.
Teacher will then move students into their sections bells with bells, drums with drums, etc.
Teacher will explain that she will allow them to play the instruments along with the baton but
if people play the instrument at the wrong time, they will be asked to put the instrument
The teacher will then ask students to pick up their instruments
Teacher starts with bells, then moves on to all the other instruments.
You guys are amazing! I bet you cant do that while marching can you?
Teacher will ask students to spread out all over the room and they will march and
match their instruments to the drum.
Now the teacher will add singing to the mix
Sing the song to celebrate, to celebrate, to celebrate
Sing the song to celebrate on this holiday. etc.
If time allows, teacher will allow students to switch up instruments.
Teacher will congratulate students on their amazing instrument playing and tell them
how excited she is for the next class when they talk all about beats partner- rhythm!

Closure ( _5_min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Teacher will be able to assess the fact that students understand what a beat
is through watching their interaction throughout the activity.
Feedback From Students: Students should seem engaged and not bored.
Feedback To Students: Students should be encouraged by their work with the jingle bells and other instruments, and
should feel as though they do understand beat.
Transition To Next Lesson: Teacher will congratulate students on their amazing instrument playing and tell them
how excited she is for the next class when they talk all about beats partner- rhythm!
Sponge Activity

If we are completed the activity, the teacher will read Jingle bells by Maryann Kovalski. If
necessary, the topic of rhythm can be basically introduced.

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